First session in Constituent Assembly-2

"Now, we will start with the discussion on our constitution, the rule book that will lead our proud nation.

It will constitute the rights and duties of all citizens, judiciary, legislature, executive, media houses, and other institutions in the country. 

There are some things that should be considered before we start working on the draft. It should be detailed, but not too long and complex. Afterall, it is something that will be taught in the schools too, the major parts atleast. A democracy will only work if each and every citizen is aware of their rights, duties, rules and what will become outdated with time and need to be edited, or changed completely.

We will select a drafting committee, which will consist of the MPs here, and the personalities in the concerned fields. For example, JRD Tata for business, CV Raman, SN Bose, Homi Bhabha for science and research, people knowledgeable about the scriptures that can uncover what we already had or invented, and to remove the propaganda and the loots in achievements as well. Because from what I know, we knew that the earth is an elliptical sphere and it rotates on its own axis, while revolving around the sun from times immemorial, centuries before the said person in english propaganda books.

We also have to carefully create the history books so that it isn't biased towards the writer's personal views about a person. Imagine if someone idolised Aurangzeb instead of Dara Shikoh as a true Muslim? That will lead to disaster. Imagine someone saying that British abolished the Sati when the earliest I know was Akbar, and I am not knowledgeable enough to know who did it even before him.

The Education Policy will be one of the main discussion point to discuss in the coming days, and it would be formed to get rid of colonial propaganda and to remove the baggage put on us to let children think freely and develop critical thinking. 

So, for today, I would like the discussion to be held for the following topics:

1) Forming of Drafting Committee

2) Basic election system: Presidential, Parliamentary, or some other, structure of political parties, etc. 

3) Number of pillars of government: Legislature, Executive, Judiciary, Media and Comedians, or more or less, whatever. 

And after we have finished discussing these things today, we will have the discussions on the major issues like the UN, preparing for the eventual war that Pakistan will wage against us, and the removal of British, Portugese and French occupation in our territories. 

Today is going to be a long day, since we have a deadline to form our constitution by the end of 1948. It is a turbulent time, with instability everywhere. We have Chinese Civil War going on, Capitalist vs Communist, Korea is unstable in the same direction too. 

So I want to declare something before we start, so that we don't have to worry about a stupid civil war like that breaking out. India won't be either Capitalist or Communist. The moment we try to think along those lines, economy will turn bad and people's life will become worse. It's the government's duty to provide proper healthcare, education, and making proper regulations so that people can be uplifted from poverty. But it's also government's responsibility to not have excessive control that will ruin businesses and stagnate economy. 

We will start with testing both of these things out. Since Gujarat is the most stable and business oriented right now, we will follow capitalist model in the cities, and since Bihar has the most dense population with terrible land inequality, we will do land reforms there to put a limit on the amount of land that can be owned, and try to increase the food yield there. Likewise, we will try different things in different states to test what suits which region the most. Because, there is no singal answer for a country as big and diverse as India.