First Session in Constituent Assembly-Final

The rest of the day at the assembly went well. I guess the politicians of around this time aren't that useless as in the future.

The unrecognition of Pakistan passed without a hitch, and several things came to fruition in this session, while many things didn't get enough time.

The Drafting committee was made up of BR Ambedkar, Rajendra Prasad, Ram Chattopadhyay and Murli Srinivaas along with experts from different fields like JRD Tata, Homi Bhabha, etc.

Then there was a debate over Presidential vs Parliamentary system, and there was no result in the end and it was scheduled for a later date.

As for the common language, it was decided that it will be Indic, made upon English as a base, but used only for science standardisation, which is a really good thing.

Then there was the States debate, whether to create them on linguistic basis or random lines on the map. The linguistic option is the logical one but it has a certain risk. People demanding their own country on the basis of language. But from my perspective, if we give people states on their language, the need for a separate country shouldn't arise. 

Still, the proposal was put that there shouldn't be more than 50 states. A committee was formed to determine the state borders.

That is all which could be discussed today.