Government Companies and Employees

BJS got a clear majority in Lok Sabha, and will get in Rajya Sabha as well because it won in most of the states, though some states with very less margin or alliances.

Like in Punjab, BJS formed an alliance with Abdul Gaffar Khan's Khudai Khimatgar, and in Maharashtra with alliance with RJS.

But majorly, BJS has gotten enough power to not fear many of the policies that it needs to pass.

The first policy passed by the central cabinet using its executive powers is the 'Corporation Framework'

Under this, certain policies are introduced.

1. Already existing companies can't be nationalised. If a company is of national importance, at most 51% stake can be bought by the Union Government, but the government won't interfere unless the company is failing.

However, companies holding more than 75% of the market share in their field can be requested to assist in creation and running of government companies in the field.

This gave RJD Tata the assurance that TATA airlines won't be taken from the TATA group by nationalising, meanwhile getting his help in establishing a government aviation company.

2. Government companies will operate the same as any private company, aside from the Union Government having atleast 51% stake in them. This means that aside from the initial capital, the companies will be forced to rely on themselves, and won't get the benefits government employees did during the British Raj. They can absolutely be fired, and won't get the benefits like free house, and all.

Instead, every employee will have a good enough salary along with a stake in the company.

3. No company can ask its employee to do overtime. They can only request, and if an employee agrees, they will get the same base salary per hour + atleast 10%. They also can't be asked to do work at home for free.

4. No food, cosmetics, utensil and other product companies who come directly under contact with humans can start selling their product to general public before passing all the tests to be declared safe.

Incidentally, all the tests must be done within 45 days (except those which require more than 45 days in observation period).

5. No food item for children below the age of ten should have any added sugar.

6. A product with a branding for containing a certain ingredient must have atleast 90% of the said ingredient.

For example, if a company produces oil which contains less than 90% coconut oil, it can't be labelled as Coconut oil.

7. Any product labelled as 'health supplement' like health drinks, multivitamins, etc. must undergo clinical trial in an IIM. No claim outside of what is found can be made.

8. No private company is allowed to extract natural resources of the country. Example: coal, diamonds, copper, iron, etc.

They can take part in the second step of production, that is processing. But not extraction.

9. Companies in areas not of major national interest, like automobile, train engines, train coaches, furniture, radio, TV, etc. can't have monopoly. That's why, they can't buy their major competitors.

etc. etc. etc.

It also gave a detailed overview of how government companies will work from now on.

1. A starting capital will be given, and then, the company has to rely on itself.

The government will have atleast 51% stake in the company, and private players will run the companies. If they try to exploit the people or mismanage the company though, the government can change the private entity and hand it to another.

2. In each field a government company is, there will be another government company to compete with it.

For example, in the Railways, there will be two government companies, A Railways Corporation and B Railways Corporation.

3. In any government job, only uptil 10% can be reserved for economically backward people. Once a person uses the reserved seat, his or her descendants won't be eligible for reservation again.

4. In the A and B types of companies, A will be a cooperative company, where every employee will have some part of the company.

5. For people married after 1st January 1951, only those who have 3 or less children can become a government employee.

6. Every government company and office will have a Complaints Bureau, where a common person can complain against the government employees doing corruption and other complaints.

7. Though no longer getting apartments for free, government employess will get subsidies for getting apartments, a higher salary, and shares in the company.

8. Salary Breakdown.

If a person's monthly salary is 100,

5 will go in Pension Scheme,

5 will go in National Healthcare Scheme, and

5 will go in National Housing Scheme.

Pension Scheme

Instead of the government giving retired employees their pension from its pocket and straining the budget, 5% of the employee's salary will directly go in Pension funds.

The combined Pension funds, National Healthcare Scheme, National Housing Scheme will be invested in India 5, Ind 24, Indian International Investment Firm(IIIF), Indian Domestic Investment Firm (IDIF) and other diverse investments.

(India 5 will be the Top 5 most valuable public companies in India on the stock market, similarly Ind 24 will be for top 24.

IIIF will invest in other countries, especially profitable economies.

IDIF will invest domestically).

The Pension fund of each person will accumulate over the years, and on retirement, they will get their funds back along with the 4% interest, which can change depending upon on how the investments perform.

Healthcare Scheme

5% of the salary will be deposited directly into Healthcare Fund.

Under this, the hospitals, which will be mainly partnerships between the governments and private companies will give free healthcare for children of the employee below the age of 18, and heavily subsidised treatment in case of requiring surgeries, admission in the hospitals, etc., basically functioning as insurance.

Housing Scheme

This will help each employee to get one apartment or a house. This can only be used for rents, buying apartment, and can be withdrawn easily even while not retiring or leaving the company.

Under the housing scheme, the planning commission will design societies with mid-rise buildings with 1BHK, 2BHK and 3BHK houses on each floor, to build a more cohesive society between the rich and poor. Furthermore, it will be based on religious percentages of the district to force people to live with each other, and not form communal areas.

Each of these societies will have a school uptil 12th, basic hospital, fire station, a mall, vegetable market, bus stop, big park, big lake, Guild outpost, and other basic facilities within 5 kms of reach. Moreover, all societies will be required to have rain water harvesting, waste decomposting facilities.

(More of the National Housing Scheme will be explained in the next chapter)