SuperCity planning commission Draft

Before the elections, a census was conducted across India.

It included basic details such as Name, Age, Gender, Religion, District, Address, number of family members, their census IDs, etc.

The total population of India came out to be 431 million.

Now, for most of the government policies to work efficiently, it was needed that everyone gets an ID card, and atleast each adult gets a bank account.

The Northern, Eastern, Western, and Southern Banks of India were established immediately after independence to get to work.

The Guild in Kolkata has already gotten around 1.7 million people, mainly including the guild members and textile workers along with their families, even before the election ended, to have their bank accounts in the Eestern Bank of India.

In the first draft of the SuperCity planning commission, headed by Satyankar himself, various things have been mentioned.

First of all, it is proposed for Mumbai+(Mumbai and surrounding areas like Navi Mumbai, etc.) to be developed as a Free City.

A Free City won't have any income taxes, taxes for foreign and domestic non-real estate corporate headquarters, developed beaches, a fully advanced and developed port, skyscrapers beyond the national standard, first metro, and will serve as the World Trade Centre(established in 1948 by Satyankar) headquarters, and World Trade Currency(WTC).

(It will be discussed more in the later chapters.)

It isn't set in the stone, but after researching more about the best place for the Free City, it can be either Mumbai, Surat, or some other coastal city.

Aside from that, there will be a total of 30 SuperCities in the proposal, instead of the first 18 cities that were proposed.

In the planning commission, the key-points are:

-Banning slums. Instead, proper housing societies will be created in the area step by step with high rise buildings according to the geography, and the families living in the slums will be given free apartments in the new buildings.

-In each SuperCity, there will be quotas on the basis of religion, and the SCs and STs which will be decided later within each religious community.

-Within 5 kms of each society there will be basic amenities.

-The areas for the housing societies, shopping complexes, parks, metro stations, bullet stations, normal stations, forests, wildlife reserves, Universities, Expressways, Drainage, Waste Management, Corporate Parks, Police Stations, Tourist attractions, hotela, etc. are already marked out for Mumbai+ and Kolkata+, and underway for the remaining 28.

-In housing societies, the skyscrapers and 5-6 stories buildings will alternative with plenty of space between each other, so that it doesn't become suffocating. Proper ventilation will be there.

-The lowest floor will have no apartments, but community centres for stuff like marriage, reception, society meetings, etc.

-Having 1BHK, 2BHK, 3BHK and 4BHK apartments at the same floor.

-IHSC-A and B(Indian Housing Society Companies) are the government companies, and even private companies are allowed to build the societies. But, each and every Housing Society company MUST include insurances of 50 years, including covering the costs of renovation, paintjob, etc. from the companies that the society chooses.

-There will be free land holdings too, atleast 30% of a city where market will decide what to do. Though if it is an apartment complex, they have to follow the housing society code. If a person wants to build private property where the family will live, like a mansion, builde, etc., they are allowed to do so in the free zone.

-The goal is to make 200 million apartments all across the country by 1975.

-No person in a Housing Society can own more than one apartment or land property elsewhere.

It will start in an experimental phase in Kolkata+ and Mumbai+.

(Kolkata+ and Mumbai+ mean the city itself and the surrounding areas to which the city will expand into.)