International News

A week has passed since Satyankar-led BJS party came into power in India. Moreover, it was evidently clear that Satyankar was the most popular leader right now from the gote percentage he got.

For the USA, it was a good thing. While Nehru was also a liberal politician, it was evidently clear that he wouldn't allow any foreign companies inside India, which Satyankar was open to for manufacturing purpose, and has even promised to open up the economy in 20 years.

That makes one less leader of a country to overthrow.

The current American president, Truman was invited as the chief guest for this year's Indian Independence Day parade.

Moreover, there were talks between the diplomats of both the countries about invitation to Diwali celebration, in which Stalin, Mao, Sukarno and Yoshida are also invited.

It is unclear about who will attend and who wouldn't. Since US doesn't have any diplomatic relations with the PRC, and knowing that the Korean Civil War is ongoing, the meeting can serve as a negotiation table, or Mao wouldn't even accept the invitation citing the war.

For now, India wasn't worth paying too much attention. Vietnam is also falling under the hands of communists, and Indonesia and Malay regions need to be brought in American sphere of influences to secure the Malaaca Strait. It can be useful to choke China in the future when its own oil reserve isn't enough.


In USSR, various high-level meetings were being held almost daily. Soviet Union's support for CPI was exposed, despite any foreign funding being banned.

The top leaders of CPI were arrested, and CPI was banned for twenty years according to the Election Commission rules.

By inviting US President as the chief guest for the first Independence day parade after the formation of the first independent government, it was clear that USSR was loosing influence.

Indian Ocean has been the most important ocean since the beginning of the human history. The Pacific may have been the most revenue generation ocean for the world for now, but as the newly independent economies grow, along with increase in oil exports, Indian Ocean will definitely surpass the Pacific in importance some years later.

Interfering in the first election of a country as big as India has earned Soviet Union a bad name, and US media is capitalising on it.

India and Indonesia are the two main countries required to be friends with to exist in Indian Ocean. Indian fishermen ships have been harassing the British islands south of Lakshadweep lately, and there has been steady rise in demand for independence and to become a state of India.

India is being aggressive because it has domestic advantage, and currently UK is busy in Korea. Once both India and Indonesia have grown strong enough, it can effect USSR's usage of the ocean.

For now, USSR has decided to play appeasement politics with oil, working in the direction of establishing oil and gas pipelines to India as it is doing with Europe. The more dependent India becomes on its oil amidst the sanctions from the muslim countries, the better it is for USSR.


In the muslim world, only two out of all Western Asian countries are gradually softening to India.

Iranian revolution been raging British influenced Iran. In favour of a cooperative company like AMUL for Iran's oil has put every single person not in the ruling class on board with support to the revolution, despite the difference between the different sections of the society. Namely the islamists and the new emerging Mosair revolutionaries.

Mosair revolutionaries are playing politics of abandoning an Arabised islam, since Irani hate being associated with the Arabs.

The major flaw of the Iranian revolution though is not having a central figure uptil recently. Whenever someone tried to rise to the leadership of the revolution, he was instantly executed.

This time, a woman named Mahalagha Jaberi, the widow of the previous leader of the Iranian revolution has been getting steady in the leadership position, since the king is less likely to execute a woman, even more if she is a widow. The US media, which is almost on par with the British, is heavily covering the revolution. Plus, a number of masked individuals, masks much like the blank mask of ANBU has been protecting her. It is becoming increasingly difficult to atleast arrest her, as she keeps moving with the masked individuals and appears out of nowhere near a different area to gathet support of the Iranis.

The revolution has been famously dubbed as 'Mask Revolution'.

The CIA is obviously aware that it is a ploy of India, and is fine with it. Once the British influence is gone, an 'independent' journalist just needs to oust India's involvement, throw in some extra-marital affair allegations against Jaberi, and since she is a woman, she will be easily removed in the traditional society. Her right-hand man will then take in the reigns.

Anyway, another muslim nation in West Asia, or North Eastern Africa, Egypt has been growing soft on India lately, after India is supporting it in nationalising the Seuz canal. Though will it grow soft enough to sell oil in the near future? Nobody knows.


In UK, Churchill has been recently elected as the PM again.

Amidst tense Indo-UK relations, Churchill getting elected shattered any hopes of even acquaintance-level relations, much less friendly.

The Indian PM and most of his party members also openly call him 'Hitler of Indians', so the public opinion of a common British person towards India is also not particularly good.

One of the main agenda through which Churchill came in power was by criticising Atlee's approach of trying to settle things peacefully, which was seen as being week towards a country that can split apart any moment.

So now if Churchill went back at his British Empire pride and tried to negotiate with India, he will loose local support.

Of all things, demanding Kohinoor that is engraved in the British Crown was something even the most Anti-colonial Britisher was enraged.

For a country being exploited by a German family for centuries, they are idiotically loyal to the wrong people. They should learn something from France.

Recently, an article on how English was a German language and the native language of Britain was brutally wiped out along with its people gained some traction, though it was quickly buried.

Northern Ireland has been shown as a part of Ireland in India's official world map, as Britain continues to recognise Pakistan. Many refugees from India that wanted Pakistan has also come to Britain, and they were helped to form Pakistani government in exile.

Strangely, India isn't doing anything about them. Instead, it is actually helping those Pakistan sympathesizers to safely deliver them to Britain.

Some MPs opposed accepting such refugees since they will be a cancer to Britain, which is a Christian country. Though citing human rights and other bullshit, the British government is allowing refugees easily to pressurise India with the Pakistani community, since they will be given voice in this country instead of suppressing it.

Anyway, putting his political career at stake, Churchill requested a trip to India, but was instantly denied within a minute of call with the Indian Foreign Minister.

A Foreign Minister denying a Prime Minister!

And if that wasn't enough, even the British King was refused entry in India, by Agricultural Minister!

That's even worse!


As Churchill was looking over the Pakistani refugee camp, a boy pointed at him and started laughing. All the children followed suit.

"What the hell did that f*cker say!?"

Churchill asked the translator, and he hesitated. But after seeing Churchill glare more intensely, answered his question.

"Chor means Thief. It is a popular movie in India which was made tax-free, and even screened in many panchayats, umm, village governing body."

Churchill's face went red with anger.

'Those beastly people dare call the British thieves!?'

As if that wasn't enough, a woman who was breastfeeding her child saw the commotion her older children made, and as soon as they made eye contact, she hid her golden necklace in her blouse and ran away.

"Those beastly people... Don't have the money to buy bread, but always flaunt gold."

"Umm, the jewelleries are mostly generational. Most are more than 100-200 years old being passed down in the families."

The translator informed him, and he was fired.

"Since they have jewellery, they shouldn't need British government's support to feed themselves for years."

Churchill muttered, and the next day, the aid to the refugees were severly cut. Churchill even said to sell their jewellery because the British government can't afford to feed them indefinitely.

And the next day, several newspapers told the world about it.

The New York Times published the article with the title, "UK really a thief? Churchill threatened innocent refugee women to give away their ancestral jewelleries to feed their kids."


A news spread throughout the world like a wildfire.

"Homi Bhabha and Vikram Sarabhai dead in a terrorist attack on plane going from Bangalore to Delhi."