Independence Day Parade

(15th August 1950)

Through the Kartavyapath, which was named as Kingsway during British Raj, the Independence Day parade was going to go through.

Within the BJS party, there have been discussions to shift the capital from Delhi to a more middle city, like Indore, Bhopal, or another city. Where there will be plenty of water, greenery and better defensive position.

But it was still in talks, and it will take atleast 10-15 years to build it to functional levels.

But for now, India had to have the Independence celebration in colonial structures, even though they were built by Indian people and Indian money.

In the observation deck, behind several layers of bulletproof glass, Indian PM and US President were waiting for the parade to start.

In the speakers, Vande Matram started playing, indicating the start of the parade.

The footsteps of soldiers reverberated in perfect sync, and the first unit of soldiers came into view.

"They are the soldiers of INA, which was under Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. If it wasn't for these brave soldiers, our army wouldn't have gotten the final push to stop listening to British commands."

As the leading unit was introduced by the speaker, Truman was impressed. Since INA fought with the support of the Axis power Japan, any normal country wouldn't have put them in the most important parade, much less putting them in the lead.

All while having the most important country of the Allied powers.

Honestly, he didn't care much. His goal here was to make India an ally, since China has become USSR's ally. There was a consensus amongst the top leaders of USA to even offer help in developing nuclear bomb if it means India comes under US block.

Then, various units of the military came and went. The weapons were mainly British, some aircrafts bought from US, the ones that US no longer needed because it was outdated, so were donated to India after Nationalists in China were defeated, a French tank, and some Soviet AK-47s and other rifles.

And then, there was a new fighter jet he hasn't seen before.

"This is our first indigenous fighter jet, Aasha."

"It looks amazing!"

It doesn't. From the looks of it, it is a barely finished one, and from the stats that were listed, barely comparable to what Germany has started the WW2 with. So, more than 10 years behind.

But this didn't mean that US didn't need to be cautious now. If it is able to even create one itself after three years of Independence, even its engine, then it wouldn't take much time to catch up.

Afterall, USA did catch up to Germany in just a few years. Probably, a jew refugee created it. And most probably from Germany, since it looks so much like a German jet.

As the weapon showcase seemed to have ended, interesting things started coming up.

A fleet of bikers came with various stunt poses.

And after that, the colour of the parade changed from the military green and blue to many colours.


A majestic elephant was dragging a platform, on which men were having intense martial arts fight.

"Even the elephant's steps are in sync!"

The ministers, general public, foreign diplomats, and media all were shocked.

"Indian Elephants have dominated the battlefields for centuries. And they weren't just for wars. They have a deep relationship with us. They are very smart, and our friends.

And the martial arts they are doing? It is called Kalaripayattu, the mother of all martial arts. It originated in the southern region of India, founded by Lord Parshuram. Buddhist monks then spreaded it to China and other parts of Asia, and it evolved according to the region. Even within India, there are many different forms of martial arts.

They were so dangerous for the British that they banned them."

Then various dance groups of different states performed, along with the folk music.

As everyone was enjoying themselves, they were even more shocked as a 20m high statue of a Nine-tailed Tiger was smirking at them, along with people in weird costumes running on the platform in a strange way by keeping their arms back.

"Is it from some mythology?"

"Have you read Sambhar?"

"I have heard that you created the comic. But I didn't get the time to read it yet."

"Well, then I suppose I can atleast tell you something about the tiger, since he is in the first chapter.

You see the orange haired guy with whisker marks? His name is Sambhar, and the Nine-tailed Tiger, Simba was sealed within him at birth. I apologise, but I think it would be better if you read it. Spoilers spoil all the fun."

"Oh. I will definitely read it."

Truman wondered if spoiler meant the story that hasn't been read yet. First time he heard it used for a comic.

"It's an eagle!"

Truman shouted in excitement as he saw a 10m high eagle statue, and couldn't help but look at the Indian black woman with red eyes standing on it proudly.

Red eyes?

"That's Princess Srishti, the rival of the protagonist."


He now definitely needed to read it.

Following the procession of Sambhar, three group of beautiful girls with different dresses, but similar color of their groups paraded with constant smiles on their faces.

"They are cosplaying as the Kat dolls, the three sisters Soniya, Shreya and Aliya."

These dolls were alternatives for Barbie. In Indian society, colourism has become deeply rooted. And with foreign dolls, it would have become even more deeply ingrained. So with three sister dolls with three broad Indian colours, it would help to alleviate a bit of discrimination atleast.

And if these dolls become famous across the world, it would be very, very great for India's soft power.

After the dolls' parade, two military units arrived at the same time. But, it had a woman leading the men, and a man leading the women, and they were at the side column instead of the middle. .

They turned towards the observation deck, and the crowd went crazy.

Both of the leads performed moonwalk at the beats, and came at the middle of their group.

"Introducing a brand new danceform, led by Murlidharan Shrivastav and Radha Kumari, Hip Hop!"

Beats beated, and the dancers moved in ways never seen before. Everyone went bangers with a banger music and the completely new form of dance. The way they handled their hats, the synchronized moves, the beat movements, the jumping, the flips, everything made the crowd want to dance with them.

As Satyankar saw Truman move his head according to the beats, he smirked.

'Sorry Michael Jackson. Hip hop is Indian now. And the iconic moonwalk is Murli and Radha's signature move.'

Suddenly, the beats became slow, and then, the rap started, and everything went crazy fast.

The tricolors were used efficiently and improved the dance, and towards the end of the dance, they assembled themselves in a pyramid, and with the Indian flags in their hands, began waving them as the beats continued to slow down and finally stopped.

"Did you like it, Truman ji?"

"OF COURSE! I have never seen something like this, ever!"

"Hahaha! Thanks for the praise! Everyone worked really hard for this day."

With enthusiasm still high, everyone got ready for successfully finishing the parade with the national anthem.

"Jan gan man-
