Questions and Suggestions

This is just a chapter for some questions I have.

1. New capital: What will be the best capital for India?

At first, I thought that Indore, Bhopal or Ujjain will be good, since they come from Madhya Pradesh. But then I realised that the maps becomes more stretched as they move from the equator.

So, maybe Nagpur will be better?

From what I think, Ujjain has very high cultural significance, as the Indian calendar and time longitudes originated from there.

Should cultural significance be taken in more account or a more middle city?

2. Laddakh: State or UT?

I know that there are protests going on. But the centre does have valid concerns because it is of national security, and the population is too low. Plus, the environmentalists won't let build strategic infrastructure easily. Given that there isn't much time before China captures Tibet, an year or two, the building process must be fast.

3. Tibet

As we know, Tibet was a theocracy. And it is undeniable that many common people did suffer under the feudal system.

China claimed Aksai Chin initially as a part of Tibet, and then Arunachal Pradesh to negotiate giving up Aksai chin for its claim on Arunachal. China, especially under Mao, is super stubborn and was against peaceful coexistence with those who didn't follow communism, especially USA. And India will have pretty close relationship with USA.

If India doesn't interefere in China taking Tibet, since most of the water of Brahmaputra comes from Arunachal Pradesh, how would a conflict with Mao's China be resolved, while solving the border disputes?

Regarding Dalai Lama, he can probably be shifted to Japan if USA pulls some strings. But no one will want to take him in, because China will attack anyone who gives him refuge. And refuge to him can't be denied as it will make India look bad.

How can the issue be solved while avoiding war?

4. Football and Kabaddi Leagues

Suggest the city teams for both leagues.

Kabaddi will have the PKL teams, + 1 or 2 more teams.

5. North East

Burma has been facing various internal issues like India. Mainly separatists and the Chinese Nationalists who were driven out by PRC. And its army which has been growing powerful won't be really keen on giving back Manipur's Land.

I am not really keen on making it an Indian state. Probably a NATO-like military alliance for Indian subcontinent to prevent military coup, and maoists.

In north-east India, BJS won because of promising to give back Manipur's land, to create a state for Nagaland, and protect everyone from missionaries, which were destroying tribal culture and the powerful ones within the tribes naturally don't like them.

Though the borders aren't made yet. And once the borders are done, insurgents will surely become increasingly unsupportive, especially Nagas.

If you have any suggestions, please.

6. Egypt

While Nassir was close to India in the first timeline, the whole Arab world is against, just a bit less than Israel.

While the relations are improving a bit since India is supporting its nationalisation of Seuz Canal, it isn't out of chance than it will block India's trade along with Israel's through the Seuz Canal, which is very important.

How can India prevent that, and improve its relation?

7. Guyana's Oil

Guyana has huge amounts of oil. How can India get oil, while preventing it from getting Freedom?


Comment for any more suggestions.