Britain's India Mission

(18th August 1950)

On 12th August, Elizabeth II was coronated as the Queen of UK and commonwealth countries at the mere age of 24.

While important figures from every colonies came, India didn't even reply to the invitation letter sent through the American Embassy. Perhaps due to India's pressure, even Ceylon and Burma didn't send anyone citing 'Nation building Emergency'.

Even US President didn't come as he was going to India two days later, and perhaps didn't want to appear THAT close to UK.

As no one from Britain was invited to India's Independence day, even media. Most people didn't know how the celebration went. Though the MPs and other important people did see it. And they were pissed, because they weren't invited.

As if the two century long relationship doesn't mean anything to Indians.

Given that no US media is making any fuss about the Indian National Army leading the parade, even though they fought with the help of Japan, it is clear that US is valuing India very much right now.

Given that UK is holding Seuz Canal and Singapore, Britain can block India's all exports, but that will only escalate the situation.

"Your Highness, let's use the INA leading their parade to convince France to block the Seuz Canal. We have Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia are in the middle of their freedom movement, and we can convince Australia.

Both West and East, let's destroy India's export until they stop this foolishness!"

Churchill explained his plan, which definitely is a great strategy. But, it is a great strategy against a warring country.

And attacking the former colony wouldn't do anything good to the already bad image of Britain.

"Did we really bomb that plane?"


"Did we?"

"...Yes. Bhabha could have created the bomb before us. He had to go."

"Sigh... this won't do. We will have to mend our good relationship again."

"I am not going to do it. If it was someone more sensible like Nehru, then I could have. But that guy is a menance! He openly calls me British Hitler!"

"Alright. I will do it."


















"Queen of UK and Commonwealth, Elizabeth II denied visa to India due to criminal background!"

Every newspaper, radio and TV channel in the world spreaded the news. Elizabeth was denied visa through the embassy in Australia on the basis of criminal background.

The whole world was laughing at the expense of the new, young queen.

The Indian Embassy in Australia even gave a detailed reason why she has a criminal background.

Some of them are:

1. Human rights violations in all colonies.

2. Deploying Concentration Camps in Kenya like Nazi Germany.

3. Wearing a crown with a stolen Indian property: Kohinoor diamond.

4. Wearing golden jewellery that was made from the highest quality gold that was melted and redesigned from Indian jewelry.

5. Holding Indian and African Gods' idols hostage.

And a lot more. 107 in total.

In the streets of London, people were protesting.

Inflation has gotten worse and worse.

Not only the raw materials have become scarce, leading to shutting down of many factories since India stopped exporting any raw material, but the oil price has been rising as well since Iran slipped away from UK's hold.

"Stop the war! Stop the war! We don't need Korea!"

And a huge amount of money and resources is going into Korean War as well.

Thankfully, there isn't pro-India sentiment atleast, and the British population believes that all the artifacts are rightfully theirs, since they 'bought' them.

Instead, there is an Anti-India sentiment, because they dared to call their monarch criminal, and demand the pride of their crown.

If only they learned something from France...

"Told you! Nothing will happen as long as that guy is in power in India. Let's go with my strategy!"

Elizabeth couldn't actually decide anything about it, she was just a figurehead who enjoyed looted wealth and taxpayers money for doing nothing but live a life of luxury.

It's just that because she was the new monarch that Churchill asked for her opinion.

"Do as you wish then."


(24th August 1950)

As the Indian ships were headed to France in Europe via Seuz Canal, and to Japan via Malacca Strait using Singapore, all of India's exports were stopped.

But instead of worrying about it, Satyankar just smiled in his office.

"Congratulations. You just cut off your legs with your own axe."