Free Straits and Canals Prelude

In the Korean war against the Communists, UN forces have been on backfoot since the beginning. They were cornored into the southern territory of Pusan.

But they had their first breakthrough two days ago as they successfully captured Kimpo Airfield, that was near the North and South Korean border.

The first ship full of military grade steel from India was set to arrive in Japan, relieving some load for US to carry it all the way through the Pacific. Moreover, TATA Steel is undeniable the best in the world. It played a very huge role in winning the WW2.

But, the US President received a phone call.

"Our ships got blocked by UK in Singapore and Seuz canal, and were told to retreat back."

"Really!? Tell the ships to stay there! We will have the paths opened right away!"

Truman immediately called Churchill.

"Mr Churchill, what is the meaning of this!?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you block India's ships!?"

"That doesn't concern the US. We have sanctioned-"

"I don't care what you did. I want the paths opened right this instant, or prepare for the interest rate on the debts to rise!"


"For f*cks sake! The ships that you blocked contains military grade steel for Japan! You will make us loose the war!"

"W-what!? This is the first time I am hearing this! The deal details in the press conference didn't contain that!"

"You think we would tell such an important detail to the whole world at the time of war? Especially to UK given the outright bad relations?

Why don't you just give in to the demands!? It's not like they are asking for any money."

"They disrespected the British Royal Family! Denied visa to the Queen! Why would we give in to their demands!?"

Truman was getting a headache. He didn't care about about any country's monarchy.

If only British people learned something from French...

Wait, speaking of French...

"France agreed to block India in Seuz Canal huh? Listen, I want the paths open in an hour. And this shouldn't be repeated, ever again."

"We can load the steel in other-"

"Eniugh already! Do you not understand that India is no longer a colony!? Do you want another war with 400 million people!? Is China not enough for you!?

I don't want any drama. Open up the paths!"


As the call ended, Truman realised that it was a bad thing to yell at another country's Prime Minister.

Well, Churchill was driving him nuts, so it wasn't his fault.

From this incident though, he realised something.

All the sea routes must be free. After the Korean War ends, US will need to work on that.