The Little Miss

Although Toby resented their haughty attitude, he didn't take the initiative to do anything. If it didn't involve him, why would he willingly involve himself in other people's drama. He had more important things to do, such as reading and daydreaming of the mystical creature. By 12:30pm at lunch, the pervasive 8-year-olds had spread all sorts of rumors about Eva. "She was poor; she didn't shower; she didn't do this and that."

Toby was unaffected by their comments, but he was curious how they affected Eva, the victim of this criticism. He wondered if she would fight or cower towards them. This put a little spark into Toby's monotonous day. Despite this he was mainly focused on the creature he had seen the day prior.

Because of his endless daydreaming, he didn't pay attention during his classes, and he froze when questioned. But he didn't seem to mind the teachers' scoldings and the other kids' laughter.

Once school finally ended, Toby was teeming with happiness, which was an unusual site. He normally looked serious as his blue eyes scrolled through books at alarming speeds. But now he finally looks like your average eight-year-old. Toby looked as if he had just succumb to a sugar rush, or he looks like he is planning to usurp something sweet.

He is currently skipping around town square and it is currently 2:30pm. He knows this because, even though they are underground, there is a clock tower that reaches all the way up to the dirt and rock ceiling. They have artificial lighting to simulate day and night. Toby headed home and told his mom that he would be getting bread and other types of food, but in reality he used this as an excuse to go to the alleyway. As soon as he got the money from his mom he ran off. Toby's mom had never seen him so happy before, but she didn't question it. Toby retraced his steps to the alleyway and when he arrived he was expecting to be the only one there. But to his dismay he saw a person with long black hair. Seeing this he quickly hid behind something thinking this person was an adult. He didn't want to get noticed by an adult, because chances are that he would get in trouble with his mother if she found out where he is. But if he did nothing, this person would find the creature inside the alleyway and then Toby's chances about learning more about the land above would be reduced to zero again. He couldn't let that happen.

He tried to find anything he could use to distract the person, anything like a stick, rope, rock, etc. But since he was hiding behind something, everything else was out of reach. If he was an adult, maybe he would be able to reach it, but Toby was only eight, so his attempts were futile.

While looking Toby did not realize how much noise he made. Soon he heard light footsteps walking towards him. Toby tried to stay quiet, but it was too late. The person was right in front of the spot Toby was hiding behind, then that person went around the object and came face-to-face with Toby.

haughty-arrogantly superior and disdainful

monotonous-dull, tedious; lacking in variety 

pervasive-spreading widely throughout an area or group of people

succumb- fail to resist

teem- be full of or swarming with

usurp- take illegally or by force