
"Excuse me, young sorcerer, might you be Kirou Abjorn?"


"Mission request, by the high council."

"The high council?"

So, they finally noticed me huh? Well guess I better take this.

"Care to give me the details?" I asked

"Universe 1, you are to capture and bring back an interdimensional rogue sorcerer from Universe 182, exact location unspecified." He replied

"Alright, it shouldn't take more than an hour, I accept the mission."

"Right, you have hereby been permitted to travel dimensions under the high council's watch, have a safe journey."

He wandered off and I went home to prepare for my mission.

"Hey there apprentice, where you off to?" My older brother asked walking in

"I am heading to the base dimension, I have a mission."

"Woah, the base dimension? Those missions are seriously exclusive, good on you little bro."

"Maybe if you weren't so weak and useless you would get a mission to go there too."

"Wow, no need to be such a dick. Anyway before you go make sure you have your knife and your chalk." He left the room and I finished getting prepared

I walked outside and back towards sorcerer's landing, the massive structure in the Goetsu that allows for interdimensional travel.

"Enter name." The gateway pulled up a screen to enter my name

"Kirou Abjorn, universe 1."

"Identity confirmed, Kirou Abjorn, passage confirmed."

The gateway opened up and I walked through to find myself in a warm place, it looked like it would be a sorcerer school. Except for one thing, I could feel there was no atmospheric magic here. I'd been told the fundamental laws of physics in this universe were harsh but to the extent that magic as a whole doesn't even exist? I couldn't have even imagined that.

I walked inside this normal school and started looking around. People from Universe 182 are biologically modified, as well as being chipped at birth. This chip is used as an identifier and begins glowing if the phrase, "182nd day into the year, no escape is clear." Saying this phrase in a multitude of ways will activate the chip's glow.

"Excuse me, do you know anyone who can do magic?" I asked the first person I saw

"Yeah of course I do, I can do magic."

"Really? Well, you know what I think?"

"What's that?" They responded

"Well it's just that it's the 182nd day into the year, and no escape is clear."

"What? Dude, I was just messing with you but are you ok? Magic isn't real and the shit you're saying is really weird."

"Really? How useless, well I guess I'll find someone else."

"The hell is wrong with you?" He quickly ran off

Just then a loud noise was playing and it seemed like people were entering classrooms. I must've arrived during break time and now it's class. I walked into a random class and saw some rudimentary math on the board and took a seat in the back.

"You new here kid?" The guy next to me started talking

"Oh I am, how did you know?"

"You have a sort of look about you, anyway where are you from?"

"I come from a different place."

"Lemme guess."

"You won't be able to, but I'll humor you."

"Japan? No China! Am I right?"

"Sorry you're wrong, but you know I've heard this old Chinese phrase. I was thinking you could help me decipher the meaning."

"Sure hit me." He said

"It goes like this, 182nd day into the year, no escape is clear."

Just then his neck glowed and his face looked shocked. I took out my knife before slashing. He held it with just his hand before throwing it across the classroom.

"Damn genetic modification, even someone living in a magicless environment is this powerful just due to its lasting effects," I said picking up my knife

"I knew they'd come for me eventually, but I'm not going back, I'd rather die."

"Sorry, permission to reside in another dimension needs to be taken up with the Grand Council."

"You're naive."

He came at me again and started hitting me, I used my knife to block but it wasn't enough. I hit him once and he barely got scratched, I went in with the knife again and got a few good slashes in but he was still barely injured.

"Fine then, you've made me do this," I said pulling out my chalk

"What's the chalk for? Gonna vandalize the sidewalk to defeat me?" He started laughing

I drew the symbol on the palm of my hand before walking towards him.

"What's this?"

"Kenjitetsu, destruction, 12th form," I said pressing my palm to his stomach

An explosion released directly into his stomach and he passed out. The genetic modification is impressive, surviving one of my spells, let alone a kenjitetsu is an incredible feat. I grabbed him and walked outside while all the people who'd been in the classroom were left in shock. I used a kenjitetsu to wipe their memories of me and continued.

I tried using the spell to return to the Goetsu but nothing happened and the criminal woke up.

"It won't work idiot, remember? No magic in this world." He said

I got freaked out and climbed up to the roof with him in my hands. I threw him on the ground and demanded an explanation.

"Well it's simple dear Kirou, oh you don't remember, do you? Interdimensional travel spells require atmospheric magic, there isn't enough magic in this world to sustain that spell, you're stuck here!"

"No, I can't be stuck? Here? No, this isn't possible. I'm the prodigy sorcerer. I mastered every single spell at age 10, and then created spells tons more powerful by the time I was 11! I'm one of the most intelligent sorcerers, and I overlooked a simple detail such as that. I can't be stuck here, I need to become 18 and turn into a full-fledged sorcerer, I was so close I just need 2 more years."