Lessons in Siphon Device Creation

We went back to his home to discuss further operations and our plans moving forward.

"How do I go home?"

"Well Kirou I can assist you but I must ask for something in return."

"And that is?"

"Allow me to remain in this dimension, any dimension, as long as you don't return me to universe 182."

"I'm unsure I can authorize that, but for now, I'll make that deal with you."

"No, I only help you, if you help me, got it?"

"Fine then, I will attempt to assist you, first tell me your name."

"Thank you Kirou, I am Toketsu Kyodo, and I am innocent."

I needed a way of getting more magic into the atmosphere, it would take about 100x the amount of magic for a return spell than for a Kenjitetsu. But that's not the only issue, interdimensional travel requires atmospheric magic, while other types of spells require enforced magic.

"Toketsu, how do I increase the amount of atmospheric magic?"

"Well, when I arrived here I could feel the atmospheric magic was weak, but now I've so little magic I can't even feel magic in any way."

"Hmm, so you're saying you can feel the contents of the atmosphere and detect the magic?"

"You catch on, so all you need to do is get some magic into me and I'll be able to help you restore the atmosphere."

"Right then, give me some time and some materials and I'll create something for you."

"Thank you Kirou, I can sense we will be together for a while."

I started work on a magical siphon device, which under Goetsu's laws is technically illegal, but I can argue that a stranded magician does what they have to. I gathered many parts and soon crafted a device for Toketsu. I had to wait for him to get home as he said something about going out with friends, even though I told him he would never see them again once I restored the atmosphere.

"Ah, you're back," I said as Toketsu opened the door

"Yeah, what's up?"

"I've completed this siphon device, if you wear it, it should draw all the magic in the atmosphere towards you, and in a few days you should be able to feel where all the magic is going."

"Yeah, I've been thinking about that, see the base dimension is a highly restricted zone, and I got here by chance when escaping. So it stands to reason universe 182 has been up to something involving this universe, meaning that they are probably the reason there's no magic here."

"That doesn't help, I mean it's information that might be useful to someone, but it doesn't help me go home so I don't care, you understand that?"

"You're a real selfish guy you know that?"

"Whatever-." We were interrupted by the news which showed a rocket launching.

The person said that it was humanity's first manned mission to Mars. Meaning they have had the Yuunifishor yet.

"Shit, Toketsu maybe we should hurry? I want to be out of here even sooner when that happens."

"When what happens? Oh the Mars mission, why is something up with it?"

"I can't tell you due to Goetsu code but yes, something is up with it and I'd like to be gone before it happens."

"Very ominous thank you, you've not only frightened me but pissed me off." He said

"If you are accepted as a refugee of universe 182 then I can tell you, but if I tell you now and you interfere with this universe's response to the Yuunifishor then you will be killed, and most likely I with you."

"Selfish as ever." He got angry and stormed off.

The next morning Toktetsu ran off to school and I had a few things to do myself. Firstly I needed to get more chalk, it seems like in this universe chalk isn't a dangerous and complicated weapon but instead something children use to play with. Next on the agenda was to get more materials to build a magic sensor, which was a bit more problematic.

"Hello, I'm looking for an energy core."

"An energy core? Like a battery?"

"Yes, a battery, but it has to generate energy infinitely."

"Haha, you're funny kid, here take these batteries, they aren't infinite but they'll last a long time, on the house take 'em."

"That's unnecessary, I have the ability to pay."

"Right sure you do kid, now scram."

I went back to Kirou's place before seeing a ton of scrap metal that I collected, now with my batteries, assortment of metals, and collection of tools I could finally begin work.

I sat my stuff down on the table and got to work, first I combined the materials inside the battery and imbued a bit of magic into them. Then I created a reverse heinsaws ridge and connected it to the battery before encasing it in the metal, I sealed it with some more magic and tested the device.

It seemed like it was working and so I left it on to begin collecting the little atmospheric magic that existed in this world.