Information and Cast

Greetings, This is my first time publishing on Webnovel. This project started life as a musical endecour, and I eventually made a theatrical version. Feel free to leave feedback, criticism, and praise. I will try to respond to comments.

Awakening of Wings (AoW) is a three act play about a female protagonist who awakens in a fantasy, steampunk world with wings, as well as her journey to understand them. The central theme of the play is the dangers of selflessness. The secondary themes are betrayal and the cost of power.

Dramatis Personae: (Cast)

Protagonist: Female, has wings, selfless but naive and easily manipulated.

Ser Draconis (Dragoon Knight): Male, violent when provoked, chivalrous, honourable, rather large and powerfully built.

Adapetus Mechanical (A.M): Male, eccentric, possibly mad, quite greedy.

Lord Preen: Male, very snooty, upper class, arrogant and self-centred.

Lady of The Night/ Ot Zhro Nilgh'ri: cultist, manipulative,very fanatical, later used as a vessel for the deity she worships.