Act One: Scene One

(A landscape of true elegance is revealed to us. The magic of this realm is deeply interwoven into every fibre of reality. A young maiden lies in a crater in the ground. She has an almost avian look that extends to her base are soft snow white wings, with a slight green, shimmer to them, are attached. She appears to be semi-conscious....)

(The stage is softly lit. There is slight smoke around the crater.)

(Protagonist is slowly stirring, eventually rising)

Protagonist: Where am I?

Protagonist: (Looking around, taking everything in) W-Wow...

Protagonist: (Notices a reflective pool nearby)

(There is no more smoke around the unnatural crater. The light focuses on the pool)

Protagonist: (walks over to the pool, a little unsteady, due to the unknown presence of the wings)

(Musical cue: mvt 1 Awakening of Wings)

Protagonist: (starts upon seeing the wings in the pool)

Protagonist: (audible gasp) Good heavens! What sorcery is this? Thy back seems to have sprouted wings! (a little shocked but not terrified)

(She tries to spread the wings out, to her delight the wings obey)

(Stage direction: light brightens and focuses on the protagonist)

Protagonist: (Full of barely concealed glee and energy) The wings respond? What else might be done with thy graceful virtue?

Protagonist: (pauses for a movement to calm herself down. Her efforts are in vain for she sights a bird)

Protagonist: Could I fly? I could help others better if I could....

(The protagonist, noticing a hill, begins to head towards it. Her movements are now more graceful and steady than before)

(The protagonist is now on a higher part of the stage)

Protagonist: Should I leap into the boundless sky, entrusting thy fate to these splendid, alas, untested wings to allow me to soar, at the risk of thy fragile frame? Still ,I stand upon a mighty knoll, wings unfurled, a desire to soar, not for thyself, but to do good, beckons thy heart. Yet beneath this noble cause a whisper of caution cautions thee to consider the risk.

(She pauses to contemplate. The music has stopped now)

Protagonist: The earth, solid and unyielding, beckons me with its familiar embrace. While the sky with endless expands and possibilities, thy morality compels me leap.

(Protagonist should appear ready to jump)

Protagonist: The world calls, and I shalt answer it!

(She begins to run towards the edge. The spotlight follows her. The wings are gleaming in the light)

(Before she can get to the edge, a deep, rich, baritone voice, with a rumbling quality, yells out)

Unknown: (franticly) STOP!

(The protagonist does not hear)


(The protagonist grinds to a halt, clearly having heard this time. Her body language suggests shock)

Protagonist: (Looking around for the source)

(The lights dim back to normal, and the wings stop glowing)

(In the dark part of the stage, a shape is visible, it is tall and strong looking, it wears a breastplate and a helm)

(He emerges from the shadows, the breastplate has a dragon symbol on it, the helm's visor is the yawning maw of a dragon)

(The unknown armoured man approaches the protagonist, a long, lethal looking spear made of what looks like bone on his back)

Protagonist: Who art thou?

Unknown: My apologies, fair maiden, I am the mighty Ser Draconis of the esteemed Order of The Dragoon.

Protagonist: (too stunned to respond)

Ser Draconis: Fair maiden with wings, thou art a sight to behold, what brings thee to our realm?

Protagonist: I..I do not know thyself...

Ser Draconis: Thou dost not know? Fear not, for we shall uncover the truth together. Come let us embark on this journey.

(The Dragoon Knight drops to one knee)

Protagonist: I accept, Ser Draconis, lead the way.

(The lights fade to nothing)