Act One: Scene Three

(Our characters find themselves in the bowels of the great flying machine. It is surprisingly spacious in the airships interior.)

(The lights are focused on the centre of the stage. the rest is in darkness)

Protagonist: (Looking around) This is unlike anything I have ever seen. It is as if we have stepped into a world of mechanical marvels and dreams.

Ser Draconis: Indeed, my dear. The domain of the Adapetus is unlike any other. Here, the line between genius and insanity blurs into oblivion. Embrace the strangeness, winged one. Otherwise, it shalt be intolerable.

(The protagonist nods meekly)

A.M: (From above) Before our grand journey begins, I invite you above deck to witness the scenery, from thy ingenious airship. It is a splendid spectacle that thou do not want to miss!

(Once they emerge above deck, they are greeted by a snooty, arrogant voice)

Snooty person: (Very arrogant) Well, well, what do we have upon thy private vessel? A quaint gathering of commoners embarking on a merry adventure? I see, fear not, for you will have the privilege of my company.

(he wears the garb of someone who intends to hunt foxes, or more...)

(Before the protagonist could formulate a reply, the Dragoon Knight got there first)

Ser Draconis: Privilege, thou say? It is the camaraderie and shared purposes that define our journey, not the size of one's purse or birth. We welcome all who seek understanding.

AM: The sky holds no class quarrels or prejudice. It welcomes all who are to soar!

Protagonist: (hoping to change the subject) Adapetus, we have come to understand thy wings, can thou...

(AM interrupts her)

AM: (Snippy) Patience! (Clearly still annoyed by the snooty person)

(AM feels guilty, however)

AM: My apologies for the outburst. I shall assist you with your enquiries later. (Addressing everyone) Dear travellers, let us focus on the skies and the marvels that await us. (To protagonist) And we can address the mysteries of those wings in due time.

Snooty Person: In case you were wondering, I am Lord Preen, the finest hunter in all of Narciss, and my father is none other than the esteemed Earl Bigot. The blood of excellence and privilege flows through my veins.

(The Dragoon Knight seems to be visibly annoyed by Lord Preen)

Ser Draconis: (with a wry smirk) Lord Preen, we are truly in the presence of greatness. Your hunting progress and noble lineage are nothing short of inspiring. How fortunate we are to have such illustrious company on this endeavour.

Lord Preen: (missing the sarcasm) Thou art, indeed.

(AM does something at his control panel)

AM: Behold!

(The airship begins to move away from where it was hovering)

Protagonist: Regarding the wings...

AM: Ah yes, your wings, my dear, they art a marvel indeed. While I may not have all the answers, I can offer a piece of the puzzle... The secrets lie in the harmony between mechanics and nature. We shall have to tinker and experiment together to unlock their full potential.

(Before she can reply, something behind her starts spluttering and clanking)

(The lights focus on the malfunctioning mechanism behind her)

Unknown Machine: (*Explodes*)

(The protagonist is propelled overboard by the force of the explosion)

(The lights follow her)

(The wings begin to work. She is flying {held by a chord})

Protagonist: (Addressing everyone) Lo, the wings work! I am aloft, a creature of the skies.

(She lands on the deck of AMs Airship)

AM: Wings unfold... Mysteries untold.

Lord Preen: (Trying to appear unimpressed) Wings or not, I have seen grander spectacles in my time.

AM: Allow me to take a closer look at these remarkable wings. They may hold the very secrets of the skies.

(Without waiting for an answer, AM begins darting energetically around her, poking, prodding, and taking measurements.)

(The Dragoon Knight looks uncomfortable at this)

(Stage lights should dim here)

Protagonist: (Yawns) An eventful day it hath been. Rest calls my name.

(Protagonist leaves the stage)

(A glare from the Dragoon Knight removes the sneer from Lord Preen)

(The Adapetus Mechanical's demeanour shifts to avaricious delight, he declares...)

AM: Ah, Ser Draconis, conceive what wonders we could fabricate with these wings at the very heart of my mechanical marvels. The world itself shall become a canvas upon which are ingenious contrivances shall be painted. Crowds shalt gather in awe of my genius, and the royal treasuries shall overflow with the glittering coin, filling our coffers to the brim. We would be hailed as the architects of an extraordinary age.

Ser Draconis: (with a fond edge to his rich voice) Indeed, Adapetus, these wings are an ethereal and otherworldly gift. They could alter the course of countless skirmishes and battles. The Order of The Dragoon, that hallowed bastion of chivalry and inaction (he says this bitterly), would ascend to realms of invincibility with such a celestial boon. The annals of history would etch our names among the greatest of Knights.

(AM nods in agreement)

Ser Draconis: We must tread with the utmost caution, for her innocence remains our greatest advantage...

(Lord Preen clears his throat)

Lord Preen: (Voice dripping with haughty refinement) While you both indulge in your discussions of wings and coin, I, the noble Lord Preen, must remind you of the intricate layers of status that envelop us. After all, in my homeland, the civilised expanses of Narciss, status is the currency that truly matters. Let us not lose sight of the grand tapestry of opportunity that reveals itself before us, a tapestry with thyself as illustrious centrepiece, of course.

AM: (with an air of condescending) Ah, Lord Preen, your obsession with status is nothing but a trivial pursuit. In the grand orchestra of innovation, your "noble" note is but a faint whisper, lost in the crescendo of progress.

Ser Draconis: Beware, Lord Preen, or face the consequences.

(The Dragoon Knight draws his dragon bone spear with blinding speed and points it at his throat)

(Lord Preen swallows and tries to regain his composure)

Lord Preen: (intimidated and apologetic) I-I offer nothing but my most sincere apologies, noble sirs, It was not my intended to offend. Let us refocus on our mutual goals and objectives.

(The already dim lights fade to nothing, and our characters leave the stage)

(Ominous changing begins, increasing in volume and vigour with each chant)

Ominous voices: To Zhro Nilgh'ri ah zog

(The chant is heard again, louder this time)

Ominous voices: To Zhro Nilgh'ri ah zog!

(The chant rings out a final time. It is slightly different. The voices are hoarse and frenzied)

Ominous voices: To Zhro Nilgh'ri Nafl'Fhtagn!