Act Two: Scene One

(Below our travellers is a vast expanse of mist covered forest. The lights cast a blue glow on the landscape visible from the Airships deck)

(A worried comment from Lord Preen has started a conversation about weapons)

Lord Preen: I shalt not venture down there. What if we are attacked?

AM: Fear not, thy Lord! For we shalt have weapons, the inventions that shape our realm Behold my creations, intricate marvels of engineering and firepower soon to be propelled by the elusive Suspensium.

Ser Draconis: (sounding pleased by the subject) Weapons indeed have a place in history. My dragon bone sphere, carved from the remains of a legendary beast , stands as a testament to thy valour and honour.

(The protagonist shifts uneasily)

Lord Preen: allow me to introduce my masterwork, a handcrafted clockwork bow. A masterpiece that combines precision and speed perfect for a nobleman of my standing.

Protagonist: (firm but gentle) Violence, my friends, is the language of barbarians. We must remember that our purpose is not in the power of our weapons but in the wisdom of our choices.

(Lord Preen sneers grandly at this)

AM: To expedite our quests, my dear friends, The winged one and Lord Preen; shall venture below to secure the Suspensium. It is a task that requires the utmost precision.

Ser Draconis: I must protest. Sending the two in a small craft alone is a risk we can not take.

AM: Ser Draconis, we must seize this opportunity without delay. Our pursuit of knowledge demands it.

AM: Trust in our companions' capabilities, and thine wisdom.

End of scene 1