Act Two: Scene Two

Lord Preen and protagonist enter the small craft)

(Section 4 plays)

(They are on the ground)

Protagonist: The mist is thick, and these would seem endless. I thought we were close to the deposit.

Lord Preen: Fear not, my dear. We shalt find it in due time. Let us press on.

(They continue to wander, the fog grows denser)

Protagonist: I can barely see a thing. Everything looks the same. We art lost already.

Lord Preen: Lost, thou say? how inconvenient. Let us split up. Perhaps one of us will find our way back.

Protagonist: Very well, but do be cautious. Lord Preen.

(They separate)

(Lord Preen is alone on the stage, the spotlight is on him)

Lord Preen: (To himself) Ah, what a delightful twist of fate we find ourselves in. Lost in this labyrinth of mist and trees. A perfect opportunity, I dare say, to collect another trophy for thy collection. What will they call me when they hear of the noble Lord Preens grand acquisition, I wonder?

(Preen has drawn his handcrafted, clockwork enhanced bow)

Protagonist: (returns to the stage) L-Lord Preen? What are you doing here talking to yourself?

Lord Preen: (with a sinister tone) Ah, my dear, I thought it would be the perfect time for us to have a private conversation.

Protagonist: (concerned) A private conversation? But we are lost! And there is danger in these woods!

Lord Preen: You see, my dear, I've had enough of the common world. I've acquired many trophies, but none as exquisite as the power of your wings. They could make me more than just a nobleman, you understand. They could make me a legend.

Protagonist: (realising his malicious intent) You can not be serious... You would harm me for your own gain?

Lord Preen: (with an unsettling smile) For power and prestige. One must make sacrifices , my dear. This forest shalt be the final resting place of our little secret.

(Lord Preen is now aiming directly at her heart)

Protagonist: (Desperate but firm) Lord Preen, there is a better path than this. Your true worth is not measured by power or trophies.

Lord Preen: (His aim wavers a little) My dear, thou hath voiced what lingers in my conscience. My obsession with status and acquisition of power, trophies ,and vanities. They have driven me to this precipice. A precipice where I had resolved to murder for my own glory.

Protagonist: (Empathetic) It is never too late to change, to find the better version of yourself.

Lord Preen: (the bow lowers slightly) Indeed, the allure of my desires are strong, yet a glimmer of conscience remains. The path to redemption is steep. My inner demons may still lead me astray. But my dear, you have sparked the notion that perhaps, just perhaps, I may find salvation from my vanity.

Lord Preen: (Voice heavy with emotion) You see, my father, a stern and unforgiving man, cares for nothing but legacy and lineage. My every achievement was a desperate attempt to please him, but it was never enough. He scorned every accomplishment, ever dismissing me is a disappointment.

Protagonist: (Offering her hand) Let us take the first steps on this path together. Lord Preen, the choice is yours to make.

(Lord Preen pauses, then he puts his bow away)

Lord Preen: (taking her hand) Yes, I shall endeavour to make amends for my past transgressions. We shall navigate this labyrinthine forest as companions, not foes.

(The protagonist notices a faint glimmer nearby)

Protagonist: Look, Lord Preen, what is that glimmer up ahead? (Pointing at glimmer)

Lord Preen: It seems to be coming from the nearby clearing...

(as they approach the deposit, the lights grow brighter and focus on it)

Protagonist: (with wonder) Suspendium, we have found it!

(The lights dim to nothing)

End of Scene 2