Chapter 31: Evaluation Report

"That is to say, Dr. Woods obtained at least two abilities, namely 'Animal Mind Communication' and 'Plant Control,' through the so-called 'experimental accident.'"

At the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D, Director Nick Fury sat on his desk, resting his chin on his hands, observing the two subordinates who came to report to him.

"Melinda, although intuition is sometimes accurate, as a senior agent, I find it hard to believe that you would make such a judgment based solely on intuition."

"Yes, Director."

Melinda shrugged her shoulders, evidently confident in her judgment.

"In fact, both Coulson and I have discovered that Dr. Oaks Woods, despite growing up in New York, one of his characteristics is humility, especially along with his intellect"

"Are you suggesting that he is intentionally holding back, and what we see is not the full extent of his abilities?" Nick Fury understood.

"Of course, it's just an inference. But don't forget about his unusual public transportation records, travel history, and the Amazon rainforest." Melinda nodded.

"Faced with an organization like ours, it's not surprising that he would hold back. After all, if it weren't for the 'Benevolence Society' incident, he would have held back even more."

Fury agreed with Melinda's judgment since he himself was accustomed to holding back... a lot.

Comparing himself to Oaks, he concluded that he was indeed more formidable. Fury blinked his one eye in satisfaction and turned to another subordinate.

"Coulson, what are your evaluation results?"

"Safe, Director."

Coulson smiled faintly, equally confident.

"Based on our meeting and the investigation into his past, I believe Dr. Oaks Woods is a secure target. He knows the significance of his abilities and what he can do with them. Moreover, he has already been, and will continue to be, using his abilities for righteous purposes."

"The establishment of the Benevolence Society is a delightful occurrence—it originated from an act of goodwill and kindness, saving hundreds of people and solidifying Oaks' beliefs."

Coulson sighed softly.

"Melinda and I were present at the scene, Director, and honestly, in our line of work, it's rare to witness such genuine joy from the masses—especially the underprivileged."

As senior agents, their tasks usually involved rescuing hostages, gathering intelligence, dealing with terrorists, and dangerous materials. If their missions didn't result in casualties, it was considered a success, even if a large number of people cried and suffered.

"Indeed, their joy was genuine."

Melinda smiled, concurring with Coulson's viewpoint.

"For a Level 7 mission, although the scope of impact is not significant, this is the most gratifying one for me."

"It seems that my two exceptional subordinates have a high opinion of this kid."

Nick Fury snorted. Given his personality, even if these two exceptional subordinates praised Oaks endlessly, he would remain vigilant.

"So, his Benevolence Society is now a charity organization?"

"Yes, Director. I took care of the paperwork. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to environmental causes."

Coulson looked puzzled.

"By the way, he included the name of his store clerk in the organization. I imagine he should be making an effort to explain his 'abilities' to him now."

Nick Fury stood up, hands behind his back, gazing out of the floor-to-ceiling window. As the seasons changed from autumn to winter, the greenery in New York had dwindled.

"That's his own business. And that ecological experiment site, the 'Little Rainforest,' Coulson, do you understand what that means?"

"Yes, Director."

Coulson naturally understood that within the Little Rainforest, each fruit tree was an incredibly unique and genetically modified plant—capable of generating significant economic benefits and greatly alleviating famine!

These were the research achievements of Oaks, and compared to them, the value of the restoration potion and air-purifying greenery paled in comparison!

"But Oaks has made it clear that these plants, just like his potted plants, cannot be mass-produced at the moment and require further waiting."

"The wait is worth it."

Finally, Nick Fury chuckled wryly.

"He has given me a dilemma—how should I handle his special abilities?"

Knowing that Oaks Woods was likely holding back, Nick Fury was genuinely perplexed.

There was no helping it; he was overly suspicious.

What if the other party was just pretending?

What if they had the ability to create even more dangerous plants?

What if their intention was to gain other benefits through these means?

What if...

In any case, there were too many possibilities.

But Nick Fury understood that what Oaks had displayed was like bait, luring him in.

Although Nick Fury had little interest in environmental issues, he was well aware of the positive impact that the other party's research achievements could have on the world.

Unreplicable abilities might be a bit troublesome, but S.H.I.E.L.D. had dealt with such situations more than once or twice.

However, things like plant seeds were an exception.

If Oaks truly has good intentions, once successful, he alone could eradicate famine.

Besides, there was Goose.

"It seems that I have to personally speak with him."

Uncontrollably, Nick Fury's mind was filled with memories of the plan he personally wrote after Goose's owner departed.


Emerald Dream Plant Shop.

"Wood Release? True Several Thousand Hands?"

Antonio was gazing eagerly at the potted plants swaying to the music throughout the room, his mouth practically watering.

"Can I acquire these abilities by transplanting your cells?"

"...Watch fewer anime!"

Oaks coughed, finding it difficult. He had prepared so many explanations, but now it seemed that all he needed to do was show this guy the results.

Besides, at this point, you still know nothing about the terror of True Several Thousand Hands, kid...

"Anyway, all you need to know is that this is a scientific miracle caused by an experimental accident, unreplicable. It involves animal telepathy and plant manipulation."

After emphasizing key words like "experimental accident," "unreplicable," and "scientific," Oaks frustratingly realized that this guy, Antonio, wasn't paying attention at all.

His attention was currently on Moco and Coco.

And, that little hamster, Oaks had already released it into the Little Rainforest.

"Oh~ My little darlings, today I am truly - blissful!"

Antonio held the two little creatures in his arms, his face was intoxicated, only to be smacked on the head by Goose.

"Oops, sorry Goose, it's time for canned food."

"My little darlings, follow your big brother~"

Antonio, with light steps, was about to go upstairs but suddenly turned back and asked:

"Mr. Oaks, what's the first impression that the two little ones have of me?"

Watching Antonio's expectant expression, Oaks mercilessly shattered his delusion:

"These two are puzzled, 'Who is this idiot?'"

Antonio: "..."


"Ah! Spare me, spare me! I'll go get the canned food..."


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