Chapter 63: Abomination

Harlem, located in the northern part of Manhattan, was a place frequented by drug dealers, and various other violent crimes were also rampant.

When Antonio first came to the Brooklyn slums, if he had gone to Harlem instead...

In Manhattan, the population density was particularly high.

Therefore, if a riot were to break out on a street, it would cause significant damage.

Especially now, a massive monster was rampaging through the streets of Harlem, wreaking havoc.

Buildings, facilities, and vehicles were being wantonly destroyed, and there were numerous casualties among the civilians. It was a scene of disaster.

But this was not a natural disaster; it was man-made.

The military had been deployed this time because they were already on alert in the area.

However, with such a small military presence, even former colleagues and subordinates were as fragile as paper in front of Emil Blonsky who were now completely filled with violence.

Yes, this hideous creature with protruding bone spikes, stronger than the Hulk, but not as simple-minded as the Hulk, was none other than Emil Blonsky, the former soldier who had almost been beaten to death by the Hulk.

As a substitute for the Hulk, he became the latest experimental subject for General Ross and Dr. Samuel Sterns' research on the Super Soldier Serum.

And even though it was a counterfeit version of the Super Soldier Serum, its hidden powerful effects were evident in him.

It enhanced what was already good and made what was bad even worse.

"The Righteous Man of God," Captain America, and the Red Skull, who attempted to rule the world, were now replaced by "Abomination" Blonsky, who was seeking the strongest power and vowed to defeat the Hulk.

Simple serum and gamma radiation did not cause Blonsky to replicate the changes of the Hulk.

In exhaustive testing, although his data surpassed that of an ordinary person in every aspect, compared to the Hulk, he was still completely outmatched.

So, he requested to undergo the final experiment—

Injecting Hulk's blood that had been further developed and activated by Dr. Sterns based on the original experimental data.

Thus, Abomination was born.

Unlike the Hulk, Abomination's transformation was stable; Blonsky couldn't switch between his human state and his monstrous state.

But he didn't care at all. The Hulk's blood, enhanced by Dr. Sterns, had almost completely eroded his human rationality. Endless violence and brutality were on the verge of burning out his mind—

He only maintained a brief moment of sanity before being driven by endless desires, becoming a calamity that only knew how to unleash wanton destruction.

He wanted to challenge the Hulk but didn't know where the Hulk was, and Dr. Sterns only knew that he was in New York...

"Then let's destroy New York!"

"Open fire! Open fire!"

General Ross, covered in blood and in a disheveled state, leaned against the door of the armed helicopter and shouted loudly, urging the machine gunner beside him:

"Take that bastard down for me! Use missiles!"

General Ross hated it. According to the plan, they had every confidence that Blonsky's condition would be kept within human limits, gradually approaching the state of the Hulk step by step.

But that damn Blonsky, that damn Samuel Sterns!

These two impatient fellows defied his orders and proceeded with the final step completely out of control!

Dr. Sterns could die for all he cared, but this huge incident meant that the "Army Biochemical Enhancement Project" he had devoted five years of effort to had ended in complete failure.

This time, what they created was not something as relatively "friendly" as the Hulk, despite its power—

Yes, thinking back to all that the Hulk had done, General Ross had a deep understanding. The Hulk had always been running away; if he had wanted to fight seriously, Ross would have been finished long ago.

And now, Blonsky, or rather Abomination, a former elite soldier, possessed even greater strength than the Hulk. He even had powerful combat skills that the Hulk didn't possess. And most importantly...

"He is no longer human! He's killing our people...

Order all forces to be deployed to Harlem! Hurry! Has SHIELD's support not arrived yet?"

General Ross understood deeply that, unlike his encounter with the Hulk, if Abomination continued to wreak havoc like this, not only would he be one hundred percent sent to a military court, but the entire city of New York might be buried with him!

Abomination intended to destroy the whole of New York and find the Hulk!

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Where is Banner? SHIELD hasn't found him for so long... No, no, no, it's better that they haven't found him!"

Images of his daughter, Betty Ross, in pain flashed through his mind, along with the five years of effort he had put in. General Ross clenched his fist tightly, his nails digging into his palm:

"Banner, Banner is my greatest creation... He can't come to harm, even if he can't be used as a weapon!"

Dr. Sterns' laboratory exploded, and he died directly at the hands of Abomination, leaving General Ross unable to salvage even a single piece of experimental data.

Banner's existence was the proof of his five years of effort.

If Abomination were to find him, Ross didn't know if he could defeat Abomination, but with the military assembled and strategic weapons deployed, he was highly likely to die here!

"General! None of our weapons are effective against him!"

The terrified voice of the machine gunner interrupted General Ross' train of thought. Just as he snapped back to reality, he heard a cry beside him:

"General! He... He's here!"




Abomination, stimulated by the firepower of the armed helicopter, directly charged onto a rooftop. Using it as a springboard, he leaped towards the helicopter in the air!

"Climb! Climb!"

With bloodshot eyes, General Ross watched in horror as the terrifying figure of Abomination soared through the air. The next moment, Abomination grabbed onto the landing gear of the helicopter!


Bearing a tremendous weight, even the powerful armed helicopter couldn't withstand it. The helicopter, which had just attempted to climb, abruptly plummeted downward. It was a close call, almost being pulled down!

The pilot shouted in frustration, desperately trying to control the aircraft's attitude, but Abomination continued to thrash and attack.

Helplessly, the armed helicopter swayed in the air and finally collided with an obstacle.

Billboards, buildings—the armed helicopter exploded in a blaze of sparks and crashed miserably into a heap of rubble.

"Hahaha! This power... It's so marvelous!"

Abomination laughed maniacally and tore off the helicopter's tail fin:

"Everyone! Die!"

The soldiers suffered heavy casualties, and General Ross had no choice but to close his eyes and prepare to meet his end—


A loud bang, but it didn't hit him. General Ross opened his eyes in confusion and saw that Abomination, who had just been strutting about, had disappeared without a trace.

In its place was a gigantic brown bear radiating a faint green glow all over its body!


For a moment, General Ross thought he had been transported to Stalingrad—

Who the hell keeps a bear in the city?!


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