Chapter 93: What is "Eternal"

Speaking of Oaks' public image, he had always been seen as a gentle and harmless scientist.

Moreover, his research seemed to lean more towards botany, and his achievements reflected that as well.

But as a druid who could transform into a beast, Oaks obviously wouldn't give up his studies in zoology.

With the enhancement of his intellect through the Nature Energy, he was no less intelligent than Tony and Banner.

So, when he had a living Eternal under his control, wouldn't it be reasonable to do something about it?

Clearly, it would be unreasonable not to.

Taking advantage of Druig's gaze changing from calm to horrified, Oaks knocked him out once again.

Although there was no experimental equipment in the rainforest, this was not a limitation when the research results didn't necessarily have to be summarized as scientific conclusions that could be verified by others.

Therefore, when Druig woke up again after a long period of unconsciousness, he saw Oaks looking at him with curious eyes...

And there was a cat and a dog as well.

This was still the same chapel, but the interior had completely changed.

The trunks of many plants formed shelves, cabinets, tables, and chairs...

There were also some strange structures that he couldn't understand.

Druig himself was lying on a peculiar "bed" surrounded by vines and branches.

The human was wearing a strange... robe? And was looking at him.

The robe was peculiar, seemingly made of plant fibers and metal, and was filled with energy!

"What have you done to me... hiss!"

Druig gasped and held his head—

His psychic power was still in a chaotic state because Oaks had found a way to deal with the abilities of the Eternals, using cosmic energy to disrupt the energy within him.

Slowly standing up and pausing for a few seconds, Druig felt that something was off about the bed.

"What exactly is this thing?"

"An experimental table."

Oaks looked satisfied as he saw Druig's eyes widen, and he said somewhat playfully, "As a scientist, it's natural to use an experimental table when studying specimens... Since you don't have one here, I made one.

The other plants have different functions—don't worry, I haven't injected you with any strange drugs or sliced you open."

"...You mentioned Asgardians earlier? Have they returned to Earth?"

Druig forced himself to divert his attention from the peculiar plants.

"And you actually haven't released those people during this time?"

"Of course not. They have grown accustomed to living here, and it would be a death sentence for them to venture out into human society... But they are no longer under your control.

As for the Asgardians... Well, it's not strange that you know about them, but that's not what we're here to discuss today."

Oaks shook his head, initially feeling a bit lost.

After studying Druig's utilization of cosmic energy, although Oaks couldn't manipulate energy like him to achieve mental control, these humans who had grown accustomed to Druig's control felt a sense of familiarity with him.

So, to a certain extent, Oaks was able to teach them some methods of survival in Druig's absence.

Fortunately, they weren't completely cut off from the world. After a period of adaptation, they had become capable of sustaining themselves in this rainforest.

And... Now Oaks had control over this rainforest, so it was possible for a small human village to receive some simple protection.

"As for what I've done to you..."

Oaks' gaze became complex, and Druig suddenly had a sense of absurdity—

Because in Oaks' eyes, he saw "pity"!

This human being, showing "pity" towards the Eternals?!

Who does he think he is!

"Although I have deep feelings for humanity, shed tears for them, scolded my own kind, and even eventually parted ways with them..."

Druig furrowed his brow. His originally rascally expression turned serious, and his not-so-tall figure straightened his chest.

"Although I don't think of myself as a 'god,' even though I lost to you, I don't think I've stooped so low as to be pitied by you!"

"...I'm sorry, I just..."

Oaks looked at Druig, who exuded a heavy aura, and his gaze became somewhat distant—

That was the weight brought by a true 7,000-year history.

Although Druig usually appeared like a boy next door, still in his rebellious phase...

But once he became serious, Oaks could sense the heaviness of the "eternity" brought by the "Eternals."


Oaks gently shook his head, the pressure released by Druig, who had not fully recovered, wasn't much for him.

"I... may have discovered something about why you are called 'Eternals.'"


Druig was slightly surprised, and his imposing aura momentarily faltered.

"What do you mean?"

He cracked the code of my abilities? But how was that possible!

"I don't know what your homeland, Olympia, is like, but..."

Oaks paused, carefully choosing his words.

"You should know that you Eternals, at least you, outwardly appear no different from humans.

You can eat human food, bleed when injured, and even have red blood. Although your body's defensive capabilities are much stronger than an ordinary human, and it doesn't seem like you're immune to human weapons."

Druig nodded slightly, acknowledging this fact.

Although the Eternals possessed advanced abilities to manipulate cosmic energy, their bodies weren't immortal without the infusion of cosmic energy.

It was just that harming them and killing them were two different matters. What seemed like a fatal injury to humans didn't amount to much to Druig, an Eternal who wasn't adept at direct combat.

"But I've noticed that the cells in your body are significantly different from those of ordinary 'organisms' in the traditional sense."

Oaks' words made Druig frown.

"What do you mean by different?"

"In the growth and reproduction of ordinary organisms, although they maintain their form stability through the power of genes, 'evolution' and 'mutation' have always existed in the history of living beings."

Oaks pointed to the surrounding plants, then pointed to the people outside and even Moco and Coco, who were watching Druig.

"Evolution and mutation are important components of an organism's adaptation to the environment and its development for survival. But in your case, I haven't seen this 'possibility.'"

Druig went from confusion to bewilderment and finally to astonishment in his eyes, prompting Oaks to emphasize again:

"Yes, your body is 'eternal.' Even though your lifespan is long, you can't undergo any changes—whether it's various diseases caused by environmental stimuli or enhanced abilities...

Your physical condition and abilities, 7,000 years ago and now, have not changed at all, right?"


Druig fell silent for a moment, and then spoke with some difficulty:

"Are you saying that my body, my abilities, are like..."

"They are all 'eternal,' they won't undergo any changes over time—this doesn't conform to the fundamental characteristics of natural life."

Oaks' cold voice made Druig's heart skip a beat:

"Like pre-programmed AI robots."


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