Chapter 94: The Sadness of Eternity

Only things that grow unnaturally and are artificially created can exhibit the phenomenon of the Eternals.

This is the greatest difference between natural life and artificial machines.

Natural life cannot exist without mechanisms for evolution or mutation, as that would cause them to quickly disappear in a constantly changing natural environment.

In Oaks' view, the situation of the Eternals completely contradicted the mechanisms of biological evolution. He couldn't even see any traces of "natural growth" from infancy to adulthood in Druig.

So, let alone 7,000 years, even if 70,000 years passed, they would still be the same as they are now.

Although they could remain ageless, they could never progress.


Druig still felt dizzy, but he struggled to ponder another question:

"You said that our 'eternal' phenomenon is unchanging and incapable of evolution... Then, what about the 'Deviants'?"

"If they truly possess powers on the same level as yours, then it's likely."

Once again, Oaks heard the name "Deviants" from Druig. If this naming convention came from his homeland, Olympia, then it had to be said that Deviants were indeed the other side of the Eternals.

"Yes... that's right. Deviants had indeed undergone significant changes in history."

Druig tried to calm himself down, carefully recalling the 7,000 years of his campaign. Finally, he discovered something they had never paid attention to.

"It was just that their changes were very slight, and their appearances and abilities already had differences. We didn't notice that this is due to evolution!"

He fell silent for a moment, gripping his hair tightly:

"So what are we, exactly?!

Why hasn't Arishem given us another order in the 500 years since the disappearance of the Deviants?

Olympia... Earth is our first mission. Is it possible that after returning, we can find out the truth?"

He didn't want to believe Oaks' words, but now he couldn't help but believe as he recalled various unnoticed details.

"First mission?"

Oaks was slightly taken aback.

"That's impossible! Based on my calculations of your body's existence, it has already surpassed a million years, or even longer!"

"What did you say?!"

Druig suddenly lifted his head, showing a more profound shock on his face than before—

In his memory, Earth was indeed his first mission assigned by Arishem, and the other members of his race who came with him were the same!

His body existed for more than a million years?!

Then how was it that he only had memories of a mere 7,000 years, including "Olympia"?!

"At the moment, I can only analyze this much. It's the 'information' carried by your body."

Oaks looked at Druig, who was sweating profusely, his face slightly distorted. He sighed lightly, got up, walked in front of him, and a circle of emerald light wrapped around his body, calming him down a bit.

"I apologize for causing you some confusion... but as an Earthling, I must remain highly vigilant toward extraterrestrials like you, who suddenly appear with a perspective akin to 'gods.'"

Druig looked at the green light on his own body in astonishment.

"I... I can feel the power of healing. You... with just this, you have already transcended the realm of 'humanity,' haven't you?"

"Why do you say that?"

In this world, there are plenty of people with strange and extraordinary abilities, and the power of healing is just one of them—though rare, it shouldn't be nonexistent.

At the very least, the mages of Karma Taj can achieve similar effects with magic.

"...It's nothing, just a simple sentiment."

Druig fell silent for a moment, shaking his head gently.

"This ability really brings peace of mind in battles, but it's a bit weak."

Just like the Prime Eternal Ajak...

Oaks instinctively sensed that Druig had something he wasn't saying.

Could it be that the power of healing, even among the Eternals, is extremely rare?

Furthermore, Oaks had already noticed that his healing power, although effective on the Eternals, was extremely weak.

From the moment he arrived near this village, he felt a sense of disharmony. Now that he had complete control over this rainforest, Oaks had a rough understanding of the reason—

The Eternals probably weren't life forms that naturally evolved. Nature Energy had minimal effect on them.

Unlike Goose, who was still a naturally occurring creature, even though she didn't belong to the Earth's ecological system, Oaks' healing spells still worked normally on her.

So, they had been on Earth for 7,000 years…. Did the Supreme sorcerer know about the Eternals?

Did Asgard, which considered Midgard as a subject territory, know about them?

Did the Kree, who conducted biochemical experiments on Earth, know about them?

"I want to confirm one more thing...

Your 'non-interference with human development' means that you are not allowed to intervene in anything other than the appearance of Deviants, right?"

"Yes, that's Arishem' command."

Oaks frowned.

"Including the harm caused by other extraterrestrials to humans?"

"They only operate on a small scale, without posing a threat to the overall legacy of human civilization. And without the involvement of Deviants, we are not allowed to intervene."

Druig's answer affirmed Oaks' judgment—

The Kree, Asgardians, and the Sorcerers of Karma Taj, the Eternals should be aware of their existence.

However, based on the command, they could only focus on dealing with the Deviants because those creatures lacked reason and only knew to prey on humans. If left unchecked, they would destroy human civilization.

Moreover, it seemed that because the Deviants also possessed some application of cosmic energy, other human heroes in Earth's history seemed to have no way to deal with them, apart from the Eternals.

Based on this command, they completely abstained from getting involved during Thanos' invasion...

What could they be if not a group of robots absolutely loyal to the Creator?

Oaks moved his lips and gave up on continuing to confront Druig.

The Eternals were clearly not a singular existence, and their abilities varied. Perhaps there were indeed individuals among them who possessed tremendous power, akin to gods.

After learning about his own body's situation, Druig would probably seek out others, and Oaks could use Druig to find other Eternals and assess their next move...

"It seems like it's time for me to leave this place."

Druig's words confirmed Oaks' speculation. He calmly took a few steps toward the door and glanced at the crowd outside.

"I would be troubled if you didn't leave. So, what will you do next?"

"...I will reexamine the current human civilization. Avoidance is not the solution."

Druig turned around with a serious expression as he looked at Oaks.

"If your judgment is correct, then there is obviously a massive secret about us Eternals that we ourselves are unaware of.

I don't want to be kept in the dark like this forever. I've endured it for 7,000 years, and that's enough."

He clenched his fist, his tone resolute.

"I will find out the reason why Arishem hasn't called us back and return to Olympia to seek answers...

And this reason must be hidden within human civilization!"


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