Chapter 100: Fatal Blow

In the second half of the year, the Democratic and Republican parties spent huge amounts of money shuttling between states and counties across the country.

They spared no effort, utilizing various forms such as advertising wars, campaign speeches, meeting voters, holding press conferences, and public debates to articulate their policy positions on domestic and international affairs, aiming to win the trust of voters and secure their votes.

Faced with what seemed like an extraordinary onslaught from the Republican Party, the Democratic Party appeared completely unprepared and was struggling to defend itself.

Apart from the traditional Democratic strongholds, known as the "Blue States," in some neutral and overlapping areas, the Democratic Party was gradually retreating under the pressure of capital and unknown forces.

One of the key policies implemented by Obama, the current President and Democratic presidential candidate, was to promote a model that encompassed clean energy, carbon emissions restrictions, and climate policies, thus leading the world with American standards. This inevitably touched the interests of capital.

The oil, automotive, and power industries were the most affected and became the regions with the highest dissatisfaction among the capital.

On the other hand, Matthew Ellis, the Republican presidential candidate, firmly seized this point and fully displayed the profit-seeking nature of businessmen. He promised various policies that greatly favored capital, such as comprehensive tax cuts, relaxed financial regulations, infrastructure plans, the American First Energy Program, immigration reform policies, and putting American interests first. At the same time, he dismissed environmental policies.

Furthermore, to strike at his opponent, Ellis even publicly questioned whether President Obama was born in the United States...

This forced Obama to produce his own birth certificate.

Various forces clashed and it was truly a spectacular sight.

The two presidential candidates were engaging in a fierce battle, to the extent that even the other candidates with little hope had withdrawn from the race.

Just when the Democratic Party was in a dire situation in the overlapping regions, they suddenly discovered that they were gaining more and more support from grassroots environmental organizations.

The environmental and sustainable development ideas advocated by the Democratic Party, to their surprise, were being increasingly accepted by organizations and companies that were previously undecided or dismissive.

Even the crucial industrial cities of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, which had previously maintained an ambiguous stance, were leaning towards the Democratic Party.

This surprised the entire Democratic Party—while they were busy dealing with the Republican Party's onslaught, they failed to notice what was happening.

However, they were, after all, the incumbent administration, and they soon found out the reason:

"What? The Benevolence Society?!"

In an internal Democratic Party meeting, President Obama's expression was one of astonishment.

"I remember this organization... They were very active in New York and received numerous commendations. They are pioneers in environmental public welfare."

For the busy president to remember such a small public welfare organization was quite remarkable, but the main reason was:

"Originally, I had plans to personally commend them this year. Their environmental ideals are of a very high level—this is a good thing."

"Yes, but the background check on this organization is not simple."

His chief advisor also remembered this organization:

"They have a close relationship with Stark Industries, and not only that, but they also have vague connections with S.H.I.E.L.D. There have even been reports indicating that two high-level agents from S.H.I.E.L.D. are often stationed at the Benevolence Society."

"But the reason that forced us to cancel the plans seemed to be because they severed ties with S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

The president pinched the bridge of his nose.

"At the time, our analysis concluded that it was S.H.I.E.L.D. expressing their stance and a warning to us—whether the Benevolence Society still had value after losing the support of S.H.I.E.L.D. was difficult to evaluate in a short time.

The unexpected nature of the Republican Party's onslaught and the support from other forces made us have to postpone this matter and focus our efforts— But now, it seems that things are not like that. Not only do they have great value, but they have also proven their value through concrete actions."

The advisor nodded in agreement, raised the latest information in his hand, and expressed admiration:

"Their president, Dr. Oaks Woods, is also one of the individuals on that original list— Meanwhile, his partner in the environmental technology company, Dr. Bruce Banner, is also on that original list. The technology they have developed is truly incredible!"

"Haha, being able to be included on that original list, they are truly remarkable individuals."

President Obama leaned his elbows on the table, still somewhat puzzled.

"But why would they, as Avengers, choose to support us?

Indeed, they haven't openly endorsed us, and everything they do seems to be promoting their environmental ideals. We just happen to be benefiting from it...

But why now? Why have they chosen the very regions where we are in decline?"

"Do we need to reach out to them?"

The advisor pondered for a moment.

"Perhaps hold a press conference to praise their actions? Or award them honorary medals?"

"No, their intention is to distance themselves from us—so not only should we not do anything, but we must also pretend to know nothing."

The President straightened up and made a decision.

"Do not have any official contact with them, and be vigilant against any retaliation from the Republican side.

Stark Industries and Roxxon Corporation have also been active recently. They may not have the time..."

"Mr. President!"

The advisor suddenly interrupted the President, causing him to frown slightly and adopt a serious expression.

"Is it urgent?"

"Good news!"

The advisor's face was filled with delight—he had just received stunning news.

"Roxxon Corporation is in trouble! It turns out that Ellis has such a major handle on them...

Now, they are being tightly held by environmental organizations and can't attend to anything else!"


The U.S. presidential election began with voter ballots on November 6th.

However, in early October, a massive scandal shook not only the United States but the entire world.

A tanker belonging to Roxxon Corporation leaked one million gallons of crude oil off the coast of Pensacola, a city in the northwest of Florida...

The port was temporarily closed. Despite the enormity of the incident, it was reported as a small-scale ordinary oil spill.

Although Roxxon Oil Corporation took emergency measures and swiftly recovered some of the oil using highly sophisticated techniques, they could only retrieve a portion.

Currently, hundreds of square kilometers of sea outside the Pensacola Harbor were still contaminated, turning into a dead zone for marine life.

What's even more outrageous was that the incident occurred in April, and to this day, not a single member of Roxxon Oil Corporation's senior management has been held accountable...

And now, it has been revealed that it was the work of Matthew Ellis, the Republican presidential candidate.

Although the public questioned whether a mere senator had such power, the evidence was indisputable, and it was true that Roxxon Corporation was the biggest capital backing his campaign.

As public opinion exploded, countless people organized protests against the Republican Party and Congressman Ellis. At that moment, news emerged—

Under the leadership of Chairman Oaks Woods, the renowned environmental nonprofit organization, the Benevolence Society, had mobilized personnel and deployed cutting-edge technology to address marine pollution in the target area!

At the same time, they called on society as a whole to refocus on environmental protection and released shocking photos and videos of the affected marine animals on-site—

For a while, the slogans of environmental ideals and sustainable development resounded throughout the United States.

The reputation of the Benevolence Society once again experienced explosive growth.


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