Chapter 101: Captain America

"The reaction outside seems to be quite strong."

Nick Fury was still standing by the large floor-to-ceiling window in his office, hands behind his back, looking outside—

In Washington, D.C., he could seemingly see the crowds of protesters gathering at the Capitol building.

"It is indeed strong, but the response from the White House seems somewhat sluggish."

Behind him, Level 9 Agent Maria Hill held a folder in her arms and smiled faintly.

"The media is already in an uproar, but we didn't expect Consultant Oaks to be so... Anyway, his actions took us by surprise as well."

She flipped through the folder, and even her usually calm tone was filled with emotion.

"And they carried out this action openly, without relying on any external forces... SHIELD cutting off contact with them actually allowed them to proceed without any worries."

"That brat still has that kind of attitude."

Nick Fury snorted. Although he seemed indifferent, Agent Hill could hear a trace of satisfaction in his voice.

"I've told you before that you don't have to worry about them.... How is Secretary Pierce doing?"

"Secretary Pierce... everything is normal."

Agent Hill shrugged.

"For Secretary Pierce, our objective has been achieved. The U.S. military cannot risk offending SHIELD at this time, so it doesn't matter who the President is—especially since the current President seeks reelection rather than engaging in a showdown with another candidate and Congressman Ellis."

Agent Hill's analysis made Nick Fury nod.

"Of course, my old friend is skilled in politics. Perhaps the current situation is also part of his calculations. I dare say his regard for the Council isn't much higher than mine. After all, he once occupied my position."

"You make a valid point, Director."

Agent Hill recalled her meeting with Secretary Pierce that morning and couldn't help but admire his calm demeanor.

"Both Secretary Pierce and you have a global perspective. Although our headquarters is in Washington, it also constrains our actions by the U.S. government and military. Congressman Ellis has too strong a desire for control... perhaps he's not a good choice after all."

"Be careful with your words, Agent Hill."

Nick Fury finally turned away from the floor-to-ceiling window, returned to his desk and sat down.

"A mere national government matters, let them be. We just need to wait for the results.

Now, how is our Captain doing?"

He rested his elbows on the desk, placing his hands on top of each other to support his chin with his one eye fixed on Hill.

"I've already taken care of his retirement pension, but he still doesn't want to have any contact with us?"

"Unfortunately, Director, that seems to be the case for now."

As she mentioned this matter, Agent Hill's expression became serious.

In June, a Russian oil exploration team discovered the "Valkyrie" that crashed during World War II and the legendary hero who had been frozen in the Siberian permafrost for nearly seventy years —

Captain America, Steve Rogers.

Since the establishment of SHIELD, they had never given up on their search for him.

However, when SHIELD attempted to awaken him using a 1940s-style mock hospital room to ease his disorientation from abruptly traversing seventy years of time, Captain Rogers sensed something was amiss—

He escaped the ward and found himself in a completely unfamiliar world.

As the director of SHIELD, Nick Fury was the first to make contact with him and tried to express goodwill—

But unfortunately, during Captain America's era, SHIELD did not yet exist, so he didn't trust the organization.

Even when Fury told him it was an organization created by his old friends Howard Stark and Peggy Carter, it made no difference.

Because Howard Stark has already passed away and Peggy Carter is not in Washington, Rogers is staying in a house arranged by SHIELD for him. Although there is a beautiful woman living next door, he still cannot fully accept the fact that he has traveled seventy years.

This neighbor is Agent 13, Sharon Carter, and Rogers is unaware of her identity.

Fury's intention was for him to gradually adapt, but Captain Rogers clearly needed more time.

"The U.S. military should have received the news, but they don't seem to care about Captain Rogers' survival."

"They certainly wouldn't care."

Nick Fury's mouth curved into a sardonic smile.

"Because Captain Rogers is an undesirable presence to them—especially now, during the intense presidential election, neither side dares to voice their opinion on this matter."

"In the eyes of the U.S. government and military, Captain Rogers has always been nothing more than a propaganda tool. As a soldier, although he holds the rank of captain and the leadership of the Howling Commandos, he has never given the impression of being a soldier who sees obeying orders as his duty—do you understand what I mean?"

"...Yes, I understand."

Agent Hill also smiled.

"Especially after the 'sacrifice' he made back then, the U.S. government has been squeezing every bit of remaining value from him—they call him 'God's righteous man,' a near-legendary perfect hero. And heroes should not appear at their desks demanding retirement pensions."

"So we went and demanded it for him, and they readily provided it."

Nick Fury leaned back in his chair, absentmindedly tapping his fingers on the armrest.

"Now, Captain Rogers is a heavy burden to them. Ha, they wanted to pass this old treasure onto our SHIELD. I couldn't be happier. The Avengers' roster is about to add another member!"

"Director, But Sharon sent a message saying that Captain Rogers plans to go to New York, to Brooklyn, tomorrow."


Nick Fury narrowed his eyes.

"What is he going there for?"

"He said there are protests and demonstrations everywhere in Washington recently, and he's having trouble adjusting... He plans to go back to Brooklyn to see, after all, that's where he was born, and also..."

"And also...?"

Agent Hill looked at Nick Fury's wry smile, her expression also becoming peculiar.

"And also, as you told him yourself, Agent Carter is recuperating at her old house there."

"...Alright, let Sharon secretly protect Captain Rogers and make sure he doesn't discover her."

Nick Fury could only curse Oaks silently. He caused so many problems and still had this kind of impact...

But perhaps seeing his old leader Carter could help Rogers open up more quickly.

"By the way, what is that guy Oaks doing now? Is he still at sea? He has already planted a peculiar purification mangrove forest on the oil-covered sea!"

"No, Dr. Oaks has returned to New York, but it seems he rented an old coastal factory building and I'm not sure what he's doing inside."

Agent Hill shook her head helplessly.

"You know, our surveillance there is extremely limited."

"He has already gone back..."

For some reason, Nick Fury had a strange feeling, and he felt a toothache coming on.


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