Chapter 102: Return to Brooklyn

In front of Carter Slade's old factory, a Caucasian man wearing a brown leather jacket stopped and scratched his short golden hair.

He had a stubble of beard, but it didn't seem meticulously maintained.

However, this broad-chested man had a pair of beautiful sea-blue eyes, although they seemed filled with confusion.

"Brooklyn has changed so much, I don't recognize it at all... This factory does ring a bell, though. It used to be bustling back in the day."

Lost in his thoughts, he decided to leave and continue contemplating whether he should go to the old house.

But as soon as he thought about the "seventy years," the time span that troubled him, he couldn't help but stop in his tracks and hesitate again.

"Boom! Rumble..."

The rumbling sound coming from the old factory across the street startled Steve, and his immediate reaction was...

"Something's wrong with the factory? Is it still in operation? Is anyone hurt?"

Thus, completely putting the matter of the old house aside, he found himself already at the entrance of the old factory.

"Is anyone hurt..."

He swung the door open and stood frozen in place.

What was inside was no factory at all—it was clearly a forest!

And these trees seemed quite ancient, didn't they?

But what about these strange old machines...

Though momentarily confused, the experienced Captain Rogers quickly figured out what had caused the commotion.

Because two young men wearing vests were engaged in a fierce fight under the watchful eye of a tall, thin old man in a security uniform.

The older of the two had red hair and a slightly Irish appearance. He had a slim figure but was very agile.

The younger one had more of an Irish appearance and a muscular build, but he wore a blindfold over his eyes!

And from the course of their fight...

Although the red-haired one seemed to have much better physical abilities than the one wearing the blindfold, he was actually at a disadvantage.

It seemed that the one with the blindfold had keen hearing despite having his vision obscured, and his fighting style indicated rigorous and advanced training.

But due to the suppression of his physical abilities, the one with the blindfold was gradually losing stamina and couldn't hold on much longer.

The venue of their fight was a complex area filled with giant trees, old factory equipment, and even a few stacked broken trucks.

The loud noise from earlier was caused by a large log crashing onto a truck door.

Clearly, these two were not engaged in a simple exercise routine.

However, the three individuals noticed the unexpected arrival and simultaneously stopped, turning their attention toward Steve.

"This facility is quite impressive. The air is so good, and the equipment is unique."

As the three... or rather, two people? stared at him, Steve scratched his head, grinned, and tried to force out a smile.

"Do you need a sparring partner?"

"Mr. Chairman?"

Matt took a deep breath, trying to catch his breath and recover his stamina as quickly as possible.

"You found a sparring partner? This gentleman... seems to have incredibly strong physical abilities!"

He hadn't noticed earlier, but now that they had stopped, his enhanced senses compared the heartbeat and blood flow data of this stubbled man—

It might even surpass Oaks!

And in Oaks' perception of life, it was even more astounding.

This guy's physical abilities had already reached the peak of human capabilities, right?

His health bar was as thick as it could be, terrifying!

"I didn't actually call for a sparring partner..."

Oaks took a breath, a strange expression appearing on his face.

"But since we've crossed paths, please come in. This is my privately built training ground. How should I address you?"

"Um... Thank you, just call me Steve."

Steve stepped forward, unable to resist looking around the place, and exclaimed with admiration, "This is quite impressive. With a few modifications, this place could be turned into a wilderness survival training ground."


Oaks' eyes lit up. Steve, with his peak human physical abilities, blond hair, and blue eyes...

Even with these clues combined, if Oaks still couldn't guess who he was. Oaks might as well have headbutted a tree.

It was Steve Rogers, Captain America, who had recently awakened.

However, encountering him in this manner was completely unexpected for Oaks. Oaks had thought their first meeting would be on the eve of a great battle in New York.

"Ah, sorry to interrupt. I heard a loud noise and came to check..."

Steve pointed to the flattened truck door, and Oaks nodded in understanding, extending his hand with a smile.

"I'm Oaks Woods, and this is Carter Slade, the old man who provided this factory... And this is Matt Murdock, my fitness trainer."

Carter Slade nodded with a smile, squinting his eyes.

"Another interesting 'youngster'..."

He seemed to emphasize certain words, causing Steve's heart to skip a beat. However, the old man then waved his hand and left, saying, "You guys have fun. I'm going to watch TV. Standing here for too long makes my back ache..."

"Uh, hello, Mr. Steve."

Matt took off his headgear and also extended his hand.

"I can't really be called a trainer. It's you who looks like you... Ah, thank you, sorry, my eyes are not very convenient."

Steve saw that Matt's eyes were still closed, so he quickly took a step forward and shook his hand.

"It's been a while since I've been out..."

He raised an eyebrow.

"The world has changed so quickly. Young people like you, with such skills, if you were around during my time... Ahem, I mean, even though you're young, your skills are remarkable."

Seeing Steve in a somewhat awkward situation, Oaks revealed a perfectly timed look of astonishment.

"You look like you're in your thirties. Shave off your beard, and you'll probably look ten years younger."

"Uh... thank you for the compliment."

Only then did Steve realize that he shouldn't incorporate those seventy years into his daily life—

Perhaps it was because the impression was too profound. He unconsciously started thinking of himself as a "ninety-year-old."

So he let go of Matt's hand and quickly changed the topic.

"Speaking of combat skills, I can consider myself a professional in that field. Matt... Your training is rigorous, and your fundamentals are excellent, but your physical limitations prevent you from fully utilizing many techniques."

When it came to his area of expertise, Steve became spirited.

"I can provide you with specialized training exercises to improve your physical stamina. Perhaps it will be beneficial for you."

"Ah... Thank you very much!"

Matt was pleasantly surprised. Since his mentor "Stick" had left, he had been training alone, with limited effectiveness.

That was also why, when Oaks sought him out hoping that he could help him with physical conditioning and combat skills, Matt agreed without saying a word.

Even though Matt aspired to be a lawyer, he was well aware that there were things the law couldn't solve.

Steve now looked at Oaks, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"Oaks... Your physical capabilities are incredibly strong. Your agility and strength surpass the average person's level, but as for combat skills..."

"Cough, they're terrible, right?"

Oaks scratched his head, fully aware of his own limitations.

"Then I'll rely on you, Coach Steve, to train me?"

"With pleasure!"


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