Chapter 113: Final Preparations

Nick Fury felt that today was really an unlucky day.

One old ancestor came to see him and asked him to bring back another young ancestor, and he ended up being the one to bleed...

That was Asgardian alien technology, and according to the professor who had exceptional knowledge of Norse mythology that Coulson found, the Destroyer was the most advanced kind of technology, even in Asgard.

Previously, Oaks wanted to take an arm, which already made Nick Fury wince, and now he opened his mouth again, asking to take the entire unit...

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. had analyzed a portion of the technology in the Destroyer and created weapons theoretically effective against Asgardians, Nick Fury still felt sorry!

But in the end, Nick Fury compromised.

If he didn't compromise, he probably wouldn't be able to leave this room.

"Deal! But you must explain what's causing the anomalies with the Destroyer during this time!"

"I can only say that we have discovered some things... But whether these things caused the anomalies in the Destroyer, I can only investigate and see."

Oaks remained unmoved and pointed upward: "The fluctuations in that thing might also be related to over there, right?"

"... It's best not to!"

Nick Fury snorted: "Alright, now that the deal has been settled, what do you mean by 'certain special conditions'? And what do you mean by a place filled with life force?"

"Well... it's nothing much, you just need a large enough forest with sufficient vitality. However, you should be prepared for the aftermath if the forest's growth isn't good.

As for a place filled with enough life force..."

Oaks rubbed his chin and a dazzling smile appeared on his face: "The Benevolence Society headquarters would be great, don't you think, Ms. Carter?"

"... That would be excellent."


In the Benevolence Society headquarters' office, Steve Rogers, the safety supervisor, put down the file in his hand and rubbed his eyes.

His eyelid had been twitching since the morning.

It felt like something was about to happen.

Out of habit, he took out his pocket watch and glanced at the person he could never forget. Steve let out a sigh.

"Knock, knock, knock~"

The door was knocked, and Steve cleared his throat: "Come in."

The door opened, and Vice President Blaze of the Benevolence Society walked in.

"Hey, Supervisor Steve, how do you like working in the office?"

"It's terrible..."

Steve put down his pocket watch and helplessly spread his hands: "I'm still more used to hitting the streets with the team and personally helping others... I really can't handle legal matters as skillfully as Matt."

"Of course, you only need to skim through it. The actions of our organization are all transparent. All volunteers of the Benevolence Society must understand the basics of the law."

Blaze walked to the desk but didn't sit down. He supported himself on the desk with both hands and looked at Steve with a peculiar expression: "But since you've been out of touch with the times for too long…

Chairman put in a lot of effort and found an outstanding advisor specifically to help you quickly adapt to society in a short time.

By the way, Chairman is really good to you."


Blaze stood up straight, his face filled with envy as he addressed the person at the door:

"Then, welcome Advisor Carter to the Benevolence Society headquarters. I believe you will have a wonderful time here!"


Steve Rogers, with his peak-level human body, froze.

He widened his eyes, slowly opened his mouth, but found that he couldn't make a sound.

"Peg... Peggy... Uh... cough, cough, cough... Peggy??!"

"Steve, you... still owe me a dance."

Peggy Carter, with a graceful bearing and slightly reddened eyes, walked into the office with unwavering determination, as if she had returned to seventy years ago.

Seeing the pocket watch on Steve's desk, she curved her lips slightly, as if stepping out of a photograph:

"That dance... you're late... very late."


Oaks went directly to the laboratory in Stark Tower.

"Did the takeout arrive?"

As soon as Oaks entered the room, he saw the remains of the Destroyer lying on the lab table and nodded in satisfaction:

"It seems that S.H.I.E.L.D.'s efficiency is quite high."

"I went to pick it up."

Tony, who was carefully examining the readings with an instrument, looked up upon hearing the words and rolled his eyes:

"If they hadn't insisted on packaging it, I would have flown back with this guy on my own!"

"... That would have been too conspicuous."

Oaks shrugged and looked around:

"Where's Bruce?"

"He went to the containment room to try on the sample, but currently, although your magical plant fibers can synchronize with enchanted Uru metal, the switching process during transformation is a major problem that still needs constant adjustment."

Tony set down the instrument in his hand with his eyes gleaming:

"However, now that we have enough Uru metal, we can change our plans, and we can also solve the problem on Banner's side—by increasing the number of Uru metal armor pieces, we can temporarily resolve the switching process issue."

"That's for the best."

"Speaking of which, where have you been these past few days?"

Tony walked over to the coffee machine, poured a cup of coffee, and complained:

"Although we have plenty of Uru metal now, it's completely useless without your enchanted touch."

"I went to make a deal for this big baby... and I also left you some time to study its technological structure. After all, once it's dismantled, it's gone. Have you finished the precision cutting?"

Oaks approached the lab table and looked at the data displayed on the monitor:

"S.H.I.E.L.D. still needs data on the resonance phenomenon of the Destroyer, but I guess that should be a magic-based phenomenon ?"

"That's right, so a simple notification to them will suffice... Let's get to work!"

Tony waved his hand, and a holographic image of the Destroyer appeared in the middle of the lab:

"The Mark VII armor that I'm developing, with the addition of Uru metal, although it still can't achieve instant access, can greatly enhance the armor strength of the portable armor when combined with your magic..."

"And it can have a stronger life support system."

Oaks smiled faintly, and his hands emitted a glow of Nature magic:

"And only your Arc Reactor can output such a massive amount of energy for cutting Uru metal. You should know that it was originally forged in the core of a star."

"Oaks, don't you find that 'expert' in Norse mythology..."

Tony paused for a moment and snorted:

"Don't they know a bit too much?"

"Professor Randolph, right?"

Oaks raised an eyebrow.

"After this period, I think I'll pay him a visit. But for now... I'm really looking forward to my 'Forest Heart Battle Robe'!"

"According to the plan, it will be completed within three days...

On the 1st of next month, I will switch the energy of the Arc Reactor to this Stark Tower.

As an expert in clean energy, this is the best opportunity for publicity!"

Tony waved his hand, and the holographic image of the Destroyer had been divided into a pile of scattered small parts.

But Oaks suddenly froze, looking at the electronic watch on his wrist.

April 28, 2012.

"Indeed, we don't have much time left..."


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