Chapter 114: Encounter at the Base

The battle suddenly broke out unnoticed.

The "Project Pegasus" research center was invaded by Loki. Agent Clint Barton, also known as Hawkeye, a Level 7 operative, and Dr. Erik Selvig, the chief scientist of S.H.I.E.L.D. and expert in the Tesseract, were controlled by Loki. Furthermore, Loki seized the Tesseract from S.H.I.E.L.D's Director Nick Fury.

The entire underground military base collapsed, resulting in heavy casualties for S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and the guarding military forces.

Nick Fury hadn't even figured out where Loki had escaped to.

However, he was certain that if Loki completed his preparations, the world would be doomed.

"Because according to Loki, he wants to establish a 'world not bound by freedom'...

What does that mean? I think you should understand.

That's why I have issued a Level 7 alert, which means war!"

Nick Fury is currently in the reception room of the Benevolence Society headquarter Little Rainforest.

He didn't come here to pet the cat this time, nor did he even have the thought of seeing Goose. He couldn't bear the idea of this little baby getting hurt in the impending war.

Sitting on the sofa opposite the coffee table was Oaks, with a calm expression.

"So, about this Tesseract..."

Oaks put down the documents in his hand. This time, Nick Fury didn't hide anything and told him everything about the Tesseract.

However, it was evident that he didn't tell the whole truth about Project Pegasus.

He only revealed the "Phase One," which involved using the Tesseract to obtain limitless energy capable of changing human society. The "Light-Speed Engine" project that preceded it wasn't mentioned in these documents.

But the mention of "Hydra" appeared for the first time in the information Nick Fury conveyed to Oaks.

Oaks looked at Nick Fury with a gaze akin to looking at a madman.

"Is this from the time of World War II? The Hydra leader, the Red Skull, obtained it from Tonsberg, Norway?

Don't you know what Tonsberg is? It was the site of the battle between Asgard and the Frost Giants!"

After the incident with the hammer falling from the New Mexico sky and the involvement of Thor, S.H.I.E.L.D. conducted investigations into Norse mythology on a global scale.

The information provided was closest to what Oaks directly "monitored" from Thor, which was the version provided by Elliot Randolph, a history professor at the University of Seville in Spain.

Even Oaks had looked through the information he provided and could only marvel at how this guy was willing to risk his life for fame.

S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't take action against him not because they didn't notice his abnormalities, but because they didn't have a need for him yet.

Although the information he provided didn't include the Tesseract, the fact that Tonsberg, Norway, was mentioned in his information undoubtedly linked the Tesseract and Odin together in S.H.I.E.L.D's data!

The reason Oaks adopted this attitude was because he still had to maintain his image as a "local scientist." Therefore, he couldn't reveal anything he shouldn't know.

"Of course, I know. But if Odin had allowed the Tesseract to remain on Earth since then, wouldn't it be only natural to use it for the benefit of Earth and humanity, especially now that Loki, the trickster god, has come and seized it with such insane hostility..."

Nick Fury avoided discussing the "Phase Two" of weaponization:

"We don't know how to use the Tesseract properly, but since it was originally Asgard's property, and now their second prince, Loki, has resorted to such crazed hostile means to take it away..."

He stared at Oaks.

"Doesn't that mean Asgard is officially declaring war on Earth?"

"So, are you going to... use that abandoned plan to respond?"

Oaks tapped the folder in front of him and revealed a mocking smile:

"Although I know politicians care least about repeatedly slapping their own faces, do you think those guys in the Council will let you have your way?"

"That's why I've decided to ignore the Council."

Nick Fury picked up the coffee on the coffee table and drank it in one gulp:

"The reason I came directly to you, you also understand."

"Steve, right? You should know that he just met Agent Carter... It's only been three days."

"I'm sure Agent Carter will support him... just like back then.

And not only because of Captain America, but also because of Stark and Banner."

Nick Fury sighed.

"Look, Oaks, you, alone, have managed to connect so many individuals with diverse personalities and special abilities. If someone has to push them to come together, it's definitely you."

"Hmph... Is that really the case?"

Oaks didn't accept the high praise that Nick Fury offered him. He crossed his arms and carefully scrutinized the bald man with a seemingly "sincere" expression.

"With your status, even in the Avengers Initiative, it's hard for me to believe that there are no operatives from your organization involved.

You have the Avengers' roster in your hands, and it's unknown to others... So, let's be honest now, Director Fury. Who are the S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives among the Avengers?"


Nick Fury remained silent for a moment before curling up the corners of his mouth.

"You've met both Level 7 operatives. Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow, and Clint Barton—though the latter is now deeply embedded in the enemy camp."

"So, Loki has a senior operative as his commander... The existing defenses of S.H.I.E.L.D. will no longer be a secret to him."

Oaks nodded slowly and picked up the internal phone on the desk.

"Steve? Buddy, have you been having a good few days?

Don't thank me yet. Now, please bring Agent Carter to the meeting room... It's time for a field mission!"

After seeing the rejuvenated appearance of Peggy Carter, the exchange of identity information between Steve and Oaks became official.

Captain America's attitude toward Oaks had transformed from admiration and gratitude to trust and appreciation.

Appreciation goes without saying, but trust...

The information brought by Carter indicated that before S.H.I.E.L.D. informed Oaks, he hadn't used his previous connection with S.H.I.E.L.D. to investigate Steve's identity.

Nick Fury watched as Oaks hung up the internal phone and picked up his cell phone.

"Hey, Bruce, we have something to do... It's time for you to showcase your expertise in gamma radiation detection...

We need to find a tricky individual, Loki, the second prince of Asgard."

"That's right, don't forget to put on your new clothes. This time, the Second Prince isn't friendly... He's not as straightforward as his brother. He has already blown up a military base and is preparing to 'liberate all of humanity.'

I'm across the street, the usual place, with familiar and new acquaintances. Alright, see you later."

Oaks hung up the phone and dialed another number.

"Hey, Tony, I heard that Stark Tower has completely switched to Arc Reactor power?

Well, congratulations. So, would you mind joining a private gathering? There are a few old and new friends who need your input on matters concerning Asgard and world peace."

"Very well... See you in fifteen minutes."

After hanging up the phone again, Oaks shrugged in the admiring gaze of Nick Fury.



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