Chapter 129: Another Use for the Bear

Just as Oaks and Thor were proceeding with their next actions, the previous combined attack caught the attention of another mysterious force.

The Hidden Sorcerer Society, located in the lower Manhattan area of New York City—the direction that Oaks had just sensed.

Unbeknownst to mortals, a tremendous amount of energy was gathering at one of the world's three largest magical nodes, the New York Sanctuary, where the mages were stationed, doing their utmost to contain the portals in the sky.

Their efforts were effective; otherwise, with the Space Stone, one of the Infinity Stones, opening a super-sized portal for the Chitauri mothership to pass through wouldn't be a problem. Why would they resort to such a tactic?

As formidable as the Avengers were, they were only a few individuals, and the Sorcerers had managed to confine the war to the small area of Manhattan. The contribution of the Sorcerers couldn't be understated.

However, the power of the Infinity Stones was something that mere mortal Sorcerers and the power of a single magical node on a planet couldn't contend with.

The only thing that could stand against the Infinity Stones was the Infinity Stones themselves.

The reason why the Kamar-taj could limit the portals with mortal strength was due to the Time Stone, one of the Infinity Stones, being present there.

On the rooftop, a bald Celtic woman clad in a yellow robe was using magic to clear the Chitauri soldiers that had spread to this area.

The guardian of the Time Stone, the Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, the Ancient One.

The Time Stone couldn't be excessively used to counteract the Space Stone; otherwise, she didn't know what would happen.

Stabilizing the portals to this extent was already the limit of what the Ancient One could currently do. Then, her disciples took over her work and maintained the ritual.

Her current task was to clear out the small fries around the New York Sanctuary.

The feats that mortal heroes could achieve were almost predetermined in the eyes of the Sorcerer Supreme. Whether in the past or the future, there was no need for much interference.

However, when the vast power of nature converged on Manhattan, the calm and composed expression that the Sorcerer Supreme had maintained for hundreds of years showed a slight ripple.

"To be able to manipulate such powerful energy..."

Sharp magical energy dismembered the Chitauri soldiers that had reached the rooftop in the blink of an eye. The Sorcerer Supreme's hands no longer held the Ruby Rings of Raggadorr, and her gaze turned toward the direction of the Empire State Building.

"Truly remarkable..."

The massive thunder strike cleared out the newly emerging Chitauri from the portal. A faint smile appeared on the Sorcerer Supreme's face.

"This power is different from the magical energy of the nodes; it originates from life and nature... A half-Celtic druid? So, it was him a few months ago..."

The Sorcerer Supreme hesitated for a moment, closed her eyes, and formed hand seals in front of her chest. The Eye of Agamotto emitted a shimmering green light, and the power of the Time Stone began to overflow...

After a moment, the Sorcerer Supreme opened her eyes, and a rare bitter smile appeared on her face.

"Truly... could such a thing happen? This won't do. Strange is meant to become the best among us."


The Avengers were clearing out the Chitauri troops on the ground and in the air. Natasha had already realized that, with her identity as a mortal agent, she couldn't play as significant a role on the front lines as the tactically supportive Hawkeye.

With Captain America's help, she commandeered a Chitauri aircraft and, incidentally, brought Loki, who had been stolen multiple times, to Hawkeye.

As Loki caught the arrow shot by Hawkeye, his smile had yet to bloom before he was covered in an explosion, leaving him with a face covered in soot. He failed in his attempt to look cool and was blasted onto the upper platform of the Stark Tower.

This time, Oaks intentionally let Thor go first and flew up to the platform personally to give Loki a beating.

A bear's paw wasn't suitable for grabbing and beating, so Oaks used a different method.

After that classic line, "I am a god," Oaks accelerated in his hawk form and then transformed into a bear, demonstrating the practicality of "speed equals power" in action—

Loki found himself being sat into the ground by the supersonic butt of a giant brown bear weighing several tons.

Oaks ridiculed, "This floor is really damn solid," and seeing Loki's dumbfounded expression covered in soot, even Hulk, who had just leaped up, laughed and fell down...

However, beating up Loki didn't serve any purpose. The Chitauri army was still pouring through the portals without end.

Fortunately, Thor didn't know what he had gone to do. Acting as if nothing had happened, he began to proceed with the next phase of the plan.

On The Stark Tower rooftop, Natasha discovered Dr. Selvig, who had been knocked unconscious by Oaks earlier.

Through this effective consciousness recalibration method, it was evident that Dr. Selvig had regained consciousness.

Even when under Loki's control, Dr. Selvig, driven by his instincts as an exceptional scientist, subconsciously left behind emergency measures when working on crucial projects.

The activation device for the Tesseract in front of him was no exception.

And that emergency measure, Loki's scepter, was in Stark Tower.


Oaks had already rendezvoused with Thor, Tony, and Captain America. Under Oaks' healing magic, the injured Hawkeye had also recovered. With the arrival of Hulk, who had finished dealing with Loki, the Avengers were assembled once again, except for Natasha.

"Hey, Teddy Bear, if you two could conjure up some lightning strikes like earlier a few more times, we'd be in much better shape!"

Tony looked at the Chitauri still wreaking havoc, and though he was mocking, urgency was filled in his voice.

"Did you gather us together because you were afraid of us getting hurt?"

"No, it's to eliminate them more efficiently."

Oaks took a deep breath.

"Get ready for your most effective means of killing enemies, guys... Here we go!"

Once again, the nature energy and the cosmic energies reached a delightful balance in his hands. The long-lost feeling of exhilaration filled Oaks' entire body.

"Transformation: Giant Bear Form!"


In the midst of the Chitauri invasion, the people of New York witnessed yet another miracle, aside from the portals piercing the sky.

On the chaotic streets and building wreckage near Stark Tower, a radiant starlight erupted along with a resounding and blood-boiling roar.

A... bear that stood over three meters tall? It was bellowing up at the sky.

But this bear looked like a holographic projection, with its entire body composed of fantastical starlight and rising mist. Only the Avengers who were close could clearly feel the immense pressure emanating from it!

"Wow! Did you get a makeover, Teddy Bear?!"

Tony exclaimed dramatically.

"What on earth is this?!"

"The balance of energy often gives rise to incredible miracles..."

Oaks didn't say much more because the resounding roar from a few streets away had already had an effect.

"Get ready to fight, everyone!"

Finally realizing that the Chitauri troops were surrounding them, regardless of their original attack targets, they turned their red eyes toward the Avengers' direction, as if they had seen their father's killer, and charged at them!

No, it wasn't just the surrounding area; even the Chitauri troops in the distance and in the sky were all heading their way!

Empowered by the immense energy, the aggro roar mocked and taunted the Chitauri troops that had been indulging in wanton destruction and slaughter, drawing them all towards it!

To them, that melodious roar was like a demonic voice mocking them:

"You sons of bitches!"

"Steve! Time to face them! I'll go ahead, and you follow!"

Transforming into his fully ethereal form—the Blue Jelly Bear, or rather, as he preferred to call it, the "Starlight Bear"—Oaks shouted:

"Thor! Use your hammer and lightning to strike Steve's shield! Hulk! On the left, smash hard! Tony! On the right, unleash heavy firepower! Barton! Protect Steve and take care of any stragglers!"

"The show is about to begin!"


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