Chapter 135: Sorcerer Supreme's Request

After Thor returned to Asgard with Loki, the departing Avengers encountered Alexander Pierce, who had come with a group of people.

Pierce's purpose was to demand Loki and the Tesseract from them, but of course, he didn't get anything.

Ignoring Pierce's impotent rage, Oaks and the others continued to focus on their relief efforts—of course, no one informed Pierce about Oaks' warning.

Even Natasha and Barton had realized that something was wrong—

Mr. Secretary, the person behind Director Nick Fury, seemed to be the person who could truly influence the Council's decisions, and he appeared to be executing the Council's orders.

They didn't bother arguing about jurisdiction and authority with Pierce.

Even Natasha and Barton had left the ranks of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and Pierce no longer had authority over them.

If you have the ability, go to Asgard and demand things from them!

In this war against alien invasion, not only the Avengers but also Oaks' Benevolence Society also gained a tremendous reputation.

People who wanted to join the Benevolence Society flooded the gates of the Little Rainforest.

The Chairman, Safety Supervisor, and even the Technical Supervisor of the Benevolence Society were all outstanding Avengers!

A small environmental charity organization with three Avengers!

And among them was Captain America!

But the benefit of being a hands-off shopkeeper was that Oaks used the excuse of discussing matters with the Sorcerer Supreme and left the affairs of the Benevolence Society to them, while he went back home and enjoyed his free time.

So, the first formal meeting between Oaks and the Sorcerer Supreme took place in this small shop.

However, things turned out to be a bit different from what Oaks had expected.

In his view, the Sorcerer Supreme was probably here to investigate his background—

After all, his spells and the magic of the Sorcerer Supreme were completely different concepts.

But to his surprise, the Ancient One seemed to have no intention of delving into that aspect.

"Everyone has their own secrets."

Perhaps sensing Oaks' confusion, a faint smile appeared on the calm face of the Ancient One:

"Although you seem to have some understanding of me... if we were to investigate the roots of every person with special powers, even I wouldn't be able to handle it.

I understand what you've done. Whether the explanations you give publicly are true or false, those are not what I need to concern myself with."

Seated on the couch opposite Oaks, the Sorcerer Supreme fanned herself with a folding fan.

"I am certain of your existence and its tremendous benefits to Earth. That is enough."

"Well, indeed you have a broad mind. Truly befitting of the 'Supreme' Sorcerer."

Oaks spread his hands.

"In fact, I received an invitation from Thor, the crown prince of Asgard, to visit Asgard. So I took the opportunity to ask him about your Hidden Mystic Order."

"Asgard... I see."

The Ancient One nodded knowingly, realizing that Oaks' understanding was incomplete.

Speaking of which, even Thor probably didn't know much, but it would be different if it were Odin, the King of Asgard.

As one of the Nine Realms and the most important one, the "Central Court" of Midgard that connected all the other worlds, why could it maintain relative independence before this "ruler of the Nine Realms," Asgard?

It should be noted that the other seven realms were all subservient to Asgard, except for powerful Vanaheim, which had a kinship relationship with Asgard.

Oaks couldn't believe for a second that there was no connection between the Earth's protector, the Ancient One, and all of this.

Although the Ancient One was not very old in Odin's eyes, appearing to be around seven hundred years old.

But with such formidable power and the Time Stone, what could one do?

Therefore, it was not surprising to the Ancient One when Oaks mentioned getting information about them from Thor.

However, the Ancient One did not ask why Asgard invited Oaks. She had more important matters to discuss.

"Oaks, I came here this time to discuss something with you."

The choice of words surprised Oaks.

"To discuss?"


The serene gaze of the Sorcerer Supreme looked at Oaks, as if it could see the passing of time.

"In about five years from now, something extremely important will happen for me, for all sorcerers."

Her voice was calm and unquestionable.

"But it seems that, because of your connection, this timeline differs from what I 'saw'—

It was originally impossible."

The Ancient One's words left Oaks bewildered for a moment before he grasped the meaning.

Was she referring to Stephen Strange becoming the new Sorcerer Supreme?

No, that's not right. It should be the car accident that compelled him to search for mystical powers...

"I... don't quite understand, and five years later?"

Oaks put on a puzzled expression.

"Sorry, is it too distant to talk about something five years from now?"

"It's not distant to me..."

The Ancient One waved her hand, and an orange magical line appeared between her and Oaks.

"If the flow of time is a line, there will occasionally be ripples, but overall, there won't be significant fluctuations."

Her finger brushed across the timeline, calming some subtle ripples.

"The original mission of the Kamar-taj was to protect the Earth, and the existence of the Sorcerer Supreme is to confront magical crises from various dimensions...

And certain major crises that threaten the timeline."


Prominent markers appeared on the timeline.

"The stability of the timeline requires certain firm points to maintain it. These are inevitable events that have far-reaching effects on this universe and even the cosmic rules.

If they are altered, everything afterward will be changed—

The event five years from now is such an event."

"Are you saying that my existence will change that event five years from now..."

Oaks' forehead was already sweating.

"But I still don't understand how I will change it."

"You... will heal a surgeon who became disabled in both hands due to a car accident."

A glimmer flashed in the eyes of the Ancient One.

"Although he is arrogant and self-centered, you won't stand by and watch such a talented person sink into despair because of an accident."


Oaks opened his mouth and sighed.

"That's true, but this guy sounds a lot like Tony in terms of personality.

So, you mean I shouldn't treat that... surgeon?"

Oaks shrugged, indicating his dilemma.

"But it seems... he has to sink into despair for your plan to be implemented? Then isn't this guy done for?."

"No... it is his destiny, and he will be my disciple."

The Ancient One tilted her head and a peculiar smile appeared on her face.

"As a reward, I will tell you some ancient secrets of our Celtic people."


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