Chapter 136: The Celtic Druid

For the Ancient One, who was a Celt, Oaks seemed to be like a junior.

No problem.

Oaks's eyes widened.

What's going on? The Celtic mythology and Druidic heritage on Earth have always been his cover.

Especially after encountering the Druig, even Stonehenge was created by those Eternals.

But thinking about it, Oaks suddenly became solemn.

There have been so many things happening recently that he almost forgot the cause and effect of his last spiritual journey to Stonehenge.

"The mysterious energy located west of Stonehenge..."

Oaks initially planned to investigate it after the New York incident, but now, with the Ancient One and Asgard, these two matters forced him to postpone his plans.

But he didn't expect the Ancient One to mention the ancient secrets of Celtic mythology!

Although Celtic mythology originated in Ireland, it spread widely throughout Western Europe. Even in England, there are more Celtic mythological remnants than in Ireland.

Celtic mythology can be roughly divided into two parts: ancient mythology and heroic epics.

And the presence of Druids runs through both.

"In Celtic mythology, the existence of Druids can be traced back to before the first century."

The Ancient One looked at Oaks, who was shocked, and spoke.

"That was a completely different existence from the later so-called "Druidic religion" before the Romans invaded the Celtic people."

With keen interest, she looked up and down at Oaks, her gaze lingering on his red hair for a few seconds.

"And your heritage clearly resembles them."

"...Sorcerer Supreme, didn't you say before that you wouldn't delve into the roots?"

Oaks couldn't sit still. If the Ancient One were to insist on discussing these ancient secrets with him, how could he explain the source of his heritage?

The White Magic of Vishanti and the Black Magic of Chthon... Does his nature magic really have to be associated with Gaia?

Or should he pass it on to the Elder Gods?

Although it is true that Mother Gaia's name can help him conceal his abilities, she is as famous as Vishanti and Chthon, who knows when there will be consequences!

After all, the power from those big shots is "borrowed," while Oaks' current abilities are essentially at least on par with Gaia in theory!

Although he doesn't know if Gaia is present, where she is, what if she were to make contact prematurely because of this?

Will the Mother of Earth protect him or deceive him, or...

"That's true. I'm just providing you with some information... The rest is up to you to delve into, because I'm not sure either."

The Sorcerer Supreme smiled and shook her head.

"You may not be aware that there are three giant magical nodes on Earth. Forming a global magic defense system to resist the invasion of outer dimensions."

The Sorcerer Supreme put away the previous flow of the timeline with a wave of her hand, replacing it with a model of the Earth's magical power, with three prominent points shining brightly.

"This is... New York, London, Hong Kong."

Oaks gathered his thoughts and nodded solemnly.

"It's even more magnificent than I imagined... Dimensional invasions... unheard of."

It seems that the incident at Stonehenge was detected by the London Sanctum at that time, after all, it was too close.

"A few months ago, the London Sanctum detected a unique magical energy."

The Ancient One noticed Oaks' puzzled expression and smiled even more:

"And the approximate location of that magical power is the legendary place in Celtic mythology, a mysterious place... Although no one has been able to confirm whether that place really exists."


Oaks couldn't sit still, and that power caused him to enter his spiritual form ahead of time.

Although he didn't realize it before, why did that power resonate so strongly with him?

His heritage comes from Azeroth, which does not exist here, but why does Earth have such a resonating power?!

He even had the urge to leave everything behind and go there immediately!

However, the Sorcerer Supreme was still in front of him.

"I... won't interfere with the surgeon's matter."

He let out a sigh of relief and agreed to the Ancient One's proposal:

"So, What is that place? The Otherworld?"

The Otherworld, the paradise where souls temporarily reside before being reincarnated, according to Irish mythology.

If there is a possibility of ancient Celtic Druidic heritage, The Otherworld undoubtedly holds great potential.

"No... the legends of The Otherworld are too ancient, and I'm not sure either."

But what the Ancient One said surprised Oaks again:

"It is a place that has more recent legends, a part of Arthurian legend, the 'The Utopia,' Avalon."

Oaks: "..."

What happened to the ancient secrets?


The Utopia, the Island of Blessing, the sacred place in Celtic mythology, the center of Druidic beliefs, the mysterious otherworldly realm...

There are many legends about Avalon, but none of them can escape one thing—

That is the resting place of King Arthur according to legend!

This timespan spans from ancient times to the Middle Ages...

Wait, the profession of Sorcerer Supreme...

Merlin, the teacher of King Arthur...

Oh, I see.

Regardless of whether this big shot is still around, at least he used to be.

So it's reasonable for the two Supreme mages, Merlin and the Ancient One, both of whom are Celts, to have some shared heritage and secrets, right?

And there are legends that Merlin should be a Druid!

But Avalon...

"King Arthur can't be there, right!"

Oaks looked at the Ancient One with a strange expression:

"Is his holy sword waiting for me to inherit?!"


Even the Ancient One couldn't help but smile at Oaks' expression.

"I don't know about that. You need to explore it for yourself... But I hope you have enough confidence before you go."

She stood up and walked away from the sofa with a leisurely pace:

"Also, you better be careful in Asgard."

"Ah, that's what I wanted to say."

Oaks also stood up and followed her:

"The Sorcerer Supreme knows Odin? Can you give me some kind of token or something? Otherwise, I'm afraid that guy will bind me in Asgard as a medic."

"A token..."

The Ancient One tilted her head slightly, and when she saw Oaks' gaze involuntarily flicker to the Eye of Agamotto on her chest, she immediately shook her head and laughed:

"That's impossible, but a magical mark is possible."

The Ancient One gestured for Oaks to extend his right hand, and she gently tapped his hand with the fan, forming a magical mark that belonged exclusively to her:

"Odin will recognize this power."

"Thank you, Sorcerer Supreme."

Oaks slightly bowed, then saw that the Ancient One had already opened a portal, but he suddenly took a step forward:

"Sorcerer Supreme, please wait... there's been something puzzling me for a long time, and I want to seek the Sorcerer Supreme's enlightenment."


The Ancient One's footsteps toward the portal paused slightly:

"What is it?"

"Do you, Sorcerer Supreme, know... about the Eternals?"


The portal in front of the Ancient One disappeared.


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