Chapter 139: King Odin

"Is there any special etiquette for meeting your father later?"

Oaks followed Thor into the golden palace,and was on his way to the throne to meet Odin.

Now, Oaks was starting to realize... he was also representing Earth this time, wasn't he?

Although Oaks was someone who confronted Fury on Earth, plotted against the US President, and treated the Sorcerer Supreme neither humbly nor arrogantly, this was not Earth!

In terms of power, the Ancient One might be strong, but she was still human and, to some extent, on his side. But Odin wasn't!

Here, he couldn't currently unleash the same level of power he displayed during the Battle of New York—

Because although the Nature energy of Asgard was strong, Oaks didn't have control over it at the moment.

He couldn't help but feel that something was missing from his heritage.

Was power really such an inconvenient thing? Did he have to exert effort to control the environment every time he wanted to use his power?

But he couldn't quite pinpoint what was wrong all along...

After all, he had never neglected his power training, and he was indeed growing stronger.

His thoughts involuntarily drifted back to Avalon, mentioned by the Ancient One. Oaks quickly dispelled that feeling from his mind.

"This is my first time visiting another planet. Earth's mythologies have passed for hundreds of years. As for the personality of King Odin, you, as his son, would know best!"

Instead of titles like "King of Gods," "Father of All Gods," or "God-King," Oaks decided to address Odin as "King Odin."

He could use the title of king, but the Asgardians could call themselves by the other titles.


Thor paused for a moment, as if he had never thought about this question before.

But after stroking his chin and thinking for a while, he patted Oak's shoulder solemnly.

"No problem, when my father is not angry, he is very approachable. There aren't many strict protocols to follow, and besides, you are my good friend and comrade, with a deep bond. Father greatly admires courageous warriors!"

"I'm not a warrior..."

Oaks pursed his lips.

"I am a druid, or you can think of me as a magician with some unconventional practices."

"But you are very brave."

Thor winked and gave a sunny smile.

"Don't worry, this is a private meeting, not a formal audience... It will take place in my father's private chamber."


He coughed lightly and lowered his voice.

"Do not mention anything about healing my father while you're outside."

"I understand. Luckily, I have another reason for coming."

"Is that so?"

Thor opened his mouth.

"Originally, you were only here to be recognized for your involvement with the Tesseract."

"There's recognition? Well, now I'm suddenly confident!"

Oaks straightened his chest and rubbed his face.

"No problem, let's go!

...After all, this is my home. Just think of yourself as a guest!"

Even though Thor said that, Oaks clearly didn't fully believe it.

However, as he followed Thor into the grand hall of the golden palace and saw the guards lining the passage, Asgardian soldiers clad in golden armor wielding spears, all the nervousness disappeared.

Thor was right. This was a private meeting concerning the privacy of the King of the Gods. Asgard would definitely not make it known to everyone.

The guards guarding the private chamber were the elite among the elite, the trusted confidants—

Oaks even felt that each of them had hands stained with countless blood, true survivors and elites from the battlefield.

Finally, in a somewhat dim hall, Oaks saw a throne that wasn't as resplendent as the others.

Sparse sunlight streamed through the hollow reliefs behind, giving the throne a sense of the passage of time.

King Odin, the ruler of the gods, sat upon it.

The name Odin originally meant "madness" or "fury."

In his early years, Odin indeed earned the glorious reputation of Asgard by employing mad aggression that shook the Nine Realms.

But now, the aging Odin pursued benevolent rule and had a gentle appearance with white hair and beard.

He didn't exude overwhelming domination or kingly aura, even though he occupied the highest throne, wore battle armor and a cape. Instead, he gave off a sense of kindness and benevolence like a friendly neighbor.

It was only the golden eyepatch and the Eternal Spear Gungnir in his hand that proclaimed the boundless power of the Allfather to the world.

Beside the throne stood a middle-aged woman with golden hair, wearing a flowing gown, exuding elegance and nobility.

Frigga, the Queen of Asgard, Thor's mother, and a member of the Vanir Gods.

"Father, I have brought Oaks Woods, a human comrade from Midgard, to Asgard."

Thor stepped forward, placed his hammer down, knelt on one knee, and bowed to pay his respects. He also winked at Frigga by the throne.


Frigga helplessly glared at Thor. It seemed that her eldest son had become much more agile in his thinking since returning from Earth.

But thinking about his Earth girlfriend, Frigga couldn't help but think of the intended bride for her son and sighed quietly.

"King Odin, Guardian of the Nine Realms, I am Oaks Woods from Earth, a teammate of Thor, an Avenger, and a druid."

Oaks took a step forward, placed his right hand on his chest, slightly bowed, and the mark of the Sorcerer Supreme appeared on the back of his hand.

"I bring greetings from the Sorcerer Supreme, the Ancient One of Earth, and pay my respects to you."

"That is indeed her mark."

Odin's gaze on the throne was slightly solemn. He had already heard from Thor about the events of the Battle of New York on Earth, and he was aware of the Sorcerer Supreme actively approaching this young man before him.

Now it seemed that they had already spoken and had a good conversation.

Could it be that Sorcerer Supreme, who claimed to see through time, had foreseen his summoning of him today and had gone to meet him?

A faint smile appeared on Odin's face, and he didn't mind things like not kneeling during the meeting. After all, Oaks currently acted as the emissary of the Ancient One.

"Oaks, you are Thor's comrade, and I have learned about your battles. You possess the courage and fearlessness of a warrior, the wisdom and knowledge of a magician, and a druid... indeed, it is a commendable heritage."

Odin's choice of words raised a hint of confusion in Oaks's mind, but he didn't have time to dwell on it as Odin spoke again:

"How is the Sorcerer Supreme now? Is there anything she needs you to convey to me?"

"The Sorcerer Supreme is well."

Oaks once again paid his respects. Initially, he only wanted to ask the Ancient One for insurance, so that Odin wouldn't catch on to his exceptional healing spells and try to exploit him.

However, during their last encounter, the Ancient One's departing words had obvious significance:

"The Sorcerer Supreme learned of your summons to me and instructed me to 'enjoy the journey to Asgard.'"

Oaks paused and repeated the Ancient One's words. How Odin interpreted them was up to him:

"She said... 'Perhaps, it will be interesting.'"

"'Enjoy' and 'interesting'..."

Odin quietly repeated these two words, and his smile became even gentler, surprising Thor.

"Well then, welcome to Asgard, young Earthling."

He gently tapped the Gungnir, and an endless dignity pervaded the room.

"As the Sorcerer Supreme said, enjoy this journey."


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