Chapter 140: Asgard's Bonus

Thor had never seen his father so gentle towards someone who didn't kneel before him.

Although he had heard of the title of the Sorcerer Supreme from his father, Thor didn't truly understand just how powerful the bald woman who helped them open the portal on the battlefield was.

So he was completely bewildered by the treatment Oaks received as the "emissary" of that woman, which far exceeded his expectations.

However, this didn't affect the conversation between Odin and Oaks.

"Today is a private audience, there are no formalities required."

Odin raised his hand slightly, and Oaks stood up.

"Thank you for your kindness, King Odin."

Whether Odin was the Guardian of the Nine Realms or Thor's father, as an old man who had lived for over five thousand years...

Oaks didn't mind showing him the respect that matched his status.

"This audience is primarily to express my gratitude for your efforts in reclaiming the Tesseract for Asgard and... for what you did for Loki."

When Odin mentioned the name of his adopted son, he paused for a moment but continued:

"Furthermore, Thor has told me that you possess some special abilities."

"Yes, your majesty."

Oaks glanced at Thor, who was standing by the side and signaling to him. He took a breath and nodded slightly.

"I have the ability to heal injuries and ailments of living beings.

Thor joined the Avengers to protect Earth and fought alongside us, ultimately defeating the Chitauri invasion.

As Thor's comrade and as an Earthling, it is only right for me to respond to Thor's request. However, I cannot guarantee if my healing spells will be effective on you, your majesty."

Oaks wasn't being modest, as Thor and Odin were on completely different levels of power. The fact that his healing spells could heal Thor didn't mean they would work on Odin.

Odin's power was starting to strain his own body, and who knows if it would have any adverse effects on Oaks's healing spells.

"No matter... it's worth a try."

Odin was well aware of his own physical condition. The injuries he sustained didn't appear to be severe, but they accelerated the erosion of his power.

If left untreated, he wouldn't have many good years left.

So, although Thor mentioned this out of filial piety, Odin took it very seriously.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have sent Thor to bring Oaks to Asgard without even repairing the Bifrost.

Thor was still too young. Although Odin had already decided to pass the throne of Asgard to him after he quelled this rebellion, there was still a major problem...

It would be more secure if he could endure for a few more years, or even longer.

"Right here?"

Oaks looked around at the guards and was somewhat surprised. Odin nodded gently.

"No problem, go ahead and cast your spell."

"Then if you'll excuse me... First, I need to confirm if the spell can take effect."

Oaks took a deep breath, and a cluster of emerald green light appeared in his hand. Then Odin's body was enveloped by a ring of green light, full of the breath of nature and life.

Rejuvenation, the most fundamental and universally applicable healing spell.

Odin's power was too formidable, and Oaks's life sense couldn't even detect the extent of his injuries—

Because Oaks didn't know how strong Odin originally was.

"How do you feel, your majesty?"

"...There is some effect, but it's very weak."

Odin closed his eyes and sensed for a while before nodding slightly.

"But this is a very thorough healing effect, indeed very rare."

Oaks couldn't help but feel a little shocked. This spell, filled with the breath of nature and life, was indeed effective on Odin's body, despite being rejected by Odin's power like his other spells.

If the spell were stronger, perhaps it could truly heal his hidden injuries.

"Very weak..."

Oaks furrowed his brow. At least for now, he couldn't sense any slightest change in Odin's life force.

"Allow me to try again."

This time, Oaks directly cast all the healing spells he had mastered, one after another on Odin—

Although the effect was already considerable from Odin's perspective, Oaks was still not satisfied.

"Your majesty, there is a power in your body that is preventing my spells from taking effect. At this rate, I don't know when I can completely heal your hidden injuries."

After a while, Oaks looked at Odin, surrounded by green light, and felt his own dwindling magical power. He shook his head with a wry smile.

Odin didn't really care about Oak's low efficiency as long as it was effective. As long as it was really effective, even if his health bar regenerated slowly, as long as it wasn't zero, it was fine.

But Oaks couldn't wait!

If Odin truly bound him in Asgard until he was cured, what would be the difference from a milk bottle?

At most, because of the Sorcerer Supreme's mark, they would treat him well and provide good food and drink—

This was what you promised. Don't leave before finishing it, right?

So, before Odin could speak, Oaks quickly clapped his hands, startling Thor, who wanted to say something.

"Your majesty, my spells have a unique characteristic: they can be enhanced by the surrounding environment."

Oaks was pleased to see Odin's interested expression.

"Environmental enhancement? That is not uncommon. Just like fire magic and ice magic are enhanced in lava and frozen environments, respectively."

He paused and glanced at his wife, Frigga, who nodded gently.

"Oaks's spell enhancement should be in an environment filled with natural life force."

Frigga smiled and looked at Oaks, nodding to him.

"Thor finally made a friend who is not just good at drinking and fighting. Oaks, don't worry, Asgard has such an environment."

"You flatter me, Your Highness."

Oaks smiled and bowed to Frigga, while Thor ignored his mother's teasing and chuckled foolishly.

All Thor was thinking was that Oaks seemed to have gained the approval of both his father and mother. So when the time came for him to bring Jane, another Earthling, to Asgard, would he face less resistance?

Clearly, Odin, Frigga, and Oaks had no idea what Thor was thinking in his head. Since there was now a potential solution to resolve the issue as soon as possible, they naturally wanted to try it.

Asgard, centered around the golden palace and where the Bifrost was located, was the heart of the entire alien planet of Asgard.

In addition to that, the surroundings of Asgard were filled with vast forests, mountains, and even plains, with various complex terrains.

So, just as Oaks had sensed when he first arrived, Asgard didn't lack Nature energy at all—its ecosystem was even stronger than Earth's.

Even with Odin's power constantly rejecting him, Oaks was ultimately able to completely heal Odin's injuries due to the immense support from Nature energy.

At the same time, Oaks also gained a certain level of control over Asgard's Nature energy.

Here, he finally had a formidable means of self-protection.

"Oaks, thank you for your contribution to Asgard. I, King Odin, have decided to reward you!"


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