Chapter 146: Sage Oaks

The ingredients for the "Spring of Vitality" potion were obtained by Oaks from Asgard, and the process of preparation was not difficult to learn.

Queen Frigga personally took action and successfully prepared the first bottle of Asgard's own Spring of Vitality potion in just a few days.

Since then, both Queen Frigga and King Odin visibly improved in their appearance and well-being.

Therefore, Odin, the father of the gods, presided over the canonization ceremony of Asgard, which had not been held for hundreds of years.

"Thanks to the friend of Asgard, the human druid, Oaks Woods, from Midgard.

His wisdom brings glory to Asgard and Midgard!"

Under the gaze of countless Asgardian guards and commoners, Oaks walked slowly towards the canonization platform.

With a pause of the Eternal Spear, Odin raised his arms and proclaimed loudly:

"In the name of the guardian of the Nine Realms, Odin Borson, I hereby bestow upon Oaks Woods the title of 'Sage,' serve as a royal advisor to the Asgardian royal family, and announce it to the Nine Realms!"


Odin's canonization carried a strange power. Oaks, who accepted the canonization, trembled slightly. The "Forest Heart" robe appeared, and the Uru armor pieces on it gleamed!

Amidst Oaks's astonished gaze, a strange beam of light poured into the robe from the Eternal Spear. With a flash of light, a battle robe with a distinct Asgardian style draped over Oaks's body!

The Uru metal was crafted by the power of the Eternal Spear into thin shoulder pads, chest armor, a waist belt, and wrist guards. The original magical plant fibers evolved into a magical presence with a leather-like luster under Odin's power--

Oaks had seen this material on Loki, and apart from the color and protective ability, it really had the shadow of Loki's robe.

The outer robe, reaching the lower legs, had a high collar and a combination of black, gold, and blue colors. It was accompanied by a well-protective black and gold inner lining and black pants, making Oaks look much more spirited.

"You have done well in the application of Uru metal, Sage... But Asgard's craftsmanship can allow it to perfectly unleash its magical effects."

Odin patted Oaks's shoulder and smiled:

"This is what you deserve."

"Thank you for the King's reward. Your generosity has moved the Nine Realms!"

Oaks could already feel the surging magic power in his new battle robe. The Uru metal was no longer just remnants of the Destroyer but had truly become a part of his robe!

The Destroyer's battle armor was created by Odin, and he could easily transform Oaks's robe into its current state without much effort.

However, for the robe to fully unleash its power, Oaks still needed a large infusion of natural energy.

As for the canonization of Asgard, Oaks didn't feel much at the moment. He thought it was not fundamentally different from having a doctoral title on Earth.

It's just this position as a royal advisor to the Asgardian royal family...

"Oaks, we have already witnessed your abilities."

After the canonization ceremony, Oaks was summoned once again to Odin's palace.

But this time, to his surprise, he found that only King Odin and Queen Frigga were present when he arrived.

Even the guards guarding the palace were completely absent.

It seemed that the matter to be discussed this time... was not an ordinary matter.

"As a royal advisor, you can call Heimdall at any time and come to Asgard through the Bifrost."

Odin's smile made Oaks doubt inwardly. Although Odin now appeared old and advocated benevolence, looking like a diligent ruler who loved his people, who would really believe that? Only a fool would.

Oaks hadn't forgotten the occasional scrutinizing gaze in Odin's one-eyed eye when they first met.

This father of the gods, ruling over the territories of the Nine Realms, could never be a harmless old man.

If the situation required it, he would reveal his sharp claws at any moment and tear his enemies to pieces--

Especially now that Oaks had already restored his body to its peak condition.

Even with the mark of the Supreme Mage, the identity of Thor's comrade, and the recognition he received through healing spells and the Spring of Vitality potion, along with the rewards of the Monument of Life and Time and the title of Sage, he had reached the max limit.

But now they actually grant him the position of an advisor and allow him to summon the Bifrost?!

You see, as long as Asgard stands, this is almost like a valid lifesaver!

Although the Bifrost is used for passage through the Nine Realms, it's not limited to just the Nine Realms!

Why is the Asgardian army so powerful?

It's because the Bifrost, which allows easy travel, is at least half the reason!

So, Odin giving him such great favor definitely has its problems!

"Once again, I thank the King for his kindness..."

Oaks bowed and then raised his head slightly, asking with confusion, "I wonder if there is something the King needs my help with?"

"...You truly deserve the title of the newly crowned 'Sage,'" Odin and Queen Frigga exchanged a glance, and the latter nodded slowly, stepping forward to Oaks.


Oaks bowed slightly, and Frigga smiled and nodded.

"Oaks, Loki caused a lot of trouble for Earth before, but fortunately, it wasn't irreparable. He has already received punishment from Odin."

Speaking of Loki, Frigga couldn't help but feel a bit sad, but she quickly adjusted herself.

"You already know that Loki is... our adopted son, and you and Thor have fought side by side on the battlefield, risking your lives. You have made indelible contributions to the King and Asgard..."

"So, the King and I have something we want to request your help with."

Frigga looked directly into Oaks's astonished eyes.

"This matter is important to us, and even to the entire Asgard."

"For something of this magnitude..."

Oaks felt relieved when he heard Frigga's request. If they did nothing about this matter, he would be uneasy.

But he was still curious, "Why come to me?"

"Because of your miraculous healing abilities and your studies of life and nature."

Odin, seated on the throne, spoke up. This time, his voice carried the seriousness befitting the father of the gods.

"Oaks, although Earth has our mythological legends and we go by the name 'gods,' we are well aware that we are not true gods in the absolute sense."

He paused with a low voice while holding the Eternal Spear in his hand.

"We are not all-powerful, so in certain matters, we... also need help."

"What is the matter?"

Oaks bowed slightly.

"Thor is my comrade-in-arms, King is the old friend of the Supreme Sorcerer, and Asgard is the ally of the earth. if there is anything I can assist with, I will certainly not refuse."

"Queen, please explain."

Odin sighed heavily, closing his eyes.

"Oaks, Thor is Odin's son, my son."

Frigga took a deep breath, slowly spoke, but her words made Oaks widen his eyes in astonishment.

"But before Thor, we had another son...

Thor's brother, the God of Light, Baldur!"


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