Chapter 147: God of Light

"The God of Light, Baldur!"

This title left Oaks dizzy and bewildered.

Even if she told an outsider like him that Odin had another daughter, the Goddess of Death, Hela, he wouldn't be as surprised.

But what's the deal with Baldur?

Although this character didn't seem to exist in the original plotline, Oaks had heard some rumors--

Baldur was originally supposed to appear as an important character in Thor 2 after the events of the Avengers.

But for certain reasons, it was later changed to what is commonly known.

Was this God of Light, who was so cherished by Queen Frigga that she forced all beings in the world to swear not to harm him, actually real?

And if there's the God of Light, Baldur, then what about the God of Darkness, Hodur?

After all, where there is light, there is also darkness, right?

Just how many sons does Odin have with Frigga?

And... What exactly happened that Baldur never appeared in Asgard until its destruction?!

Seeing Oaks's surprise, Queen Frigga wasn't surprised herself.

"Oaks, Earth also has legends of Baldur, right?"

"Uh... indeed, but since Thor's last visit to Earth, we have started to reexamine the mythical records."

Oaks snapped out of it and chuckled bitterly, "After all, in the original Earth mythology, Thor's wife was Lady Sif, and Loki... was Odin's sworn brother."

"Hmph! History becomes legend, legend becomes myth. The passage of time always distorts the true face of things!"

Odin, who had closed his eyes to rest, snorted. Saying that his adopted son was his sworn brother, these Earthlings were quite good at playing!

Oaks smirked. He hadn't even mentioned that in Earth's legends, Odin's daughter Hela was actually Loki's offspring!

And Lady Sif wasn't a goddess of land and harvest but a fierce female warrior!

Not to mention that they never got married...

"Oh? Does Earth also approve of Thor and Lady Sif?"

Frigga's smile made Oaks raise an eyebrow, silently lamenting for Jane Foster for a few seconds.

Although Frigga would die to protect Jane Foster, it was more for the sake of protecting the Aether within her, and she didn't necessarily appreciate her as a person.

Seeing Oaks's somewhat awkward expression, Frigga's lips curved slightly, steering the conversation back to her beloved eldest son.

"According to the prophecies, Asgard will experience a cataclysmic event called 'Ragnarok,' the Twilight of the Gods.

We have tried everything, but Ragnarok is inevitable. So we are aware of this disaster and face it without fear."

Frigga's expression turned serious, causing Oaks's face to also become serious.

In any case, the people of Asgard were aware of the impending catastrophe and never shied away from it. Their courage to face the apocalypse was commendable.

"But this catastrophe will cause too much tragedy, and for the world, it will be a disaster--

We don't know how it will ultimately transform Asgard, but there are signs."


Oaks was startled, blurting out without thinking, "Does this sign have something to do with the God of Light..."

"That's right, Baldur's death is the omen of 'Ragnarok'!"


Oaks was momentarily speechless. The death of the God of Light, Baldur, was the sign of Ragnarok, but Ragnarok hasn't arrived yet, which means Baldur hasn't died?

Then where is he? Why isn't he known to anyone?

And in this version of Asgard, wasn't Ragnarok triggered by Thor himself to save the Asgardian people from Hela's grasp?!

"Once, Baldur suffered severe injuries due to certain... circumstances, which were about to verify the prophecy of Ragnarok."

Frigga's voice grew melancholy, as Baldur was her most cherished son after all.

"But we tried everything. By utilizing the power of one of the Nine Realms, Helheim, the realm of the dead, we managed to put Baldur in a state of 'false death,' preventing his actual demise.

That's why Asgard managed to survive until Thor grew up. But we couldn't bring Baldur back, delaying the true Ragnarok until... your arrival."


Oaks recalled the knowledge of the Nine Realms known on Earth, although the legends of the Nine Realms were quite different from the actual situation.

There should have been a realm called Niflheim, the land of mists, but now it seemed to be replaced by Svartalfheim, where the Dark Elves resided.

And in the mythology, Svartalfheim should have been the realm of the dwarves, which is now Nidavellir.

But Helheim, wasn't that supposed to be Hela's domain?!

Well, according to the legends, Baldur's soul did indeed fall into that realm and was held captive by Hela...

Frigga raised her hand, and an illusion of a gloomy world shrouded in eerie mist appeared at her fingertips.

"This is the eternal night realm belonging to the dead.

We used the unique environment here to preserve Baldur's nearly separated body and soul.

But none of our known methods have had a direct effect on Baldur."

The illusion at Frigga's fingertips changed, and Oaks was startled to see that the mist enveloping the entire realm of Helheim seemed saturated with a ghastly green aura of death.

The ground was covered in ice and bones. As Frigga shifted the perspective within her illusion, Oaks saw a figure sealed within a magical barrier in a distinctive building, clearly in the style of Asgard.

Although he couldn't make out the features clearly, there was still a faint light emanating from this figure, casting a subtle glow on the building that didn't resemble a tomb.

This... seemed to be a part of some colossal entity...

Oaks furrowed his brow as he looked at the building where Baldur was located within the illusion. Somehow, he had this thought.

But he didn't dwell on such trivial matters. As such an important God of Light, it was not excessive for Asgard to provide him with powerful protective barriers and facilities.

"But in a place like Helheim... the natural environment there is extremely harsh, devoid of vitality. I'm afraid... it's not suitable for empowering my healing spells."

His brow remained furrowed. To be honest, even in Asgard, he wasn't confident in rescuing an Asgardian of Baldur's caliber.

Body and soul nearly separated?

That was almost as difficult as resurrection, and he couldn't do it now!

Oaks's proficiency in magic had not reached that level.

As a wild druid, Oaks hadn't even completely resolved his own soul issues!

"Can Baldur be brought back to Asgard?"

"I'm afraid not."

Frigga sighed and shook her head.

"While we maintain his state with our power, we also need the unique environment of the realm of the dead to protect his soul."

If they forcefully used a vast amount of natural energy for a spell, it might be worth a try. But Baldur couldn't leave Helheim at all, leaving Oaks helpless.

Baldur's current state was probably... as good as dead, but his soul hadn't been released yet, needing a revive from Druid.

However, the Little Druid who could revive him was a bit lackluster, and the blue bar hadn't consumed any skills yet!

"But there is someone who can project Nature Energy into Helheim."

Frigga's serious tone caught Oaks off guard, and he instinctively asked, "Who?"

"He is a Vanir God."

Odin on the throne opened his eyes once again, his gaze seemingly piercing through the sky of Asgard.

"The Lord of Alfheim, the King of Light Elves, the God of Abundance, Freyr."


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