Chapter 160: The Tomb Chamber in Helheim

Helheim is one of the Nine Realms that had been perpetually shrouded in deathly mist.

And the radiant glow of the Bifrost piercing through the depths of this mist.

Baldur's situation was of great importance. Even Thor, who was currently away on a campaign, was summoned back by Odin.

However, unlike Loki, who was directly involved in the matter, Thor was still bewildered when he arrived in Helheim.

"What's going on?"

He whispered to Loki, who was walking beside him with light steps and had smile on his face. Loki had already completed the task of assisting Oaks in gaining Freyr's help, so he was no longer confined to the dungeon.

But due to the gravity of his past transgressions, Loki was still restricted by Odin and couldn't leave Asgard without his personal permission.

"Hmph, you went from being the first in line for the throne to the second. That's the situation."

Loki reverted back to his annoying self after seeing Thor which made Thor's hand itch involuntarily.

"Well, how do you feel? Disappointed? Confused? Incredulous?"

Loki kicked a piece of unidentified skeletal remains on the ground, and he leaned close to Thor's head with a tone of self-satisfaction and a hint of... pity.

"When I learned about my heritage, I had the same feeling. No... it was even more complicated than this. And now it's your turn, son of Odin. See everything your good father has done for you over the past 1,500 years—how he kept this information hidden from the entire Nine Realms!"


This time, Thor didn't argue with his mischievous younger brother. Because he seemed to understand him a bit now.

Though Thor was still proud and arrogant, he was no longer a brute who only knew how to flaunt his strength after his experiences on Earth.

He had begun to comprehend what Odin meant by the "qualities necessary for a king."

But it had to be said that with the awakening of these qualities...

His connection to the throne was gradually fading.

Although it didn't affect his conflicting emotions about his true and adoptive brothers. And the sensation became peculiar now that he truly had a biological brother.

"I have to admit, this feeling isn't very pleasant. 1,500 years..."

Thor sighed and scratched his head as he looked at Oaks, who was walking ahead of them.

"Hey, Oaks, you've done something that will shake the Nine Realms."

Once the successful return of Odin's true firstborn is known to the outside world, it would cause a commotion in the Nine Realms comparable to Thor's exile.

This matter had to be handled with caution by Asgard.

If Baldur and Thor became friendly brothers, then Asgard would usher in a glorious era.

Although the God of Light, Baldur, was only a few hundred years old when he fell into Helheim, his power was already on par with Thor's, and he practically possessed a natural aura of command.

There was a phrase used to describe the God of Light in the recently unsealed confidential files about Baldur:

"All things love Baldur, and Baldur loves all things."

Baldur's unparalleled affability allowed him to establish good relations with almost anyone. He was practically a born leader.

However, Thor hadn't even been born yet when Baldur disappeared.

Under Odin's decree and up until now only a few in the Nine Realms knew of Baldur's existence apart from top-tier powerhouses.

Just like his elder sister.

But even though Thor had established immense prestige through the war to suppress the rebellion, he still couldn't compare to Baldur's former reputation.

So, in essence, they were starting from the same point now.

If Thor and Baldur were to come into conflict...

The consequences would be even more severe than Thor and Loki's previous clash.

After all, Loki was adopted, but these two were true "Odin's sons"!

However, Odin was feeling quite magnanimous at the moment as his old wounds had healed and his confidence had been restored.

So, let the three princes meet first and see how things unfold.

"Tsk, it is a task assigned by your old man."

Oaks turned around and glanced at his two brothers with different expressions and he shrugged his shoulders.

"But perhaps it's not a bad thing. Let's go.

We're almost there. The markers indicated by the token are very close."

Thor could only shrug his shoulders as well and continue forward while facing the deathly mist.

Loki also didn't say much either. After all, Odin, Frigga and Heimdall were watching. Oh, and there was Freyr too.

Loki was confident that he could provoke their conflict although Thor's reaction was rather strange, and he didn't need to worry about Oaks because he wouldn't be in Asgard all this time.

"Oh... now that I think about it, I'm actually a little excited."


Oaks held Odin's token in front of the massive shield formed by the power of Odin and led Thor and Loki into Baldur's "tomb chamber."

"What exquisite architecture... it's radiating light as a whole."

What they had seen in Frigga's illusion earlier couldn't adequately describe the grandeur of this "tomb chamber."

It appeared as merely a slightly larger hill from the outside.

But upon entering the interior of the shield, Oaks discovered that the area, which was even larger than the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier was emitting a gentle glow.

Baldur's "tomb chamber" was just an inconspicuous structure on this radiant land.

"Hmph, he sure spared no expense..."

Loki snorted coldly. It was exaggerated for Odin to sacrifice so much power to protect his practically deceased eldest son.

What made Loki particularly uncomfortable was...

That he understood what his adoptive mother, Queen Frigga, had done for Baldur after learning about Baldur's legend .

The strongest protective magic, immunity to physical attacks, was permanently bestowed upon Baldur.

This was the origin of the legend that Frigga "demanded all things swear not to harm Baldur."

As a consequence, Frigga forgot about this magic after that. Therefore, Loki, who inherited all her magical knowledge, didn't learn it either.

Loki didn't resent Frigga because he didn't even know where he was at that time.

But he was feeling a bit uneasy—

With Baldur's resurrection, would Frigga still treat him as she did before?

"Let's begin."

The three of them stood before Baldur's body in the silence with Loki and Thor lost in their own thoughts .

Oaks busied himself around Baldur and set up the ceremonial rites and placed Odin's token on him regardless of how the two brothers viewed this handsome elder brother.

This token would serve as a beacon for the projection of Freyr's power.

"King Odin, it's time to begin."

Oaks knew that Odin could hear him, and he could also communicate with Freyr.

Sure enough, three seconds later, a green beam of light broke through the perpetual deathly mist of Helheim and poured entirely into the ceremonial rites before Oaks guided by the massive shield of Odin's power.

Freyr had indeed exerted effort. Now, within the large shield, the concentration of Nature Energy was even stronger than in Alfheim!

Oaks took a deep breath, waved his hands, and the dense green light spread out.

The entire "tomb chamber" bloomed with healing flowers!

"Nature energy, at my command... resurrection!"


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