Chapter 161: The King of Parties

Oaks certainly wouldn't miss the opportunity to make good use of the Nature Energy projected from Alfheim by Freyr.

It was simply an unparalleled practice template—

Abundant Nature Energy, a sturdy and resilient target... cough, and the protection of Odin's power, with two Asgardian princes beside him to protect him...

So, he tried three times before successfully resurrecting the God of Light, Baldur.

Thor and Loki's facial muscles twitched as they watched—

At first, they were excited and filled with mixed emotions, but after each failure, they felt a sense of emptiness inside.

And then again...

But it was still empty.

One more time...

And finally, it succeeded. If it hadn't, the two of them were already thinking about going back and having a cup of tea before returning to see their elder brother!

"I did it!"

Oaks sensed the rapidly strengthening life force of Baldur and clapped his hands with joy.

"I truly am a genius!"


A sound of heavy breathing came from beside him. Oaks turned around and saw Thor and Loki greedily taking a breath like divers who had just resurfaced.


Thor still didn't let go of his beloved hammer. He scratched his golden hair, which was indistinguishable from Baldur's, and carefully examined Baldur's now rosy complexion and the slight rise and fall of his chest.

"How much longer does he need to sleep?"

"He should wake up soon. It'll only take a few more minutes."

Oaks checked again and nodded with certainty.

"Baldur's soul and body have been separated for too long, so it takes a little time for them to re-synchronize. There is no problem."

He glanced at Loki, whose face appeared calm but had obvious turmoil in his eyes, and chuckled lightly.

"So, the next step is for you brothers to meet... I'd better not be involved as an outsider. I'll take my leave for now, and when you've had your reunion, I'll come back to give you some instructions... Farewell!"


Thor was about to reach out, but Oaks had already swiftly transformed into a panther and disappeared, causing Thor's mouth to twitch.

"Did he really leave or is he hiding nearby, trying to peek..."

Oaks's figure reappeared outside the "tomb chamber".

Indeed, he had left, but it wasn't just to avoid interrupting the brothers' reunion.

The projection of Freyr's power still had not been interrupted. This was requested by Oaks because the infusion of power into the ceremonial rites shouldn't be interrupted until Baldur fully awakens.

At this moment, the attention of the powerhouses here was focused on Baldur, who was about to awaken.

Oaks wanted to take this opportunity to once again sense the anomaly he had discovered earlier.

Yes, during the process of resurrecting Baldur, Oaks had sensed something unusual.

It wasn't an issue with Baldur himself, but rather with the power projected by Freyr.

This time, Freyr hadn't held anything back, and the projected Nature Energy from Alfheim was extremely immense and comprehensive.

Oaks discovered something that even his physical presence in Alfheim couldn't detect while he was immersed in the power of this realm.

"The mysterious aura that Duraþrór mentioned... it's similar to the aura of the Wilderness Demigod!"

Once again, Oaks closed his eyes and took advantage of the immense Nature Energy that hadn't been interrupted to immerse his consciousness within it to carefully perceive.

With such vast Nature Energy not being depleted in the resurrection but instead being used to expand perception, Oaks, unlike ever before, extended his senses to a large portion of Alfheim!

Freyr truly deserved to be the god of abundance. Although he couldn't intricately apply this Nature Energy, his control over its range was truly vast.

"This aura... it's appearing again!"

Oaks frowned. Indeed, just as Duraþrór had said, the feeling emitted by that aura was as if it was dissipating from another dimension.

"Could it be a spatial fault or an entrance to another realm?"

Although the Nine Realms are separated by unknown light-years, the existence of the "World Tree" structure places the spaces surrounding the nine planets in a peculiar multidimensional state.

The Bifrost can traverse these spaces for interstellar teleportation, but in reality, there are also hidden small passages between the Nine Realms.

Some of these small passages can even bypass Heimdall's watchful eye, allowing travel between the Nine Realms—

Loki had once used this method to let the Frost Giants from Jotunheim infiltrate Asgard.

"So, could this aura be from one of the realms? Or is it an entirely new space?"

Oaks had already sensed the origin of the aura—a specific coordinate at the boundary of Alfheim.

"It seems I need to find a way to take a look..."


Oaks left, leaving Thor and Loki staring at Baldur, whose breathing was gradually becoming more evident—

Although they had prepared some rehearsal beforehand, both of them couldn't help but feel nervous while standing in front of their soon-to-be-awakened elder brother.

"Hey, Loki."

Thor awkwardly shuffled his feet.

"What are you going to say later?"

"What am I going to say? What can I say? You're his actual younger brother!"

Loki trembled slightly but immediately switching to a mocking mode:

"I'm just here as a bystander—Ah, what an interesting situation. Have you completely let go of the things Odin concealed?"

"You being here means Father still recognizes you as his son."

Thor finally regained a sense of familiarity amidst this unfamiliar place upon hearing Loki's words,:

"And I have always recognized you as my brother."

"Oh, I'm truly honored."

Loki's gaze flickered. This big oaf was always like this...

So, he averted his gaze and said "Well, it seems the God of Light is about to awaken."

Thor eagerly focused his gaze after seeing Baldur's eyelids twitch and his body slowly moving—

For some reason, Thor thought of the Einherjar warriors in Valhalla.


A sigh announcing his return.

Thor and Loki were surprised to find that as Baldur opened his eyes, the entire environment they were in suddenly burst with brilliant light!

It was as if the light in this area concentrated at once with Baldur's awakening.

"Not a small entrance, huh?"

Loki murmured under his breath. Next, they heard a pleasant baritone voice, sighing in a lazy yet elegant tone:

"Mmm... I'm back again... What a marvelous feeling."

Thor and Loki watched as the handsome and suave Baldur casually patted his head and slowly stood up.

He wore a red battle attire, with two seemingly unadorned single-handed swords hanging on his waist.


Thor felt like he should say something, but when Baldur saw him, Loki, and the surrounding environment, his eyes visibly lit up, and he became excited:

"Wow! What a fantastic flower field! Are you two the hosts?"

"Wahahaha! The Party King Baldur has returned—

Heimdall! Bring everyone here and let's have a grand celebration party to welcome my return!"

Thor/Loki: "???"


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