Chapter 168: Senior's Gift

Powerful druids often need to spend years communicating with nature and allowing their souls to settle so that they can enable smooth communication between the soul, nature, and life to bear the Nature Energy.

However, here, there was neither thousands of years nor an Emerald Dream for Oaks to settle his soul.

Fortunately, his inheritance was of a high rank and it allowed him to gain control over the natural power of a region by communicating with nature in advance, thus enabling him to receive amplification normally.

This also resolved the confusion that had been troubling Oaks:

Could his power be so inconvenient?

Javier's explanation now answered his doubts.

"For the past four thousand years, I have been contemplating the meaning of my arrival here when I traversed life and death."

Javier's projection stood up and patted Oaks on the shoulder with a relieved smile on his face.

"I should have died when my faith collapsed or in the battle against the warden... but I came to this place instead."

"After arriving here, I also wondered if it was possible to return. But I realized it was impossible. My power is too insignificant. I can't even leave this tree with my soul. I can only be... a Treant?

Although it is similar to the existence of a wild god, I am well aware that I cannot reach that level."

Javier's expression became strange, but he soon shook his head with self-mockery.

"This is probably the punishment for my shaken soul. Here, it sounds nice to say that I've been given a new life, but in reality, it's not much different from serving a sentence. And now, my sentence has been served, which is the present moment when you arrived."

"But I don't even know why I arrived here!"

Just when Oaks had decided to accept his fate, another situation arose!

"Haha! That's your problem. You have enough time to think slowly... As for me, my purpose of existence is for this moment. Now, I can finally be released."

Javier's hand on Oaks' shoulder emitted a sparkling blue radiance, which was an incomparably pure soul power.

"I may not be an outstanding druid, but at least I am a qualified long lived person... I have much experience in tempering soul power."

Javier chuckled as he looked at Oaks, who had a hesitant expression .

"Fate is so marvelous—relax and feel your own transformation.

I have lived for tens of thousands of years and coexisted with death for thousands of years, what is there for me to be attached to?

This is a completely new universe. With this power, explore it to the fullest."

As a dazzling light burst forth, Oaks felt the all-encompassing enhancement of pure soul power which was devoid of any will, strengthening his connection with nature, life, and even death.

Strictly speaking, Oaks, like Javier, was someone who had experienced traversing life and death, and he could truly inherit his legacy.

It wasn't until now that Oaks confirmed that this unfamiliar "senior" truly harbored no ill intentions.

As a tool man, this Archdruid who had lived for tens of thousands of years seemed to have truly let go of everything.

"This world, just like Azeroth, is plagued with disasters and hardships... I hope this power can assist you."

"Javier, you possess qualities that I do not have. You... should not fade away like this."

"Are you talking about sacrifice? To put it bluntly, in a way that you are familiar..."

Javier sensed Oaks' sense of sorrow, and his tone became strange.

"In reality, I probably just... got tired of living and eager to find a successor."

"Hey, by saying that, you've completely lost your style!"

"Hehe... farewell, young druid. With Ysera's blessing, I will return to the Emerald Dream..."

As the radiant light of the soul gradually dimmed, Oaks slowly opened his eyes, and the blue glow in his eyes flickered and disappeared.

Flickering specks of radiance floated around him before lingering around Ysera's statue for a while, gradually dissipating into the air.

"...Return to the Emerald Dream? Ysera does not possess that ability, senior."

Javier seemed to hold great admiration for Ysera, but the power of life and death was not something that the Green Dragon Queen was qualified to control.

Was it the Eternal One? The Winter Queen? Or Elune?

Oaks bowed respectfully to the Sacred Oak, and he could already sense that Javier's soul essence had completely dissipated within the massive oak tree.

"Four thousand years, all for this moment..."

Was he not afraid of entrusting such a task to someone else? Or had he received guidance?

Oaks remained silent for a long time. He sat down in front of the Sacred Oak tree and entered meditation.

"Thank you, Javier. I will make good use of this gift."


Earth, New York.

Several months had passed since the alien invasion incident, and New York had entered autumn. The cool sea breeze blew fallen leaves scattered throughout the re-greened areas that the Benevolence Society had repaired.

And on this day, not only New York City but also many people in the surrounding areas witnessed a miraculous scene.

Yesterday, they admired the autumn charm of trees adorned with hues of yellow and red.

But overnight, the sight before their eyes transformed as if spring had returned. All the plants that were rich with autumn vibes just yesterday had turned completely green!

Not only that, but every single tree had sprouted new buds and branches without exception!

In this magical autumn, New York City, which had suffered from a calamity, was temporarily caught up in an ecstatic celebration.

Regardless of the underlying principle, was this not a miracle worth celebrating after a disaster?

Only a few people guessed the possible reason behind this.

The Benevolence Society swiftly organized countermeasures and took advantage of this miracle caused by their leader's actions to launch a grand environmental campaign with remarkable results.

This time, even the President realized it and gave strong support to the Benevolence Society, promoting the event nationwide.

A Druid who returned from the "Divine Realm," if he truly possessed such abilities, then he was undoubtedly a figure worth befriending.

The various natural wonders that occurred in New York during the Great Battle had already proven the immense power of the Benevolence Society's leader.

What was more important was that he was a human from Earth, unlike the Thor of Asgard!

In fact, within a few months, the national greening rate had increased by more than 10% due to the Benevolence Society's stimulus and continued to trend upward!


It was still peaceful at the coastal branch of the Benevolence Society .

The members had all gone out, leaving the elderly Mr. Carter Slade alone who was wiping his beloved old companion, the large iron shovel. He was still performing his usual role as security.

However, his eyes widened as the small forest here was about to burst through his roof.

"Forget it. Just tear down the roof if you think there's not enough space."

The old man sighed and looked at Oaks, who had just transformed back into human form from a bird.

"You finally came back, huh? Did you have fun in the Asgard?"

"Tsk, I wasn't there for fun... but I did gain something valuable."

Oaks approached and gave the old man a hug, making him smile as well.

"Hey, you, your soul intensity has become immeasurable... But this time, you obviously didn't encounter the same problem as last time."

"Haha, I received a... gift from a senior. It was a fortunate coincidence, but fortunately, the problem has been resolved."

Oaks looked at the changing surroundings and shrugged helplessly.

"There are some side effects this time, but I'll adapt to them quickly."

"That's good. If you turned New York City into the Amazon rainforest, things would be out of control."

Mr. Carter Slade surveyed him up and down.

"Since there's nothing major, I thought you would have returned to your Benevolence Society headquarters first. Why did you think of coming to me?"

"Well... I brought back two pets from Asgard, so I need to take care of them here for now."


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