Chapter 169: Fenrir Will Never Be Enslaved!

Oaks had now overcome his shortcomings and could synergize with the environment at any time, enhancing his spells with Nature.

He no longer needed to spend time communicating with the environment whenever he visited an unfamiliar place.

At this point, he could say that he had taken a significant step forward in connecting with Earth's ecological cycle.

He could now vaguely sense the "panconsciousness" of Earth, also known as the "Gaia consciousness."

This progress was far ahead of the original plan.

The power of Earth's ecosystem was limited.

The power Oaks could utilize had to be within the limits that did not harm the fundamental integrity of the ecosystem.

Thus, the power he could wield was still quite limited.

After the Great Battle in New York, The power of the Amazon rainforest needed a long time of recuperation before it could once again become effective .

However, they were far from reaching their limits, and the development of the ecosystem still had immense potential.

The next step for Oaks was to utilize his significant influence to restore the environment while reversing the ecological damage.

After all, trying to stop deforestation with just a nonprofit organization from the beginning... would be suicidal.

Such a task, which involved complex chains of interests and required a comprehensive effort, couldn't be accomplished with just two bears.

Only when humanity as a whole reached a consensus, at least in mainstream consciousness, could the situation gradually change.

When Oaks could fully communicate with the "Gaia consciousness," he would not only be able to utilize the power of the ecosystem.

But that would be the pinnacle a Druid could achieve on a planet—

He would be able to harness the power of the planet's natural environment and truly command the winds and rains!

At the same time, Oaks accepted Javier's legacy of life and death balance, but it wasn't the cruel necromancy of the Drust. It leaned more toward soul-based necromantic spells.

In Azeroth, Druids of this kind were called "Thornspeakers."

Life was a part of nature, and so was death.

The path of life and death balance expanded Oaks' horizons and limitations beyond the individual, nature, and even the universe.

The Benevolence Society was now on the right track in terms of development. After dealing with the two troublesome matters at hand, Oaks planned to organize his thoughts and determine the direction for future development.

"Where did you manage to squeeze in these two fellows?"

Mr. Carter Slade rubbed his eyes. He had no idea how two enormous dogs suddenly appeared before him.

"Well, I obtained a nice item that can hold many things."

Oaks handed him a bottle filled with beautiful blue liquid.

"Good stuff, drink it."

"What is this?"

"A gift, a new concoction I brewed using special materials from Asgard."

Oaks watched with satisfaction as he saw the old man drink the Spring of Vitality potion without much hesitation, then witnessed his astonished reaction to the changes in his body.

"This... is truly incredible!"

Carter Slade, whose body and spirit simultaneously strengthened, clenched his fist and felt the surging vitality in his aged body:

"Hey! This packs a punch! Get me a whole case!"

"...You're dreaming! This stuff is incredibly rare!"


Oaks glanced at the two hellhounds who were still tightly bound, even their mouths tied.

"Let's deal with these two first. They... are not ordinary dogs in the conventional sense."

Oaks moved his fingers and released the magical vines that had bound Hati. Hati, who is now reduced to a little over a meter in size, gasped for breath and stood up. He stared at Oaks with a complex gaze.

"What's the matter? Still not convinced?" Oaks rubbed his chin. "Or perhaps I should have roasted you at Freyr's place"

"...You defeated me in a one-on-one battle. I admit defeat!" Hati's voice startled Mr. Carter Slade. "This dog can talk?!"

"We are noble Fenrir! Stupid humans!" Hati bared his teeth but then realized that Oaks was also a human. "Ahem, can you release my brother first?"

"Oh, you two have a good brotherly bond," Oaks nodded. In the next moment, the magical vines binding Skoll were also released, and the golden wolf slowly stood up.

"At least, we should thank you for not killing us outright," Skoll's golden fur had dulled, and after catching his breath for a moment, he shook his head. "But why did you bring us here? I remind you not to give us a chance to turn the tables!"

"So, you're still not convinced?" Oaks pointed to Mr. Carter Slade.

"For the time being, you two can rest here. I can consider returning your belongings to you..."

With a flick of his wrist, golden Sun Essence and silver Moonlight Essence appeared in Oaks' hand, causing the two wolves to widen their eyes.

"Wow, what are these?"

Mr. Carter Slade rubbed his eyes carefully. Although the old knight was experienced, the things Oaks brought out today were far beyond his knowledge.

"These are the legendary magical wolves, Skoll and Hati, said to bring about the 'Twilight of the Gods,'" Oaks shrugged and shook the Essence of Sun and Moon in his hand. The gazes of the two magical wolves followed his hand intently.

"And these two light spheres are the core formed by the power of the devoured sunlight and moonlight. Without the core, they're just talking dogs..."

"We are celestial wolves! Noble Fenrir!" Hati stomped his front paws on the ground and refocused his gaze on Oaks. "What conditions must be met for you to return them to us?"

"Also, aren't you afraid that once we regain our essence, we might..." "Brother!" Hati had to use his front paws to cover Skoll's mouth. "How come I never realized that your negotiation skills is so awkward!"

"...Because we never negotiated before!" Skoll fell silent for a moment, then brushed away his brother's paws. "Alright, you go ahead and speak. I'm listening!"

"..." Oaks and Mr. Carter Slade looked at the wolf siblings with peculiar expressions, especially Oaks, who recalled their domineering appearance when they first appeared... Indeed, their personalities had changed after losing their power.

"The two of you should know that this is Earth, also known as Midgard, and it's under my protection," Oaks casually rolled the Essence of Sun and Moon, which had condensed into the size of a baby's fist, in his hand, causing the eyes of the two wolves to twitch.

"I'm not interested in what you did before; I won't hold you accountable. But here on Earth, you must assist me in protecting the Earth's ecosystem and resisting external threats."

"We're currently only slightly stronger than regular wolves; we don't have that ability," Hati shook his head, "If our enemies are of your strength, going there would mean certain death."

"Then help me guard the door. I have a dog at home, but it has short legs, isn't fierce enough, and is good at being cute," Oaks said.

"Guard the door?! You actually want the noble celestial wolves, Skoll and Hati, to guard your door?!" Hati's silver fur stood on end, and his tail shot straight up. "Fenrir will never be enslaved!"

"..." Oaks' eyes twitched. Hati is really a drama queen.... And look at the bewildered expression on his brother's face...

"Ha...hahaha!" Mr. Carter Slade finally couldn't hold back and slapped Oaks' shoulder. "Where did you find such a funny guy??"



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