Chapter 205: Battle Style

Near the convergence point, the spatial configuration of the Nine Realms appeared complex and overlapping.

This is not just one intermittent cross-dimensional wormhole near the convergence point.

More importantly, the teleportation destinations of these wormholes were completely unpredictable—

It was possible to exchange blows in the sky and then appear on the ground the next moment. It could also happen that before making contact with the opponent, one would suddenly appear in the sky and descend rapidly.

Or one could be halfway through the descent and suddenly appear in a frozen ruin. Before being able to grab some ice debris to blind the enemy's vision, they would appear in a world of flames that vaporized the ice debris in an instant.

The battle between Tony and Hoder was not only thrilling but also an unparalleled excitement for Tony—

This was a spectacle that only occurred once every five thousand years!

And he was single-handedly taking on a legendary god!


Tony's energy cannon once again pushed Hoder back a small step, but in the next moment, the scenery in front of them changed again.

"What's going on?"

Tony was fiercely knocked back by a dark arrow, and his armor had even started to show signs of damage!

"Sir, 'Baldur's' power is increasing," Jarvis immediately initiated a scan.

"It seems that the environment here is very suitable for his style of combat, but not for Oaks' power— the power supply to the armor is not replenished by the environment."

"That's why I've been saying it would be better if it was rechargeable."



This time, they appeared on Malekith's warship, falling down along the towering hull...

"Wow, wow, wow... so exciting!"

Tony managed to adjust his posture and land safely. He looked at Hoder, who was shrouded in dense darkness across from him.

"This game of teleportation is quite interesting, but it seems like it's time to end this— Are you ready, Jarvis?"

"We have successfully completed the modification of Dr. Selvig's research results and can be used at any time."

"OK... then let's begin!"

When the next arrow of darkness flew in front of Tony, a crisp sound played, and it disappeared directly in front of him!

"Ah-ha! It worked!"

Tony aimed his hand cannon at the seemingly puzzled Hoder.

"To be honest, I've been envious of that sorcerer's fighting style for a long time."


The hand cannon fired at full power, and a hint of surprise appeared on Hoder's indifferent face. Thick darkness gathered around him—

This was his defense method, absorbing energy with the power of darkness.

Thus, physical attacks were almost ineffective, while energy attacks could be absorbed. In terms of combat power, Hoder was even more formidable than Baldur.

However, just before the energy beam from the cannon hit the shield of darkness, another crisp sound played, and the beam abruptly vanished into thin air!


A violent explosion occurred behind Hoder—

The energy beam from Tony's cannon burst out from behind Hoder, hitting his unprotected back!

"It's a shame we can only do this during this particular period."

Tony succeeded with his attack and revealed a satisfied smile.

"The interaction between the weak points of the gravity field and the various realms can be artificially controlled. The only problem is that the range is not large enough."

He glanced at the small plaza that had been devastated by the aftermath of the battle.

"Otherwise, I could have moved the entire Greenwich."


Hoder let out a beast-like roar, causing Tony to startle.

"Hmm? This guy is angry!"

"Yes, sir. But it means our attacks are effective."

Jarvis quickly analyzed Hoder's current condition.

"He is injured... but it seems that his recovery speed is very fast."


Tony clenched his fist and looked at Hoder, who was already engulfed in dense darkness.

"Where are Oaks and Thor?"

"Just about to report, sir, they are right in the center of that massive energy storm."

Jarvis' tone was somewhat peculiar:

"And it seems there's another person in the center of the battle."


The massive energy storm Jarvis mentioned is the diffusion range of the Aether particles, connecting other realms and earth.

Ordinary people have no way of getting close to the center of the storm, but Malekith, Thor, and Oaks are fighting fiercely at the core.

Ten minutes ago, they traveled through all Nine Realms, but Thor seemed to have bad luck--

After he threw the hammer Mjolnir, because he was constantly shuttling through the Nine Realms, it had to travel back and forth in the atmosphere...

Hammer feels exhausted.

Fortunately, with Oaks's mobility, they can quickly rush back if they fall in the surrounding area..

When they reached Greenwich again, two daggers suddenly stabbed into Malekith's sides, leaving him frozen in place.

"The protagonist always makes his entrance at the end."

Loki's figure appeared behind Malekith out of nowhere and twisted the daggers in his hands viciously. Malekith let out a miserable groan and half-knelt on the ground.

"Well done!"

Thor exclaimed in surprise, but now he didn't have the hammer...

So he chose to go directly with his fists.


Malekith suddenly raised his head, his entire body almost completely corrupted. He roared in anger, and a part of the Aether particle storm exploded beside him--

Not only did it send Thor flying, but Loki, who was behind him, was also affected.

Malekith violently pulled out Loki's dagger and no longer cared about his own injuries. With only a few minutes left until the convergence, he had to make the most of his time!

Being in the Aether particle storm made it difficult for them to move already, and now they were directly blown away by the erupting Aether particles. Thor was slightly better off, but Loki, being a sorcerer, couldn't stand up for the time being.


Thor reached out, but only grabbed empty air--

It would take time for Mjolnir to come back, and without it, Thor had no way to deal with Malekith.

"Hurry, hurry..."

"The darkness has returned, Asgardians..."

In this brief moment, Malekith had already manipulated the Aether particles to invade the Nine Realms!

In just a few more minutes, darkness would completely engulf them!

A nearly sacred solemn expression appeared on Malekith's face:

"It's too late for you... Now, quietly witness the annihilation of the universe..."

He raised both arms fervently:

"The Aether cannot be destroyed! In a few minutes, it will... Ugh!"

Malekith slowly lowered his head and looked at his chest in disbelief.

There, a giant luminous claw coiled around with dazzling starlight pierced him to the core!

"Don't ignore me... The Aether may be indestructible, but you are not."

A colossal form of Oaks in his starry leopard shape appeared behind Malekith and delivered a fatal blow when he was closest to success!

"Return to the darkness!"


Starlight erupted, and Malekith screamed in agony as he was torn in half by Oaks's claws!


Thor breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly ran to Loki and pulled him up:

"Are you alright, brother?"


Loki indicated that he didn't want to answer him, but still stood up with Thor's support while struggling:

"This sneak attack style is very my style, just a bit too bloody."

"Oh? Someone who commits massacres is afraid of bloodiness?

And this storm is about to dissipate. Tony is still outside, Are you ready to get beaten up?"

Oaks's starry eyes glanced at Loki, making the latter feel a chill on his scalp. He instinctively smirked:

"So, should we control this thing first?"


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