Chapter 206: The Return of Light

Malekith is dead, but the wildly spreading Aether has not been severed from its source.

If they were to use the original method of Malekith's death, which involves using the power of spatial displacement to completely cut off the Aether, perhaps they could directly suppress its diffusion.

However, Tony is still busy fighting with Hoder, and the surrounding space is incredibly chaotic. If they miss the time of convergence, it would be troublesome to come back.

So, unless absolutely necessary, Oaks and Thor don't want to take unnecessary risks.

"Do you have a plan?"

Thor is genuinely looking at his younger brother in a new light.

Although Loki is becoming less and less capable in combat, he has a lot of tricks up his sleeve and possesses various peculiar and esoteric knowledge.

Most importantly, when he smiles like that, at least he should have some confidence in himself.

"Well... I observed Malekith's method of using the Aether particles."

Loki spread his hands in the still-lingering Aether particle storm, and magical energy surged in his hands. Suddenly, the crimson storm, which was reaching from the ground to the sky, rapidly separated from the Nine Realms' portal and swiftly converged into a constantly changing crimson liquid.

"Hmm, like this."

Loki smirked proudly. Thor and Oaks silently exchanged a glance and looked at him.

As the Nine Realms portals were about to close, the abnormal gravity and spatial channels were gradually weakening, and Tony's use of Dr. Selvig's technology for spatial displacement was already being restricted.

Even when he used a trick to smash Malekith's ship directly onto Hoder, it didn't cause any harm.

Luckily, that happened in Svartalfheim; otherwise, Greenwich would have been completely destroyed.

So now he is basically being overwhelmed by Hoder and doesn't dare to personally traverse space--

What if the convergence disappears and he can't come back?

"Hey! If you're done, can you come over and help?"

Tony, who had finally struggled out after once again being blasted underground by the arrows of darkness, looked at his nearly scrapped Uru metal armor:

"Isn't this guy supposed to be under control? Why is that dead face still so vigorous?"

"Big brother..."

Thor reached out, and Mjolnir, which had finally arrived, was gripped in his hand:

"I'll help you!"

"Wait, Thor."

Oaks returned to his human form and held back Thor, who was about to charge forward:

"The Queen has already told me about Hoder's weakness, but that weakness originally belongs to Baldur..."

Thor's eyes widened, and Oaks looked at him earnestly:

"If you don't want your big brother's only weakness to be known throughout the Nine Realms, use thunder to cover up my actions. I'll resolve it as quickly as possible."

"Fine, I understand!"

Thor nodded with a solemn expression:

"If it's just a diversion, I can do it anytime!"

"Very well, then I'll go."

After transforming into the Starlight Hunter Falcon, Oaks flapped his wings and directly knocked Hoder, who was pressing Tony to the ground.

"Hoo... This won't do. I need to upgrade again!"

Tony looked at the colossal Starlight Hunter Falcon with a wingspan of over five meters, grabbing Hoder fiercely and slamming him into the ground, creating a large crater. He couldn't help muttering:

"Sometimes, size is power..."


The thunderclouds in the sky began to gather once again. Thor raised the hammer and this time, his lightning wasn't about immense power but about grandeur.

A magnificent spectacle.

So, it didn't take him much time. Oaks transformed into a Starlight Bear in the sky and used its hindquarters to slam a just-risen Baldur back into the pit.

Thor's eyelids twitched intensely.

"This move... looks really painful."


Densely packed bright blue lightning sealed off all the space around Oaks and Hoder. Even Jarvis' radar was rendered useless--

No scanning device could function normally in such an extreme electromagnetic environment, let alone ordinary visual observation.

Even Thor himself was almost blinded by the flashes.

"Very good."

In the center of the lightning curtain, Oaks looked at Hoder, who had been pierced through the chest and whose expression had turned incredibly indifferent.

Oaks let out a relieved sigh--

His thick black hair was slowly fading, returning to Baldur's original golden hair.

"It's all over, Hoder."

Oaks looked at Baldur, whose pitch-black eyes had regained some luster, and silently shook his head:

"Do you... have anything else to say?"

"Before my eyes... there is only darkness..."

For the first time since his appearance, Hoder spoke voluntarily.

He glanced painfully at the plant that had pierced through his chest—the mistletoe.

"My existence was always a mistake... Now, I'm finally free."

Hoder's gaze shifted to Oaks, and he forced a stiff smile:

"The Twilight of the Gods is inevitable... Baldur's fate cannot be changed..."

"Be careful... Hela..."

His black hair completely transformed into golden hair and his pupils changed from black to gold, which meant complete dissipation of Hoder's soul fragment and he would never return.

But Oaks' expression did not ease.


In the end, will Asgard still be unable to avoid its fate of destruction?

"No, even for the sake of being at the forefront against Thanos, Asgard cannot be destroyed...

There's still time for this matter."

Oaks put away the mistletoe that pierced Baldur's chest, the sole weakness of the God of Light.

The lightning curtain finally had nothing left to sustain it and disappeared as the clouds dispersed.


Thor rushed over:

"Baldur... uh, is he now Baldur?"

"He is. Hoder's soul fragment has completely dissipated."

Oaks nodded:

"This time, Hoder should not come back."

"That's good..."

Thor put down his hammer and observed his unfortunate elder brother:

"Speaking of which... Did he die again?"

The vicious wound on his chest was still there, and Thor felt that even if he received such a severe injury, he wouldn't survive.

But why did this feel so natural?

"Well, didn't your dad give me the authority of Asgard's power for this exact reason?"

Oaks shrugged:

"After saving your mom, he immediately cut off the authority. He's really stingy."


Thor could only scratch his head dumbly and smile. He watched as Oaks cast another spell, lifting Baldur up.

As Baldur opened his eyes, the convergence ended, and the power of Asgard conveniently stopped at the right moment.

"Hey, how are you guys?"

Baldur sat up while holding his head and looked around in a daze:

"I seem to have made a terrible mistake."

"That's not your fault, Baldur. It's Malekith's."

Thor embraced his elder brother:

"He's already dead, and this won't happen again."

"Hey, you finally came back."

Tony, who had learned the details of the situation, also walked over. In his eyes, Oaks had only healed Baldur, and he had not realized the extent of Baldur's injuries.

"I heard Loki also came along? Where is he? I want to have a one-on-one with him!"


Thor suddenly looked up and searched all around...

"Loki! Where are you?!"


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