Chapter 233: For Our Cause

Inside Nick Fury's safe house, the team discussed and decided to split into three groups to act separately.

Steve, Skoll, and Sam formed one group, responsible for extracting the truth behind HYDRA's "Insight plan"—

This was an important step in exposing HYDRA's conspiracy and gaining the support of genuine S.H.I.E.L.D. members.

After all, with just a few of them, how could they hope to eliminate HYDRA completely from the Triskelion headquarters?

Now, Steve had already decided to find a suitable high-ranking HYDRA member to force him to speak. However, so far, the targets they had chosen seemed to have not made any public appearances.

"They sure can keep calm at a time when HYDRA is about to make a full move."

Steve patted Skoll's head. With the stealthy assassin and long-range support, along with his strong tanking abilities, if HYDRA dared to show up in broad daylight, they wouldn't stand a chance.

However, the Triskelion headquarters was currently on high alert, and they couldn't contact anyone inside. At least Sharon Carter could still be of some help.

"Contacting her now would only put her in danger. Sharon can make a decisive impact later."

Natasha glanced at Oaks as he put the three chips into his pocket.

"Her former boss is also involved in the operation."

Nick Fury and Natasha, both former high-ranking S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, formed a group to directly infiltrate the top-level World Security Council chamber and deal with Pierce.

Because the council members would arrive there from around the world in a few hours to collectively initiate the "Insight plan."

The highest-level permissions modified by the Insight plan required iris recognition from two A-level authorized personnel, so Pierce couldn't be killed for now.

Besides, they still had to ensure the safety of the other four council members.

No, in the plan, it was just three members.

If there were others among them who supported Pierce... then perhaps there would be fewer targets to protect.

By the way, there were many valuable items in this safe house. Natasha picked one of them, preparing to use it to gain access to the Triskelion.

Oaks and Hill formed a group responsible for the Insight helicarriers.

Hill operated the communication hub, while Oaks, under her guidance, would infiltrate the Insight hangar and try to prevent the helicarriers from taking off.

And in the event of an emergency, Oaks's super speed and formidable combat abilities would allow him to replace the three chips on the carriers in the shortest possible time.

Their advantage now was that HYDRA had no idea where they were.

As soon as dawn broke, Pierce arrived early at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Triskelion headquarters.

Three hours later, he would personally go to greet the other four council members.

So, for the next three hours, although he was anxious, he had to use every means available.

"As long as it's past noon, all these problems will no longer be an issue."

Pierce turned around and looked at Sitwell standing behind him.

"How is the pursuit of Captain America going?"

"We still haven't located their position."

Sitwell's current position was similar to where Hill used to be under Fury.

Therefore, the pursuit of Captain America was his and the Special Ops team's responsibility.

"New Jersey has indeed been leveled. Rumlow personally confirmed it. But if it's Captain America, it's not impossible for him to escape from that situation."

"That's for sure."

Pierce put his hand in his pocket and turned to his trusted subordinate.

"What about the Winter Soldier's tracking?"

"No progress, sir."

Sitwell couldn't help but complain inwardly. It was you who told me not to waste any effort on finding him!

But I did make sure not to slack off...

"After the incident in New Jersey, we intensified the search, but it's as if the Winter Soldier completely disappeared. We couldn't find a trace of him anywhere."

Sitwell was very certain.

"We even directly activated the backup method, but neither the control chip in his brain nor the locator device in his bionic arm responded. It's as if all his signals were cut off."

"Well then, give up on that task for now. There's not enough time..."

"Fully cooperate with Rumlow to prepare for the sniper operation against Captain Rogers."

Pierce fell silent for a moment before finally giving the order.

"Sir, we still don't have Captain's location, and we don't even know when he will appear..."

Sitwell pushed his glasses and looked confused.

Has Pierce lost his mind?

How am I supposed to send people to snipe if we can't find him?!

"If we can't find Captain Rogers, then don't bother looking for him."

Pierce looked at Sitwell, who seemed bewildered once again, with a peculiar expression.

"Our plan is about to be implemented, and the long-awaited new order is about to arrive. In this process, we have made countless sacrifices, countless contributions..."

He walked slowly to Sitwell and patted his shoulder with a hint of sentimentality.

"Sitwell, you have also made many sacrifices, wasting so many years in middle management. Life hasn't been easy, has it?"

"No, sir!"

Sitwell quickly lowered his head, pleasantly surprised—

Is the boss compensating for all the grievances I've suffered over the years?

"For our cause, I'm willing to give everything! Hail HYDRA!"

"Very good, excellent!"

Pierce smiled with satisfaction, pulling Sitwell a little closer and looking into his excited eyes.

"Now, it's time for the ultimate dedication to the organization."

Sitwell: "?"

"From Captain Rogers' actions, we can see that he's still pursuing the truth behind the Insight plan. But even after sacrificing Zola, we still haven't caught this big fish."

Pierce looked at Sitwell's dazed expression, affectionately tidying up his shirt collar, tie, and suit.

As if discussing gossip news from the newspaper with an old friend, he calmly and detachedly, as if it had nothing to do with himself, gave the final command to his capable subordinate:

"They must be in Washington now, and a high-ranking middle management, oh no, now it should be senior management. A high-ranking senior management member is a target they will never let go of—

I can't trust others, but with you, I'm sure you'll handle it calmly with your wealth of experience. Delay enough time while keeping the secret, won't you?"

Pierce's sharp gaze pierced Sitwell's pupils like a long spear.

"This is the last moment before sunrise...

I guarantee that Rumlow will complete his mission.

As for you... can you undertake this glorious mission that will forever leave your name in the annals of the organization?"


Sitwell's back was already drenched in sweat, and he felt dizzy for a moment. But gradually, his gaze became resolute.

"I will fulfill this glorious mission!"

"Hail HYDRA!"

Outside the office's floor-to-ceiling windows, the golden sunlight shone on the scattered clouds.

The sun rose.



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