Chapter 239: Interrogation Methods

"In fact, there are things that I can do but choose not to do."

Oaks casually shook his head and glanced at Peggy Carter, who couldn't hide her astonishment.

"Miss Carter, I've emphasized this to you before."

"Yes, I remember... Just as you said, the life force replenished by the potion comes from plants, so excessive use can result in the body becoming plant-like."

Peggy Carter certainly didn't forget the words Oaks had said to her in Nick Fury's office.

With her intelligence, she naturally understood the implied meaning behind Oaks's words. As a result, a mix of shock, anger, disgust, and undisguised murderous intent appeared on her face.

"But you just said that Reinhardt... well, Whitehall, his life force comes from humans?!"

"How did he achieve that?!"

Although she asked the question, Peggy Carter's mind had already started to recall her conversation with Whitehall in the past.

"Hehehe... Carter, it turns out you only have a superficial rejuvenation and haven't truly extended your lifespan..."

Whitehall had been holding back for a while after Oaks's remark, but now he finally found an opportunity to strike back.

With a cold snort, his confidence and composure returned, along with a glimmer of hope.

"Are you still afraid of death?

Even though your appearance has been restored to youth, it's still irretrievable once the time comes...

Oh, I see. The reason Dr. Oaks is helping you is because Captain America has returned... Heh heh heh... His situation is different.

He was frozen for seventy years, and his body is still in his twenties. He can live for another eighty or ninety years at least!"

Whitehall's tone was full of temptation, like a seductive and corrupting demon.

"So, do you want to know what I did to gain an infinite lifespan?

If you let me go, I promise I can extend your life for another seventy years. You can truly grow old with Captain America!"

"Don't dream during daylight."

Peggy Carter sneered and her expression returned to normal.

"I was 'invited' here by you today, and it just happens to give me the opportunity to rectify the mistake I made back then--

To completely eliminate you, a dangerous individual!"

She raised her hand and glanced at her smooth and delicate skin, shaking her head slightly.

"As for lifespan, with Oaks's help, I can accompany Steve in this state for a few more years. He has also given me time to eradicate all of you. What more could I ask for?"


Whitehall was momentarily speechless. He couldn't understand why the "archenemy" facing the same dilemma as him could be so accepting!

"Don't deceive yourself anymore! You..."

"Dr. Whitehall."

Oaks, who had been silent until now, put away the spell in his hand and looked at the now somewhat hysterical Whitehall.

"In my presence, you have no secrets--

The abnormal life force within you doesn't belong to you, does it?"


Whitehall gritted his teeth. Although he had heard of the legendary "Druid" Oaks and his magical abilities, he now truly experienced them firsthand.

Oaks's face was cold, and a faint blue light flashed in his hand.

"Be honest, and maybe I'll consider helping you fulfill your regrets."

"You're dreaming!"

Whitehall laughed coldly.

"If you won't spare me, why should I give you what you want... Ah! Ahh!"

He suddenly screamed in agony as Oaks's hand, glowing with a blue light, fiercely gripped him, and his face visibly aged!

"You are so proud.... Tell me everything you know, or prepare to turn into a pile of bones!"

Whitehall gasped in terror, experiencing a profound sense of fear that had plagued him like a nightmare for over fifty years.


Now he deeply understood the meaning behind Oaks's "can do but choose not to do."

Oaks had just extracted his life force!

"You look better this way."

Peggy Carter sneered and walked to the surveillance station. She then started to access all the classified information and data that Whitehall possessed from the research facility.

When they arrested Whitehall back then, he also uttered the Hydra motto:

"Cut off one head, two more will take its place."

Peggy Carter's response was:

"Then keep cutting!"

The information from the research facility confirmed that while Whitehall's influence might not be as great as Pierce's, he could indeed be considered one of the leaders of Hydra!

Peggy Carter didn't even need to exert much effort and quickly found information about the Obelisk.

"The first '0-8-4' item since the establishment of S.H.I.E.L.D..."

She looked at Whitehall, who was still gasping for breath, with a serious expression.

"I personally confiscated it from you. Before that, you had already used it to kill countless people.

And now you haven't given up on studying it!"

"Hmph, but unfortunately, it's been seventy years, and I still haven't been able to see it again... Ah!"

Whitehall finally spoke, and Peggy Carter took advantage of the opportunity to scan his iris while holding his head, accessing all the classified data.

Once the vines re-tied him to the chair, he finally gave up resisting.

"Carter, I remember telling you about the legend of the Blue Stars."

On his face, there was a cruel sense of accomplishment and a transcendent sense of sanctity.

"I call this Obelisk the 'Diviner.' If the Tesseract found by the Red Skull is Odin's treasure, then it is the gift brought to humanity by the descending Blue Angel--

Its existence is meant to conquer humanity!"

"If a discovery is made, experiments must follow, and this experiment takes time...

I had many people touch the Diviner, and without exception, they all turned into stone and died--

It was incredibly strange, regardless of race, age, or gender.

Until the day the Red Skull fell..."

Whitehall looked at Peggy Carter with undisguised resentment.

"A Chinese woman touched it, but she was unharmed!

And just as I was about to start my research, you destroyed everything!"

"I'm even more glad that I saved another person." Peggy Carter remained unmoved.

"Hehehe... Did you really save her?"

Whitehall smirked sinisterly, then became somewhat hysterical.

"When I regained my freedom, it was damn 1999!

At that time, I was already old, and my mobility was limited, but I still relentlessly pursued the truth--

So I sent people to the village in the Hunan province, where we discovered that woman...

Heaven favored me. After over fifty years had passed, that woman who touched the Obelisk was still maintaining her youth, just as she did back then!"


His smile became even more cruel.

"I immediately performed some surgery on her... It took about a week intermittently.

And then, I became what I am now!"

"You replaced her organs with yours?!" Carter's eyes widened in anger. She punched Whitehall in the face, causing blood to flow from his mouth and nose.

"You bastard!"


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