Chapter 240: Power and Cost

Within a day, the world-renowned behemoth, S.H.I.E.L.D., crumbled.

With the assassination of S.H.I.E.L.D's director, Nick Fury, Hydra, which had been destroyed for seventy years, rose again from the ashes...

No, it should be said that they returned from the dead, reappearing before the world.

And their leader, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Deputy Director Alexander Pierce, had actually infiltrated the World Security Council and was just a step away from toppling the world.

The legendary hero who once destroyed Hydra, Captain America, exposed the terrifying truth that Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D were two sides of the same coin.

Black Widow of the Avengers released all the classified information associated with Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. that had been accumulated over the years onto the internet.

With the help of the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D's founder, Peggy Carter, Dr. Daniel Whitehall, another leader of Hydra, was exposed, along with a series of illicit research projects he had been leading.

As for Pierce and Whitehall, they didn't have a chance to go to prison.

Pierce was relatively better off; he left behind a complete corpse.

But in order to prevent any further meddling from the U.S. military, Oaks and Peggy Carter reduced Whitehall's body and his laboratory to ashes.

That included the experimental data and information that should never have seen the light of day.

A week had passed since those events. Nick Fury entrusted the position of S.H.I.E.L.D's director to the still-confused Phil Coulson and went into hiding, faking his death.

Natasha's identity was exposed, and while dealing with the scrutiny of the U.S. Congress and the military, she also needed to establish a new identity.

However, Peggy Carter stepped forward and shouldered a significant portion of the pressure, using a disguise mask to appear as an elderly woman. Her agile movements, even more so than those of many young people, did not attract excessive attention from the U.S. government.

Especially since the U.S. government was aware of her, Captain America, and Oaks's relationship.

"Ms. Carter, do you truly have no regrets?"

In the biological laboratory of the Nature Guardian, Oaks looked at Peggy Carter with a serious expression. Steve, who had returned, stood beside her.

Although there were still many things to deal with regarding S.H.I.E.L.D.'s collapse, Peggy Carter's situation was the most important for him right now.

"Of course not."

Peggy Carter smiled gently and shook her head.

"That kind of life force is filled with guilt and misery... Just the thought of it gives me chills. I would never allow it into my body!"

A trace of reminiscence flashed in her eyes.

"I destroyed Steve's last vial of serum with my own hands back then, just to prevent something similar from happening.

You know, I'm a traditional British old lady... Perhaps... it's my 'obsession'?"

As she spoke, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at Oaks.

"You're the same, aren't you, Dr. Oaks? And your 'obsession' is even stronger than mine. Let alone humans, you won't even extract the life force from animals...

There's no need to continue testing, I don't want to lose you as a friend."

"Heh, you truly are Ms. Carter."

Oaks coughed lightly and rubbed his stiff face. He smiled as well.

"So, have you truly made up your mind to pay the price and accept the power?"

"Of course."

Peggy Carter's expression turned serious as well.

"For seventy years, S.H.I.E.L.D. was just Hydra's largest nest. Destroying the nest doesn't mean eradicating them.

I made that mistake seventy years ago, but not this time.

With the time I have left, I need power to hunt down every last one of these lingering ghosts!"

"But Peggy," Steve's face was filled with worry. After hesitating for a long time, he finally spoke.

"Oaks said there might be a chance for us to stay... to stay..."


Peggy gently covered his mouth.

"I'm already 93 years old. As Oaks said, my original lifespan has at most two years left.

But by paying a certain price, I can live healthily for another twenty years...

After thoroughly destroying Hydra, perhaps we can still enjoy some time together."

A faint blush appeared on her face as she lightly caressed her lower abdomen.

"...Steve, I'm sorry, but this is my privilege as a woman. I can't let Hydra live for so long just because of my selfishness!"

"I will always support you, Peggy."

Steve gazed affectionately at Peggy.

"I will always cherish you."



"Cough, cough, cough, cough..."

A violent cough interrupted Steve and Peggy's overly affectionate behavior, causing the two elderly people in their nineties to blush and awkwardly separate, taking their seats.

Oaks rolled his eyes; he was already full.

"Now, let me repeat the principle of this plan."

He waved his hand, and a holographic image appeared in the middle of the three. It was a virtual representation of a human body.

"As I mentioned before, the principle behind the Restoration potion and the Spring of vitality potion is to temporarily 'restore youth' by replenishing the loss of life force and temporarily rejuvenating the body from its aged and weakened state."

He pointed at the image of the human body.

"The energy from nature and the universe can have a positive impact on the human body. For example, the Sorcerer Supreme, she is already several hundred years old, but you can't tell, right?"

Steve and Peggy widened their eyes in astonishment.

They knew the Sorcerer Supreme was powerful, and they had a little understanding of the affairs of the Sorcerer's Hidden Monastery, but these people were incredibly mysterious, so their knowledge was limited.

They had no idea that the Sorcerer Supreme was already several hundred years old. It was their first time hearing about it.

"However, the influence of this energy is limited to the user themselves.

Even someone as powerful as the Sorcerer Supreme wouldn't channel magical power to extend someone else's lifespan.

It goes against the laws of nature and would incur unknown consequences, not resulting in anything good for the recipient."

Oaks looked at Steve and Peggy again with a serious expression, and after they nodded in understanding, he continued.

"But with the appropriate power infusion, it can still be achieved. You've seen examples of this."

"We have?"

Steve and Peggy were slightly puzzled, but after a moment, Steve realized.

"Moco and Coco?"

"That's right, the invisible cat and the healing dog. These are the results of me infusing power into them in the early stages."

Oaks nodded.

"But the nature of my power is Nature. Cats and dogs, as animals, are much closer to nature than humans...

So the same method may work on them, but I'm not sure about its effects on humans, and I won't conduct experiments on human subjects."

"But for Ms. Carter, who has already adapted to the Spring of Vitality Potion, I can use the loss of a functioning organ as a target and infuse her with the Nature Energy, achieving a similar effect—

With a success rate of one hundred percent."

He pointed to the abdominal area of the human body in the image.

"This is indeed a woman's privilege. The uterus, the cradle of life, undoubtedly meets the requirements."


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