Chapter 241: Peggy's Extraordinary Power

If we talk about an organ in the human body that is annoying, everyone would probably answer unanimously—

Wisdom teeth.

After all, about one-fifth of modern humans no longer grow wisdom teeth, and among the remaining four-fifths who do, many suffer from excruciating pain.

But Oaks couldn't possibly infuse natural power into Peggy Carter's wisdom teeth, right?

Besides, although this old lady seemed to have well-maintained teeth, he had no interest in whether she still had her wisdom teeth or not.

Alright, let's narrow it down to the internal organs, then the appendix.

The pain caused by appendicitis has made doctors and patients alike think of getting rid of this "useless" organ as soon as possible.

There is even a saying that "the appendix's greatest purpose is probably to bring a steady stream of business to surgeons."

But leaving aside whether Peggy Carter still has her appendix, how much Nature energy can such a small organ the size of a worm carry?

So, if it needs to be large enough and an organ that is of no use to Peggy Carter herself, then it's only the uterus.

In fact, for a carrier of natural power, besides the heart, which represents vitality, the uterus is indeed the most suitable.

The term "cradle of life" is not just a fancy name; it inherently harmonizes with the life-filled Nature energy.

In a more fantastical sense, it can be said, "the womb is a boundary, separating internal and external."

Although this one was a bit old, Oaks could have even temporarily restored it to functionality.

That was the main reason for Steve's initial hesitation.

"Excessive life force from plants can cause organ plantification. However, infusing Nature energy is not simply infusing life force; it is a core that enhances your connection with nature.

So, you don't have to worry about having a wooden ball in your belly."

Oaks held a jade-green orb in his hand and gave a fitting example:

"Have you seen fantasy movies or novels? Magical creatures that can cast spells have a core or some kind of magical organ. The principle is similar."

An incredibly fresh and natural scent emanated from the orb, causing both Steve and Peggy to brighten up.

"Uh... are you saying that after this, I will be like a humanoid magical creature?"

Peggy Carter's expression was somewhat peculiar.

"Although it's a bit strange, it's surprisingly easy to accept."

Steve's eyes lit up.

"I think it's more like an elf from the stories!"

"...Close your eyes, relax, and feel the changes in your body.

Being closer to nature will grant you some extraordinary abilities. Although the specifics are uncertain, it should be the most suitable power for you."

Oaks gently pressed the orb into Peggy Carter's lower abdomen, as she lay on the experimental table, and controlled it to slowly fuse with her organs.

On the side, Steve couldn't help but feel excited.

He knew what abilities Oaks's cats and dogs had, and each of them was extremely useful for an agent.

So, what kind of abilities would Peggy gain?

As Oaks infused her with the Nature Energy, Peggy Carter closed her eyes and felt as if she were soaking in a warm bath. Every cell in her body was immersed in a warm stream emanating from her lower abdomen, causing them to rejoice.

Gradually, she felt her thoughts drifting away—

Although her eyes were closed, she seemed to "see" specific light and shadows around her.

There was a very bright light and shadow next to her, strong and full of vitality.


Instinctively, Peggy Carter sensed that this bright light and shadow belonged to Captain America.

But she couldn't perceive Oaks beside him at all—

It was as if there was nothing there... Did he leave?

A little further away, the Nature Guardian was filled with a comforting natural aura, something that members of the Benevolent Society themselves could also sense.

Hmm? There seems to be another presence stronger than Steve's, although not as apparent... is it Dr. Banner?

"Alright, you can open your eyes now."

Peggy Carter heard Oaks's voice, which sounded close.

"So, it turns out... he is not something I can sense yet.."

She had a slight realization and slowly opened her eyes— the world seemed somewhat different to her.

More vibrant and familiar.

"How do you feel, Peggy?"

Steve approached with concern. The entire process only took a few minutes, but Steve could clearly sense that Peggy seemed to be different now.

"I feel... amazing, Steve."

Peggy Carter slowly sat up and got off the experimental table.

"It feels so familiar... is this the affinity with nature?"

"That's right. Now you can maintain this state without relying on the Spring of Vitality Potion, until your body reaches its true limit in twenty years."

Oaks let out a sigh of relief. Infusing Peggy Carter with the Nature Energy had achieved exactly what he had expected.

Originally, Oaks wasn't inclined to grant ordinary people extraordinary abilities.

But Peggy Carter's situation was quite special.

On the one hand, it was her relationship with Steve— Oaks definitely wanted to avoid the defeat in the Infinity War, which would ultimately result in not being able to travel the time.

In that case, Steve would lose the chance to reunite with Peggy Carter.

On the other hand, if Peggy Carter took the lead in eliminating Hydra, it would undoubtedly be more efficient and would not incur significant resistance from governments around the world.

After all, her accomplishments were evident, and her influence reached far and wide.

Furthermore, Oaks had developed some respect for this resilient ordinary woman.

It was rare to find someone on the verge of death who could resist the temptation of immortality.

So why not grant them twenty years!

"Thank you, Oaks."

Steve tightly held Peggy's hand, his face was flushed with excitement, and Peggy Carter felt the same.

"...I really don't know how to thank you."

"This is enough."

Oaks smiled and shook his head.

"Then, Agent Carter, what kind of extraordinary power have you gained?"

Steve was taken aback. He suddenly remembered that Peggy was no longer an ordinary person.

He quickly looked at his beloved.

"Peggy, do you feel anything?"

"Hmm... I think so."

Peggy Carter closed her eyes slightly, and the life force she had sensed before reappeared.

"I can perceive the appearance and vitality of people and animals within a radius of about five hundred meters. And it seems like there's more..."

She opened her eyes and looked at Steve, who was somewhat surprised.

"Steve, throw a punch at me."


"Just do it!"

"Um... okay."

Steve took a step back and threw a punch at Peggy.

"Be careful... hmm?"

Before his punch could fully land, Peggy had already evaded it!

"It seems like I can see the trajectory of your punch..."

"That's a pretty impressive ability. Your affinity with nature has greatly enhanced your perception."

Oaks said in a professional manner but couldn't help but sarcastically comment in his mind, "This feel like Observation Haki!"


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