Chapter 268: The Legend of the Black Knight

As the rumbling subsided, Oaks's expression became grim—

Although the profane construct, made up of profaned branches, bones, and flesh, were shattered by the bombardment of stardust, they had somehow not lost their vitality!

No, perhaps it should be said that these things were already "dead," but the thick aura of death had transformed them into undead creatures!

"It's truly the Drust's life and death transformation magic!"

Oaks solemnly looked at the scattered "parts" that covered the ground, which were wriggling, merging, and recombining under the influence of the deathly aura.


Originally, the constructs were only about three meters tall, but now this recombined mass of branches, flesh, and bones reached a height of seven to eight meters, resembling a small hill in size!

This was a mountain of corpses formed by the aggregation of animal and plant remains!

"It's fortunate that there are no human remains inside... But with so many strange animals that don't belong in the natural world, this fellow..."

Thinking of the peculiar aura he sensed in the sky, Oaks waved his hand, and the thorny vines, which had become ineffective due to the bombardment of stardust, reappeared, firmly binding the enormous "mountain of corpses"!

The next moment, lightning flashed in his hands, and a dark cloud abruptly appeared directly above the target!


Raging lightning poured down, and the enormous "mountain of corpses" emitted a horrifying and desperate roar—

It seemed as if countless vocal organs from various unknown animals were combined, filled with endless shrillness and despair!


The stars that had already emerged in the sky seemed to suddenly increase in brightness. Hazy starlight gathered into massive orbs above the thundercloud.

After being baptized by the powerful thunder and lightning, the immense "mountain of corpses" was still in a chaotic state of deathly aura. The next moment, the starlight orb fiercely pierced through the thundercloud and crashed into it!

"Stellar Fire!"


The cold starry flames burned the creature's body, but Oaks keenly noticed that despite its intense screams, its aura... hadn't weakened much!

"Elder brother, the deathly aura seems to be restoring its structure... This thing is not a normal creature in any sense."

Malorn's voice echoed in Oaks's mind, and Oaks sighed:

"That's right. The evil spells of the Drusts seem to have undergone incredible modifications.

These creatures seem to be the products of biochemical or genetic experiments, with inherently unstable life forms.

However, the mastermind behind all this forcibly fused them together using the aura of death...

The closer they are to death, the more thoroughly their organic tissues and deathly aura merge, stimulating tissue regeneration and increasing their power.

I have to admit, he truly is a genius."

A blue light flashed in Oaks's eyes:

"If this thing were placed elsewhere, it would be quite troublesome... But unfortunately, it encountered me!"

Magic power surged in his hands as Oaks directly employed the Life and Death Balance spell. The thick vines that had tightly entangled the "mountain of corpses" underwent an instant transformation!

The emerald green leaves and thorns turned into withered yellowish-brown, and the bluish glow of death magic replaced the verdant hue of nature magic. It unreasonably absorbed the deathly aura emanating from the struggling "mountain of corpses"!


Its very existence was seized, and the "mountain of corpses" lost its strength to struggle.

These profane monsters, which would normally cause significant damage, had their deathly aura directly extracted by Oaks's powerful death magic and were visibly decaying!

Another thundercloud, much larger than before, appeared, and even more violent lightning completely reduced the now defenseless monster to a pile of shattered charcoal!

After dealing with these profane creatures and neutralizing them completely, Oaks snorted coldly and a stern light flashing in his eyes:

"Thinking of running?"

The "magic weapon" that had been highly anticipated was destroyed by Oaks in just a few minutes. The entity in the sky clearly showed signs of panic and quickly moved away from the area!

But how could Oaks let them escape?

"Malorn, contact the local police!"

"Yes, elder brother."

Green lights flickered, and the crowd was astonished as they suddenly discovered that healing flowers had bloomed all around them and beneath their feet.

Their visible injuries were healing at a rapid speed!

"It's the Avenger Druid!"

"Wow! That bear from earlier was so cool!"

"And the magic! Those stars, they just went 'boom—' like that!"

"And the lightning! Is that divine punishment? I almost thought it was the God of Thunder himself!"

"King Arthur, your spirit is protecting us... Is he really the Druid from mythical legends?"



The massive body of the Starlight Peregrine Falcon appeared in an instant, flapping its wings, hovering above the fleeing target!


Oaks frowned. This guy was dressed in a black and blue armor, wearing a black helmet, and wielding a long staff that resembled an ancient lance. He was riding a black steed with wings!

The horse could actually fly, but its speed... was rather disappointing, not even comparable to the ground speed of a street racer.

"Step back!"

A muffled angry shout came from the middle-aged man beneath the helmet:

"It's just a misunderstanding!"

"A misunderstanding? Who do you think you are!"

Just by Oaks existing in his Starlight Peregrine Falcon form, it made this... Pegasus tremble in fear.

Although it was a warhorse trained for special purposes, it depended on the target it faced!

Oaks deliberately exerted his wild aura and the ruthless suppression of a higher life form, making this poor creature desperately flap its wings—

But it couldn't even keep up with the speed at which Oaks flapped his own wings, let alone escape?


A sharp, long cry, and the Pegasus beneath the knight violently trembled, let out a miserable neigh, and its wings cramped, rendering it unable to fly anymore!


A cry of alarm came from beneath the knight's helmet. He pulled hard on the reins, desperately trying to make his steed recover:

"Fly, damn it! Otherwise, we're all dead!"

"Forget it, let's discuss this on the ground."

Sharp claws locked onto the knight's body, making him feel as though he would be torn apart by this sharp weapon in the next moment—

"Ah, ah, ah—!!"


Oaks, carrying the knight and the Pegasus, descended rapidly, crashing the two down to the ground!


The knight and the Pegasus lay on the ground, barely alive.

Oaks returned to his human form, raised an eyebrow, and snorted:

"I thought you guys were some kind of super villains with special abilities... Now it seems you're just ordinary people with average physical fitness.

But this horse has piqued my interest more than you."

With a snap of his fingers, two green lights enveloped the knight and the Pegasus. Before long, the Pegasus's breathing returned to normal, but Oaks only healed the knight enough to prevent him from dying quickly.


Oaks looked around and noticed an ancient castle not far away. He furrowed his brow:

"It's fortunate that I intercepted you. This happens to be the ancestral property of a friend of mine..."

He fell silent, his expression turning grim.

The black Pegasus didn't even dare to stand up and simply lay down beside the knight, making a pleading neigh.


Oaks coldly shouted, and the Pegasus immediately refrained from making any noise.

He walked up to the severely injured knight lying on the ground, forcefully removed his helmet, and said:

"Dr. Garrett... It seems it's not yet the time we agreed upon."

"O-Oaks, Dr. Oaks..."

Dr. Nathan Garrett, a geneticist from the Oxford University and Dane Whitman's uncle, coughed up blood and managed to force a bitter smile:

"I never expected this day to come so soon... You really are a 'Druid'!"

Garrett's heart was filled with immense bitterness. He had never anticipated that his prized creation would succumb to Oaks in just a few minutes!

"I should have realized it when I saw those animal and plant remains that shouldn't exist in the natural world."

Oaks looked coldly at this top geneticist:

"All of those are your experimental creations... including this horse!"

He glanced at the lance-shaped staff that had fallen to the side. Oaks's claws grabbed it, and it had already sustained some damage from the fall.

Some internal structures were revealed, obviously not a simple melee weapon but a high-tech weapon!

"Dr. Garrett, I believe I need an explanation..."

Oaks looked down on this familiar face whom he had no intention of saving:

"I thought even if we couldn't be called close friends, we were friends who could discuss issues together. Dane was even willing to talk to you and resolve the misunderstandings between you."

"Dr. Oaks... Since you are a true Druid, we have also discussed... the legend of King Arthur."

Garrett struggled to catch his breath and finally mustered some strength to speak:

"Do you know... about the 'Black Knight' legend in England?"

"The 'Black Knight'?"

Oaks furrowed his brow:

"My own research leans more toward the mythological aspects. You know more about the legend of King Arthur than I do.

I know about the legend of the Knights of the Round Table, but what is the Black Knight?"

"In the 6th century, Sir Percy of Scandia was one of King Arthur's bravest knights in the court."

Garrett while gasping for breath revealed a proud expression, as if immersed in an epic from the Middle Ages:

"Sir Percy had a dual identity. On the surface, he was a gentle and noble aristocrat, but secretly, he wielded the ebony sword forged by the sorcerer Merlin and wore armor from Avalon, punishing evil and upholding justice!"

"Ah, a medieval superhero."

When Oaks heard "the ebony sword forged by Merlin," he looked at the damaged lance and shook his head:

"So, you're a descendant of Sir Percy, but it seems you didn't inherit that ebony sword—

Things forged by Merlin aren't that simple."

"Cough, cough, cough... That's right, I failed."

Garrett coughed violently, his voice was filled with bitterness and regret:

"I wasn't qualified. I didn't receive recognition from the ebony sword, which means I didn't receive recognition from my ancestor, Sir Percy...

So, I have always been just an ordinary person without the magical power bestowed by the ebony sword...

But I'm not willing to accept that!"

Garrett struggled to lift his head, his eyes gleaming with fanaticism as he stared at Oaks:

"Avalon, the mysterious Druid sanctuary, the final resting place of King Arthur...

Merlin knows about it, the Black Knight armor also comes from there, so that's my last hope!"


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