Chapter 274: Do You Believe in the Black Panther?

Although Wakanda may appear small and poor on the surface, it is a member of the United Nations.

Therefore, the visit of King T'Chaka of Wakanda to the Benevolence Society is on an entirely different level in terms of protocol.

After all, he is the head of a country, and this is the first time Benevolence Society has received such an esteemed guest.

So, a considerable amount of time was spent on preparations, and the formal meeting was scheduled after the completion of the joint experimental field.

Wakanda is located on the equator with numerous lakes and rivers, abundant rainfall, lush vegetation, and a perennial spring-like climate. The establishment of the experimental field coincided with the rainy season.

Based on the characteristic seasonal alternation of "dry-rain-dry-rain" each year, Benevolence Society utilized "Foundation No. 5," a "drought-flood regulation" moss.

These mosses would bear and divert the rainwater during the rainy season, directing it underground and to nearby bodies of water. During the dry season, they would actively draw water from fixed points and distribute it throughout the moss community.

This approach would prevent excessive rainfall from causing crop root rot during the rainy season and ensure the water supply for crops without relying on irrigation systems during the dry season.

Thus, even before the formal meeting began, the Wakanda-Benevolence Society experimental field had already yielded its first harvest of wheat...

And this was in January!

The incredible speed and yield amazed T'Chaka, further intensifying his curiosity about Benevolence Society.

Given that it was Wakanda, Oaks arranged for the reception to take place on the Nature Guardian.

Natasha personally piloted the modified version of the Quinjet, bringing King T'Chaka and Prince T'Challa of Wakanda to the Nature Guardian, which was floating in the sky above the Pacific Ocean.

The journey of over 16,000 kilometers left a deep impression on them.

"It truly lives up to its reputation... The sight here is even more impressive!" T'Challa couldn't help but exclaim as soon as he disembarked from the Quinjet.

Benevolence Society's headquarters is a massive floating ark in the sky, a legend in itself, as only a few people have truly seen it.

The Nature Guardian usually remains invisible above the open seas, situated above the clouds. Even planes passing through nearby air routes cannot see this colossal structure.

Furthermore, with the secretive nature of Benevolence Society's members, this place remained shrouded in mystery, and occasional leaked information being only limited to the internal views, so many people eventually lost interest in the massive ark.

Compared to the elusive ark, the Little Rainforest District, which has become the "Forest in the City," is the natural wonder that people eagerly discuss.

However, what people are now paying more attention to is the powerful natural restoration capabilities showcased by Oaktree Environmental Technology through Benevolence Society's channels—

This has not only deepened the concept of environmental protection in people's minds but has also made many companies that are struggling to reduce their own emissions due to government policies and international trends turn to Benevolence Society and Oaktree Environmental Technology as esteemed partners.

Benevolence Society has achieved remarkable results in the restoration of the western deserts of the United States, to the point that the government is now consulting Oaks for the formulation of environmental plans.

Under these circumstances, the contact between Oaks and Wakanda, as well as their actions in the food industry, have escaped many people's attention and can proceed covertly.

T'Chaka also agrees with this arrangement. After all, Wakanda has maintained a low profile for several centuries, to the point where it has become instinctual.

Although Wakanda boasts stunning natural beauty, witnessing such a spectacle above the stratosphere aboard the ark is a unique experience even for the people of Wakanda.

Moreover, the vast ocean surrounds them in all directions.

"Natasha, thank you for your hard work."

Oaks greeted Natasha as she jumped off the plane, and she rolled her eyes in response.

"Forget it, I can't even take a sip of water without being sent on an assignment. Captain and the others are still chasing Hydra all over the world...

These guys just won't disappear."

Natasha headed to the rest area on her own.

"You take good care of the guests. This time, the protocol is different from usual."

"Understood, don't worry."

Oaks smiled and nodded, and then led Vice President Blaze Clark to T'Challa and T'Chaka who were escorted off the plane by the Dora Milaje female guard.

"Welcome to the Nature Guardian, King T'Chaka and Prince T'Challa."

Oaks and Blaze slightly bowed to both Black Panthers, then made a symbolic gesture of invitation.

"Please, it's the first time Benevolence Society has had a national leader visit, so please forgive any shortcomings in our hospitality."

"Hehehe... Of course not, Chairman Oaks. I have long heard of your esteemed name!"

T'Chaka's eyes brighten as soon as he saw Oaks.

He and T'Challa exchanged a glance, both detecting a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

However, this surprise quickly faded, and T'Chaka smiled and shook hands with Oaks.

"This time, I made a secret visit. It's better to keep it simple. There are many things I am eager to discuss with you."


Oaks raised an eyebrow, finding the unexpectedly friendly demeanor of the Black Panther king somewhat surprising.

However, he also sensed the differences in the two individuals before him and nodded with a smile.

"In that case, let's skip unnecessary formalities and get straight to the point—I believe both sides will gain something worthwhile."

Within the highest-level reception room of the Nature Guardian, T'Chaka and T'Challa surveyed the technological prowess that rivals even Wakanda itself.

They are integrated into the natural-style decoration, which is somewhat similar to Wakanda's traditional ideals.

In the room, there were only T'Chaka, T'Challa, and Oaks. The Dora Milaje guarded the entrance, while Benevolence Society's guards were absent--

What a joke, if Oaks still needed guards, they would have to be incredibly strong.

"Firstly, Chairman Oaks, thank you for your trust in Wakanda and your generosity--

We have established a secret experimental field, and the first batch of 'Foundation' series modified moss has been successfully planted with excellent results."

King T'Chaka was evidently delighted. This powerful moss, similar to a growth medium, resolved the issue of inadequate irrigation systems in African regions.

As long as there is a fixed water source, the moss can absorb water for its own needs and the crops planted on it. This significantly alleviated the agricultural infrastructure problems that have troubled many African countries.

Although Wakanda is advanced, its level of agriculture is only average. With a relatively small population and a long history of isolation, the standard agricultural practices were sufficient to ensure the people's food security.

"And not only the miraculous 'Foundation No. 5' moss, but your wheat variety is equally incredible."

T'Challa, who was nearby, coughed lightly and smiled.

"'Abundance No. 1' high-yield wheat. It produces terrifyingly double the average yield of wheat worldwide--

This is an achievement that can shake the world. And when combined with the 'Foundation' series moss, it can be said that there are no difficulties in cultivation.

In the past, we could never have imagined that we would have the opportunity to test such advanced technology."

"Since the establishment of the Benevolence Society, our vision has always been global. I have emphasized this and repeatedly reminded our members."

Oaks spread his hands with a smile.

"The same philosophy applies to Oaktree Environmental Technology, which shares the same origins. That's why I established the headquarters in international waters--

I can tell you now that the European branch has already been completed. When the African branch is finished, the 'Little Rainforest' in New York will officially become the Benevolence Society branch for the Americas."

"Hehe... I imagine the President of the United States must be quite troubled."

T'Chaka was in high spirits, and Oaks became even more agreeable in his eyes.

"Stark's automated irrigation, harvesting, and processing robots have been tested, and they are impressive... Unfortunately, we didn't get to witness their irrigation capabilities."

He made a small joke, and both Oaks and T'Challa laughed.

"You are different from the other Avengers, including your fighting style."

T'Chaka looked at Oaks with admiration.

"It seems that you are the only Avenger who consistently manages to avoid casualties among innocent civilians during battles."

"Well, that's probably related to my abilities. We have also developed algorithms based on humanities and social sciences to guide our actions and minimize civilian impact."

Oaks rubbed his nose, openly admitting this fact--

In fact, it was due to his intervention in certain events that the old king managed to escape a fatal fate.

And many others were saved from misfortune.

"I didn't expect you to establish a branch in Wakanda. It's beyond my expectations."

T'Chaka's smile grew even wider.

"The conditions here are harsh, and although Jack is a capable young man, your members are accustomed to the comfortable life of big cities. Can they truly adapt?"

"Please rest assured. The personnel we have trained in environmental conservation and public welfare endeavors are more than capable of fulfilling their tasks perfectly. We will also provide rotating vacations and additional allowances."

After the conditions in Wakanda are exposed, even if we cancel vacations and allowances, people would still flock there...

"That's good... I will provide a sufficiently large venue free of charge to express our gratitude for your help."

T'Chaka finally made up his mind. However, his next words made Oaks narrow his eyes slightly.

"Well, Chairman Oaks, I came here specifically for one thing I would like to ask."

"There's no need to ask... What kind of assistance does Your Majesty require?"

Oaks raised the cup of coffee in front of him and took a sip. T'Chaka and T'Challa's expressions grew slightly serious.

"Chairman Oaks... The belief in Wakanda is the Black Panther Goddess Bast, and I have heard that the Druid's animal form is also related to deities...

He looked seriously at Oaks who put down the cup.

"I wonder if the Panther God that Chairman Oaks believes in has anything to do with Her Highness Bast?"


Oaks looked at the serious expressions of the two Black Panthers and rubbed his chin. He didn't expect them to ask this question directly.

Both sides are aware of their differences, and it seems that neither side wants to reveal too much.

Did they come all the way here just to confirm this?

Indeed, the power of the Black Panther comes from Bast, and in Celtic mythology, there doesn't seem to be such a powerful Panther God.

"My power comes from Ashamane," Oaks transformed directly into his Black Panther form, causing T'Chaka and T'Challa to widen their eyes.

"She is a Black Panther deity."


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