Chapter 275: Earth Biogenome Project

Both T'Chaka and T'Challa have consumed the Heart-Shaped Herb, receiving the blessings of the Panther Goddess Bast.

When their souls enter the Ancestral Plane, they can transform into the form of a black panther.

Similar to Oaks' current form.

"Usually, I adjust my appearance to that of a more common cheetah rather than a black panther."

Oaks had returned to his normal form. He looked at the two astonished Wakandans and spread his hands.

"Because the Panther God told me that there are other black panthers in the world."

This was pure nonsense, but for Oaks, who knew the secrets of Wakanda well, it was something he had already prepared for, an item on record from his contact with Wakanda.

"Indeed... Bast's blessing..."

T'Chaka's plump face couldn't contain his excitement.

Although Oaks mentioned that he believed in a Panther God called Ashamane, regardless of being a black panther or as a "goddess," it made him think in only one direction.

This Panther God he had never heard of, "Ashamane," and Bast, who had protected his people for centuries, even if they were not descriptions of the same deity in different beliefs, they were divine beings from the same lineage!

"So... Have you ever felt..."

T'Challa, unable to contain himself, said a little more, although he promptly shut his mouth. But Oaks smiled and a green light flashed in his hand.

"In terms of sensitivity to life, I am a professional...

King T'Chaka, Prince T'Challa, your life essence has long surpassed the boundaries of ordinary people and is not much different from that of Captain America, Steve Rogers.

A special life force filled with primal wild energy has caused this, and if I'm not mistaken, you also sensed a similar power from me."


T'Chaka took a deep breath. Since they had already opened up about the topic, he no longer felt the need to hide it.

"That's right, when we first heard about the legends surrounding you, we wondered about this... And just now, when we saw you with our own eyes, we did sense something."

He glanced at the embarrassed T'Challa and smiled, patting his son's shoulder.

"We came here for this very reason. Knowing that there are others of our kind, isn't that something to be happy about?"

"Yes, father... It's a wonderful fate."

T'Challa composed his emotions and smiled. He stepped forward and shook Oaks' hand.

"Chairman Oaks, thank you for everything... By the way, my girlfriend admires you very much."


Oaks was momentarily stunned. What kind of twist was this?

"Nakia, that child..."

T'Chaka chuckled and shook his head. He was very satisfied with this future daughter-in-law.

"She just returned today, and it seems like you had a lot to talk about."

"Nakia has been dedicated to helping our suffering compatriots affected by hunger and poverty."

T'Challa's face carried a touch of pride. Nakia believed that if developed Wakanda could help these people, their hardships would be quickly resolved.

But both she and T'Challa knew that it was not currently possible.

Therefore, Nakia left Wakanda alone to travel the world, help people in various places, and seek solutions to their problems.

However, she was still the girlfriend of the heir to Wakanda, the future queen, and was deeply loved by the people.

So when Benevolence Society achieved astonishing success in the food cooperation with Wakanda, she received the news immediately.

On the day before T'Challa departed for the Nature Guardian, Nakia rushed back to Wakanda and had a conversation with T'Challa.

The arrival of the Benevolence Society made Nakia's wishes potentially attainable.

Wakanda could help suffering compatriots outside without revealing itself.

Oaks quickly realized this, which made his expression somewhat peculiar.

Speaking of which, wouldn't this cause Wakanda to lack the motivation to open up and remain in a closed state?

"Nakia wants to personally take charge of this project. She believes that her mission tells her that this is the time when she is closest to success."

T'Challa's words made King T'Chaka nod his head.

"Of course, that can be arranged. This wheat has already passed our acceptance test."

When T'Chaka mentioned "acceptance," it meant the true Wakandan level of acceptance. This indicated that there were no known issues with this type of food, so he was straightforward:

"So, Chairman Oaks, when do you plan to promote this miraculous cultivation technology and seeds?"

Due to the matter of the Black Panther, T'Chaka's fondness for Oaks clearly increased by another level.

"Just as you said, food is a matter that is vital to a nation's survival... Wakanda has received such great blessings, but we don't know how to repay them."

"Our organization, Benevolence Society, is fundamentally a non-profit organization."

Oaks once again emphasized the nature of Benevolence Society.

"The research results of Oaktree Environmental Technology Company, through the implementation of Benevolence Society, benefit all of humanity. This is the common philosophy and standard of our organization from top to bottom.

But the power of charity is limited, and our goals are not limited to just food."

Oaks pondered for a moment. He chose Wakanda with the purpose of establishing a good relationship with the wealthiest nation.

But the project hasn't officially started yet, and the relationship has progressed faster than expected...

That couldn't be better.

"In fact, I plan to launch a world-class research program on Earth's Day in April this year. The early harvest from the food cooperation with Wakanda and Sokovia is a precursor to this program."

T'Chaka and T'Challa exchanged glances, becoming serious.

"A world-class research program? If the results of this level of food miracle are just an early harvest, I'm truly looking forward to what the official implementation will bring."

"The Earth Biogenome Project, abbreviated as EBP."

Oaks introduced his "Life Sanctuary Assistance Program." He waved his hand, and a holographic display descended from the air, showing the detailed contents of the program.

"Similar to the Human Genome Project (HGP), but more complex and broader in scope.

It is a global scientific collaboration to sequence the genomes of all eukaryotic organisms on Earth."

Malorn still lacked biological data from Earth, but biological data, unlike topography and weather data, could not be obtained simply through detectors and scans.

Even with Oaks' Nature magic, it would be exhausting to deal with the countless species around the world.

So why not mobilize the power of the entire world to benefit the world!

Oaks looked at T'Chaka and T'Challa, whose eyes were widening, and stood up to explain to them:

"To sequence all eukaryotic organisms, including plants, animals, and single-celled organisms, will be an unprecedented biological celebration.

This will be the largest life science research program in the world, enabling humanity to have a deeper understanding of the diverse organisms present on Earth from a genetic information perspective.

Furthermore, based on genomic data and genomics research, it will greatly promote the conservation and utilization of global biodiversity.

All the data from this project will be publicly released, and the research findings will benefit all of humanity.

Our 'Abundance' series of wheat, the 'Foundation' series of land expansion plants, and even the 'Melting' series of organic matter-degrading moss, will be openly shared as part of the project.

I believe that breaking international barriers and reaching a consensus of openness, cooperation, and sharing will unprecedentedly promote the coordinated development of various relevant fields and greatly contribute to the harmonious coexistence of humanity and the ecological environment!"


T'Chaka and T'Challa were truly shocked. Along with the shock, there was an uncontrollable sense of admiration.

You see, if these projects were operated by a commercial company, the profits would be astounding!

But they are being made public?

"You truly deserve to be Chairman Oaks."

T'Chaka looked deeply at Oaks, stood up, and patted his shoulder.

"When you announce this program, I will personally make a statement at the United Nations in support of your decision as the king!"

"Although Wakanda is small, we are, after all, a member country of the United Nations."

T'Challa smiled.

"I may have graduated from Oxford University, and although my degree is in physics, that doesn't prevent me from foreseeing what a wonderful academic event this will be."

"Thank you for Wakanda's support."

That was Oaks' most important goal.

On Sokovia's side, Baron Zemo had a significant influence, but he couldn't represent the president at the United Nations.

And other countries would at most respond from the scientific community. Only Wakanda, a nation that pretended to be the least developed but was actually the most advanced, could directly assist at a national level.

Especially now, with the inexplicable relationship with the Black Panther.

"We will start preparing for this matter when we return. The affairs of the Benevolence Society branch will be given top priority."

T'Chaka solemnly assured Oaks, showing that this young man had earned his respect.

"Also, it may not be appropriate now, but I look forward to the day when I can invite you to visit Wakanda, Chairman Oaks."

He seemed to emphasize the pronunciation of the word "Wakanda."

"...I'm also looking forward to it."


China, Mapoling, Changsha City, Hunan Province. The sun was about to set, and a travel-worn young man arrived at the Hybrid Rice Research Center.

"Oh? It's Xiaozhang, uh, Secretary Antonio, you've returned from the United States?"

A middle-aged researcher walked out with weary steps. When he saw the familiar figure, he suddenly froze.

He had been doing a lot of data research recently, and his head was spinning, making him miss the days of conducting field research.

But even if he was dizzy, he wouldn't mistake the person in front of him!

"Director Xu!"

Antonio saw this person in charge of the research management department and waved his hands.

"Just call me Xiaozhang... Is Director Yuan here?"

"Hehe, your achievements far exceed your age!"

Director Xu looked at Antonio sweating and couldn't help but become serious.

"He's in the lab... Is something urgent?"

"Our Chairman wants to visit Director Yuan, so I came early to see when Director Yuan would be available!"

"Your Chairman?!"

Director Xu widened his eyes.


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