Chapter 315: Superpowers and Monetary Abilities

Since Stephen found his way to Oaks instead of seeking out the guy who had been healed of paralysis by Kamar-Taj, Oaks had to personally bring up the topic of Kamar-Taj.

"For the Sorcerer Supreme, you are just an ordinary person seeking help. So don't think that she or other sorcerers will treat you the same way as your previous patients.

In fact, she won't even be as open with you as I am—

Because sorcerers pursue the 'spiritual' and 'mental' realms. If they feel that you are not worth their salvation, they won't even come to see you personally, like I did."

Oaks revealed a little more to Stephen:

"Mental tranquility, personal responsibility, one's true self, and self-awareness—

Sorry, but magic is quite idealistic. If your thinking is still at an ordinary person's level, then you cannot attain redemption."

Once again, a green light appeared on his finger, and then the light floated in front of Stephen's wide eyes and merged into his forehead, rejuvenating his spirit.

"I won't tell you the specific location. If you manage to find it successfully, don't even mention my name.

Here's a piece of advice—when you get there, it's best to forget everything you think you know."


Stephen nodded thoughtfully. He understood the importance of camaraderie in times of trouble.

When he was in distress, all those colleagues who had wanted to compete with him had vanished into thin air!

In the end, the hopeful Dr. Stephen Strange was successfully fooled by Oaks.

If Oaks could raise the dead and regenerate cells, healing nerve cells should be a simple matter, shouldn't it?

However, perhaps Stephen himself understood how cutting-edge and unattainable this technology was with current means. So when Oaks said he couldn't do it, Stephen believed him.

If Oaks didn't have this ability, would the Ancient One have come to find him years earlier?

But the relationship between Oaks and the Mystic Arts faction was something only the Avengers vaguely knew about, and only the sorcerers themselves were truly aware of it.

After all...

It was a six-century-long friendship between the Druids and the Mystic Arts faction!

The things Stephen had imagined had absolutely nothing to do with him.

Out of humanitarian concern, Oaks booked a ticket for the destitute Dr. Stephen Strange to Kathmandu, Nepal, where the Ancient One resided.

Well, what happens to him after he arrives there, discovering that the sorcerers there are drinking the acorns he invented, and the garden is filled with plants he personally grew, and even the Sorcerer Supreme possesses Nature magical powers...

It doesn't matter what he thinks.

"But... since Wong has already become the librarian, that means Kaecilius had already betrayed—"

It seems that Dr. Stephen Strange still needs to go through a tough battle...


With the help of the Gaia Mirror, the Life Sanctuary in Avalon became an information center supporting the actions of the Avengers and the Benevolence Society.

Using the leaves of the sacred oak tree as a means of communication, they could directly receive the latest accurate warning information from Malorn no matter how far away they were.

Threat information was divided into levels such as "ultra-high risk," "high risk," which required the Avengers' attention, "danger," which could be handled by human agents, and "ordinary," which each country dealt with on their own.

After the dissolution of S.H.I.E.L.D, Nick Fury entrusted the director position to Coulson and disappeared shortly after.

Coulson's wish was to rebuild S.H.I.E.L.D. and he had been leading the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in their struggle against various internal and external dangers.

However, with the help of the Howling Commandos led by Steve and Carter, the threat from Hydra had diminished significantly for them.

Especially after Daisy Johnson, who had acquired the "Quake" ability, returned to their team, they became even more formidable.

Therefore, in reality, the new S.H.I.E.L.D. mainly dealt with warning levels of "danger."

It's just that it wasn't a pleasant experience when several Hydra moles were discovered recently.

In the eyes of the Gaia Mirror, Hydra couldn't be considered a threat unless they caused significant disturbances.

Ultimately, the Gaia Mirror is only sensitive to extraterrestrial life and cosmic energy, and it cannot perceive internal human dangers unless they pose a threat to the environment.

It's similar to when stags fight for mates within a deer herd; it's not considered dangerous.

However, because of this, there was a recent emergence of a threat labeled as "danger."

After Agent Coulson's SHIELD team dealt with it, the Avengers realized what it truly was. In terms of threat level, "extremely high-risk" would be appropriate.

The origin of Hydra, the King of Inhumans "Hive."

Although It was marked as soon as it appeared, fundamentally, Hive was also formed by Earth's mutated humans. Before they caused any destruction, they were no different from mutants like Daisy.

However, since he had been off-world for a long time and returned through the Dark Stone portal, the Gaia Mirror responded sensitively.

This made the Avengers more vigilant, realizing that no warning system could be perfect.

As for the parts that the Benevolence Society needed to handle, they mainly used the Gaia Mirror's analysis data to formulate solutions for environmental crises and implement them as quickly as possible.

Events involving severe deforestation, poaching, pollution, etc., were directly sent to the relevant departments of the corresponding countries for handling.

The efficiency was incredibly high.

However, what troubled Oaks was the young Peter Parker, who had been inspired by Avengers. He finally put on his homemade Spider-Man suit, invented web shooters, and started roaming the streets, playing with rOaks climbing and acrobatics.

Although it seemed that because he learned some formidable martial arts from Shang-chi and received an early dose of enlightenment from Oaks, Peter's uncle Ben Parker managed to escape a fatal fate, which made Spider-Man's actions somewhat restrained. However, Tony still discovered his activities.

That's why platforms like YouTube were always the nemesis of those little guys who thought their actions were discreet.

"What's the deal with this kid?"

Tony rarely had leisure time to visit Oaks, but it was clear that he was very interested in Spider-Man—

Because he flew directly to him in his armor, rather than taking a private plane.

"Mmm, got bitten by a bug, underwent mutation, that's all from about half a year ago."

Oaks didn't have anything to hide; Peter's situation wasn't a bad thing.

"Oh my, if I didn't know that this kid had been lingering around you since elementary school, I would've gone straight to his house—"

"Is he shooting webs? Is that what the bug did?"

Tony looked at Oaks suspiciously.

"You can't be the one who transformed him, right? and with these skills, tsk tsk... I'm starting to think you knew he would gain superpowers!"

Tony exaggeratedly counted on his fingers.

"Wanda and Pietro don't count. Matt MurdOaks, Dane Whitman, Daisy Johnson, Shang-chi, and now this pajama baby, haha!"

He glared fiercely at Oaks, who was touching his nose.

"How do you manage to find them one after another? Can you predict the future?!"

"Cough... How is that possible? Matt was introduced by Antonio as a part-timer. Who knew he could fight so well?

Dane came on his own. Who knew he had such an amazing family background?

Daisy, Coulson forced her onto me. Who knew she had such strong bloodlines?

Shang-chi too. We recruited him as an employee. Who knew his parents were so formidable?

As for Peter... he sneaked in on his own. If we're talking about fate, didn't I save his life at that Stark Industries Expo? "


Tony slapped himself in the face.

"Sheesh! What kind of luck do you have?"

"Forget it, didn't you come here on your own accord?"

Oaks waved his hand helplessly.

"So, why did you come? Peter does things to help the neighborhood fight crime. Since he likes it and has determination, I think it's great."

"The Avengers are short-handed, and you and Banner are difficult to get in emergency situations..."

Tony took off his armor and lay down on the sofa. He pinched his forehead, sighed tiredly.

"Pepper threatened to break up with me. There's just been too much going on lately, and I can't completely stop...

No, maybe I don't even want to stop, so I haven't had the energy to consider her feelings.

I need more and stronger allies. After all, what J.A.R.V.I.S. can do is limited."

He slapped his face, took a deep breath, and sat up.

"I wasn't initially focused on a high school student as a target, but if he has undergone comprehensive training under you, things are different—

I can tell that his actions are nothing like what a headless high school student would do."

"Spider-Man, that's the code name he gave himself."

Oaks had confidence in his educational achievements.

"By the way, this kid is a genius. He invented the material and shooters for the spider webs himself. It's a fantastic idea—

Although I did mention earlier that I could modify him to shoot webs, he refused."

"This kid is careful to avoid his family knowing about his identity, and he's still attending school. He definitely can't abandon his studies, so let's temporarily set aside Avengers work."

Oaks clearly respected Peter's own thoughts. Although this kid was a fan of the Avengers, especially the three scientists and Captain, Oaks hoped it wouldn't interfere with his normal life.

"When there's a major event, I'll notify him—there are leaves from Malorn in his possession too, so don't worry."

"...Alright, I see."

Tony fell silent for a moment before sighing.

"I'm too impatient, damn it... I actually wanted a child to bear responsibilities that shouldn't be his!

My mind is going crazy... no wonder Pepper threatened to break up...

No, no, in fact, we're practically already broken up..."

He rubbed his temples hard and then reached out his hand.

Oaks: "?"

"That Spring of Vitality Potion of yours! Give me a crate!"

Tony stared with bloodshot eyes.

"If you don't want me to grow old alone!"

"...What's it got to do with me..."

"Are you giving it to me or not?!"


Tony drank a bottle of potion, carried a big box, and flew away from the Nature Guardian with a trail of fire, his eyes darted around as he flew.

"J.A.R.V.I.S., prepare funds for me to establish a scholarship foundation."

"I don't have the good fortune of this guy Oaks here, but what I do have is money!"


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