Chapter 316: The New Armor of the Little Spider

"The September Fund" is an educational fund established by the Avenger Iron Man, Tony Stark.

Students' thoughts and ideas are always imaginative, with endless possibilities and creativity.

Although most of them may be impossible to achieve or have no practical value even if realized, undoubtedly, there are always some brilliant proposals among them.

However, many of these proposals are absolutely unattainable for students at their economic level, so they think of obtaining funding through loans or sponsorships.

Many large corporations or individuals also invest or establish funds to support these ideas, hoping that a few successful ones can bring substantial returns.

But when Tony takes action, the scale is naturally extraordinary.

Six hundred million US dollars, an unprecedented scale of educational funds, This is Tony's financial power to discover young people with potential.

However, unlike the original September Fund, which was unconditionally open to students at MIT, this time Tony did not feel guilty because of the Sokovia incident. Therefore, this is a very serious academic fund.

Only projects that have been reviewed by the Stark Industries professional team and are at least feasible and beneficial are eligible to pass and receive sponsorship.

But correspondingly, the well-funded September Fund is not only aimed at MIT.

High school and college students across the United States are eligible to apply for the fund to support their innovative research projects.

As a result, Tony was inundated with numerous fund applications.

Although he has a strong professional team and a reliable Jarvis, the best batch of proposals still need to be personally reviewed.

Although 99.9% of the projects will be rejected in the first round, how many high school and college students are there in the United States?

Even faculty members secretly submit applications by impersonating students...

After layers of screening, one project finally made its way to Tony's desk.

"The applicant, Harley Keener..."

15 years old, a freshman in high school, the same age as Peter Parker.

After Jarvis pulled up various competitions and research projects that Harley participated in over the years, Tony supported his chin with one hand and his eyes gradually brightened.

"Hey... Turns out I also have good luck... He's really a talented kid!"


While Tony used his financial power to discover the younger generation, on the other hand, Oaks felt that Peter's homemade armor was a bit too crude.

In terms of scientific armor technology, Oaks was far inferior to Tony.

But he had magical armor technology!

And isn't Peter's biggest concern the inability to conceal his Spider-Man suit?

Peter Parker received a call from Oaks and went to the Little Rainforest after school.

"Mr. Oaks, are you looking for me?"

Since Shang-Chi stayed in China, Peter felt that he had lost a lot of fun--

But fortunately, through the subcommittee's teleportation gate of the Benevolent Society, representatives from the five continents' branches would regularly meet on the Nature Guardian or Avalon.

Peter had never been to Avalon, but he had been to the Nature Guardian many times.

However, after meeting Shang-Chi's sister, Xialing, last time, he felt a bit awkward. As a result, when he sparred with her, he was beaten badly.

Xialing mocked him for being nothing more than a disciple trained by his brother, which made Shang-Chi have Peter practice rigorously in order to save face.

Now that Shang-Chi had the power of the Divine Dragon, Peter, who had only gained his abilities for less than a year, couldn't match him.

However, precisely because of this, Peter also regained enough pressure and made significant progress in his skills and abilities.

It's just that his tailoring skills were really not that great.

"Hmm, the good deeds you did were discovered by Tony—did you really think no one would recognize you just because you wore a onesie?"

Oaks messed up Peter's hair, and although the latter tried to dodge with all his might, his abilities couldn't save his hairstyle from Oaks's hands.

"Mr. Stark?"

Peter was surprised when he heard that name. Although the fact that he and Shang-Chi were learning martial arts together was almost an open secret by now, he hadn't told anyone about being Spider-Man.

Neither to Oaks.

"Ah... So Mr. Oaks knows too..."

Peter sat down in frustration and then looked up seriously as he emphasized:

"Um, that's not pajamas, that's my specially made Spider-Man suit! I've never been recognized when I wear it.

Well, I made it secretly, and the materials and craftsmanship are not that great..."

He scratched his head. Although he felt a bit embarrassed at first, he didn't really care when it came to actually fighting.

But now that he thought about it, it was actually a bit...

"Your web shooter is pretty good, and the composition of the web fluid is amazing. It's not only super sticky and has incredible tensile strength, but it also dissolves automatically after two hours.

Indeed, you're a child of the Benevolent Society. Your environmental awareness is commendable.

But aren't you considering some modifications? It's possible to synthesize that kind of web fluid internally..."

Oaks's tempting voice made Peter's face turn pale and then red.

"Uh... For now, this is enough. Let's take it slowly with the modifications..."

No matter how you look at it, shooting something white out of your body...

It's just too weird!

"Okay... But your suit... well, I reluctantly call it a suit, it's too crude."

"Uh... it's just that after I gained my abilities, my senses became too sensitive, and I received too much information."

Peter scratched his face in embarrassment.

"I asked Matt about it, and he suggested that I try to block my vision in order to focus my mind. I'll get used to it eventually."

Oaks nodded. Matt took many years to get used to it, so he had a lot of experience.

"Tony approached me earlier, wanting to invite you to join the Avengers, but you still have to go to school, so I declined on your behalf.

If you're willing to join, should I call him?"

"Uh no, no, no!"

Peter quickly shook his head.

"I just want to be a quiet high school student... Thank you, Chairman, for understanding.

That's what I really want, and if I join the Avengers, Aunt May and Uncle Ben will go crazy. If they go crazy, I'm done for!"

"Well, that's true, but you won't stop fighting crime and helping others, right?"

Oaks understood Peter's mentality to some extent. After all, he was just a child.

He himself was no better than Peter when he was his age. At least he didn't wear a head covering to fight criminals or anything like that back then.

"Yes, Chairman!"

Peter fell silent for a moment and nodded earnestly.

"I've thought it over carefully. If... I have these abilities and don't do anything, then it would be my responsibility if something bad happens later."

"...Very well, it seems you have a deep understanding of the meaning of those words."

Oaks nodded satisfactorily. The child had digested the inspirational message quite well.

He stood up, took out an acorn necklace from his pocket, and tossed it to Peter.


Peter caught the acorn necklace flying at high speed without even blinking his eyes and his face lit up:

"Acorn necklace! Chairman, with this, I won't have to worry about lack of sleep anymore!"

Although Peter had an acorn bracelet as a member of the Benevolent Society, this necklace, designed specifically for the leadership and researchers, was the top-of-the-line model.

"...That's just one aspect."

Oaks cleared his throat and snapped his finger. A green light ball flew into Peter's forehead.

"What is this..."

Peter's eyes widened gradually and he unbelievably put on the necklace, and then he reached out and tapped!


A classic comic version of Spider-Man's suit appeared on him!


Peter looked at himself in disbelief, as if the spider suit on his body had come to life. Even with the mask on, it was clear that his mouth was wide open and his eyes were widened.

"This... This is incredible!"

"Hmm, the Nature Spider Suit, made from magical plant fibers. Its defense is comparable to steel plates, and minor injuries can be instantly healed, while it can save your life in severe cases. You can communicate with Malorn at any time.

It's breathable and waterproof, and it also has top-level regenerative effects—"

Oaks proudly introduced his masterpiece to Peter:

"At the same time, it has automatic repair capabilities. If it gets damaged, just soak it in water under light exposure, and it will regenerate on its own... Yes, you can treat it as a plant.

But most importantly..."


He snapped his fingers, and a green light flashed. The Spider suit transformed back into the acorn necklace!

"It can be easily stored. This is a technology that even Tony's armor hasn't achieved temporarily. Although he plans to use nanotechnology to build his armor, it will take at least a year or two.

Using magic, this is a mature technology—

Your acorn necklace comes directly from Malorn and has a steady stream of nature magic power. I have just given you my magic mark, and you can control it on and off with your thoughts."

"This... is amazing!"

Peter repeatedly tested taking off and putting on the suit with an ecstatic expression. Then he pounced on Oaks and hugged him:

"Thank you, Chairman! Haha, now no one will know my identity!"

"Indeed, children love big toys."

Oaks pulled Peter down and messed up his hair again.

"Alright kid, do as you wish... Oh, by the way, let me tell you something."


"This suit of yours is the No. 0 experimental model. If you use it well, give me lots of feedback. This technology will be applied to the Benevolent Society's work uniforms in the future.

Of course, they don't need to cover their faces... but their working conditions are very challenging, do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand!"

Peter's expression became serious. So, he is actually a tester!?

Indeed, if this technology is used in work uniforms, the safety of Benevolent Society members working in various harsh environments can be greatly ensured!

"Don't worry, Chairman. I will make good use of this suit!"

"Good, go then."

Watching Peter leave happily, Oaks rubbed his temples and sat back on the sofa.

"There shouldn't be any major events lately, right?"


Malorn's voice sounded somewhat strange.

"The Wakandan envoy is requesting an audience."



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