City protection battle (Part 1)

Nobody had to say anything to the people in this hall as all students who had any respectable level of power rushed out to the defense wall. This naturally included our three friends.

At the wall there were already about six hundred thousand people on this side of the wall standing and observing the plains outside the walls with more gathering by the second. They were divided into two distinct groups. those who worked for the kingdom's army and those who were more like free lancing adventurers, also known as the hunters. 

From the hall, the fastest to arrive was naturally Orion. the second, third and fourth were two girls and a boy. The boy arrived in a flash of white lightning, the girl in a flash of white light and the third person seemed to just appear like she had always been there.

[Name: Victor Guile]

[Ability name: Power Up]

[Ability Flaw: Break down]

[Name: Victoria Lightspeed]

[Ability Name: Speed Up]

[Ability Flaw: Break down]

The last person was naturally Alia. The boy and girl looked at each other for a quick second before the girl, Victoria said with a cheeky smile, "I was faster than you by a whole half a second this time. Guess you've gotten even slower."

The boy, Victor, responded with a click of his tongue, "Yeah yeah, keep being cheeky over there. If you aren't careful I'll just overtake you before you know it."

"I find that a difficult future to see though." Victoria replied with the same smile and a playful tone.

In the entire school, there were three well known love stories. The first was naturally Alia's string of rejections. The second was dubbed the love tale of two speedsters.

The two people in this tale, Victoria and Victor, were also known to like each other. Then why didn't they also start dating? Because, in the crudest and simplest way to say it, they were too chicken to ask each other out. 

So what did their classmates do? They made them both reach an agreement. Whoever was the slowest of the two by graduation day would be the one to confess and ask the other out.

In other words, they arranged a race to find out who was the fastest.

While they were still bickering, more people arrived at the wall while the rest of the students arrived too, actually waiting for the transporation network of the huge city to bring them here.

Basically everyone with any type of ability that allowed enhanced vision activated it to see the horde approaching. This naturally included the students as their resident best scouting trio made their presence known.

[Name: Amanda Aspervide; Ability: All seer; Flaw: Crippled]

[Name: Felix Amalgamite; Ability: Amalgamate; Flaw: N/A]

[Name: Maxwell Vilorax; Ability: Hard light; Flaw: N/A]

Though not known for any funny or scandalous story, The last two are especially known for one particular thing. They had no flaws or weaknesses to their abilities anymore. They had it easy as their cures weren't difficult to find from their locations.

Maxwell's ability allowed him to manipulate light to become solid and also to create hard light himself. It was a very versatile ability that allowed him to create anything he could think of as long as he had sufficient knowledge on its structure and enough energy.

Felix had a pretty self explanatory ability. he could combine up to three separate things whether living, non-living or metaphysical things into something that was a combination of all their traits.

He couldn't combine a living and non-living thing together or even any of those with a metaphysical thing either as that was beyond his ability scope. He also couldn't hold more than one combination at a time

Amanda's ability allowed her to see anything anywhere with very high and clear detail in a 2000 kilometer radius as long as her energy reserves allowed it. Which meant that if she had infinite energy then she could literally see further than the bonds between atoms. It also had no delay in transmission from source to destination.

Her weakness was just as glaring as the advantages of her ability. Her crippled flaw didn't only mean the inability to move her limbs but also the inability to move energy to anywhere except her mind and her superpower organ, which was also located at the literal center of her brain. 

In other words she had active but relatively weak organs but very much enhanced mental capabilities.

Now what would happen if you combined those three abilities together? You got a really high resolution television display with real time sights of anywhere within a 2000 kilometer radius in real time. 

Max even had to learn the workings of a speaker to be able to even get sound at the same time. As I said, his ability was increadibly versatile.

What they saw was a veritable dark swarm of multiple types abominations making their way towards their location. It was entirely clear that being infected by the madness definitely didn't do them any good when it came to external aesthetics and appearances. 

All of them except for a very few looked like an amalgamation of claws, limbs, tails, tentacles, mouths, eyes, and other appendages just with different numbers of the appendages and their arrangements.

Some carried resemblances to four legged creatures of old, some looked like flying beasts and insects and some were even humanoid but with horrid features of varying types.

None of them really batted an eyelid to this horid and vomit inducing wall of flesh, bones, scales and shells moving towards them. They were clearly used to them at this point as this wasn't the first time anyone of them had seen them.

As Orion saw them being displayed he asked while trying and failing to try to hide the disgust and hatred brewing in him; "Do you see any of the stronger ones out there? Any grade two's, three's or four's out there?"

"I haven't noticed any four's but I've seen quite a lot of three's and a large number of two's out there.", Amanda replied to him while using dots to mark all the higher level threats who were towards the back of the wave. A total of 601000 dots were higlighted on a map that appeared on another screen with 600000 coloured red and 1000 a dark purple. 

It wasn't hard to guess which colour represented what as she went on to explain; " There are a total of 600,000 grade twos and 1000 grade threes in the wave. One is more difficult to spot so it is assumed to be one focused on stealth."

At that point their communication devices rang and as they all looked at it to see an overview of the threat arriving to the city. "I stand corrected. 1000 grade threes and one grade four.", she said as she looked at the map and crossed referenced it with her own to mark the grade four she didn't notice initially.

After identifying and marking it with an even darker shade of purple, she updated her map and transformed it into a 3D scan of the terrrain for the next 100 kilometers as the wave had reached the 95th kilometer mark since when they started speaking.

They could now be seen with the naked eye by now. If you looked towards the horizon a storm cloud that flashed with lightning once in a while anounced the arrival of the wave which, in all seriousnes, looked like an actual wave was making it's way towards them at a frightening pace.

Everyone got ready as all forms of chatter ceased as all hunters, soldiers and students put on solemn expressions.

As the highest level personnel here, it fell on Orion's shoulders to give a little motivational speech.

(Authour Note: Unfortunately for you all I was never and may never be good at giving these kinds of talks so imma skip it.)

After his little speech the soldiers were riled up and seemed ready to give it their all in this coming battle. Even the hunters and students were incredibly moved by it. Well, apart from three students.

The first was Alexander who could be argued that he couldn't be moved by anything, the second was a character that hadn't been mentioned before but was increadibly familiar. She had Silver hair just like her younger sister but didn't close her eyes, showing off a pair of hypnotically green eyes.

She wore a mini skirt with tights underneath them and a sports bra while her hair was up in a ponytail. Coupled with her jacket and the spear she was holding and leaning on while sitting down and trying hard not to doze of, she looked pretty cool even though she was just seconds away from dozing of and not even listening.

[Name: Maria Demenion ; Ability: Negative emotional energy manipulation; Flaw: Anhedonia]

(A/N: Long story short, she has difficulty feeling positive emotions)

She, as you might have guessed from the name, was Alia's older twin sister. Her superpowers were a deviation from the regular path of the members of the Demenion household who mostly had space and time type powers. But that didn't mean that her abilities were in any way weak.

She was just a champion at feeling negative emotions and little positive ones, hence her lackluster response.

Thirty seconds after his speech ended was when the wave made contact with the first line of defense, The space/ heat shield. 

This marvel of their Neo-energy technology was created by the combined efforts of the Thermes and Demenion household for the sole purpose of burning monsters in a speedy and tourtuous way.

It was a hundred meters of space compressed to half a meter and chalked full of volatile heat energy for the sole purpose of cooking, then burning, then creamating into ash any creature that passes through it.

Some of the less brain dead ones noticed and tried to enter from other sides by skirting the surface of the barrier for openings but little did they know that the damned barrier extended around the entire city.

Unable to hold the madness they also rushed into the barrier and found themselves burnt to death.

Their actions made more monsters to start circling the barrier as they were all spread out, circling the city to enter from all directions.

Though it didn't realy matter where they entered from as the end of the weaker ones was the same no matter where they entered from.

Needless to say, the lowest of the lower tier ones were the vestiges who suffered the most as a good 9% of the Tier 1's never made it past the first obstacle. A majority of the tier 1's also suffered burns that ranged from severe to light while the rest were not really affected but instead suffered from some singed hair at worst.

The next line of defense was provided by the Evergreen family and could be said to be the best of all the traps set when it came to dealing with large swath's of enemies at a time.

When the first monsters crossed the invisible threshold and their blood and pieces of flesh hit the ground, vines started growing from the floor to meet them, puncturing their flesh to drain more blood until it couldn't move and then ate the flesh, leaving the harder to digest bones behind.

The nutrients gained were then used to grow even more plants which sucked the lives of even more beasts as the cycle continued.

For the next two hundred meters from all around the city, plants grew at absurd paces by absorbing the nutrients from the vestiges that stepped on their seeds by puncturing their skins or entering through any open hole on their bodies.

They also rapidly grew in both directions, both trying to meet the ones that managed to get past them and the ones that were moving towards them from the direction of the sheild.

After growing for a while some would launch seeds into the air and once they landed on any monster they would attempt to grow by absorbing the nutrients from it.

Some of the monsters with tougher skin managed to not be affected while other stronger tier 1's even used their abilities to break through.

These seeds were mostly meant for them as they basically grew from within immediately after landing in an opening on their bodies and making them explode in a gory explotion or just drying them out while leaving their dry skin and spraying more seeds in order to continue the cycle.

This made a forest of plants that was rapidly expanding until it grew to about 20 kilometers wide before slowing down.

Sadly, no matter how wondrous those two traps sounded they were still left to act on their own and didn't have any sentient minds guiding their actions.

But that didn't really matter much as the two of them combined managed to wipe out 20% of the nearly 100 million tier 1's and counting before they managed to get out, making the battle that was about to come a little bit easier.