The power of the graduating class (Part 1)

Explosions rang through the night as different colours from different types of energy blasts flashed on the battlefield. 

Limbs, torsos and heads of humans and monsters alike could be seen in different parts of the floor covered in different types of wounds. 

Blasts from turrets and machine guns manned by people rang out all over the place as the soldiers let loose with reckless abandon.

Pieces of metals from mechs and vehicles littered the place along with the groans and screams from the injured soldiers. 

Flying aircrafts also began falling down when they could no longer be ept airborne either due to damages or the death of their pilots.

The soldiers were not really faring well as it became clear that the relatively small number of soldiers could no longer reliably fight off the vestiges.

Soldier after soldier started to die in battle in different gruesome ways and some were even being consumed by the vestiges. 

The ones who saw this were naturally enraged and blasted more and more monsters apart with more fervor before being killed themselves.


"Die you wretched beasts!"

"You'll pay for what you did to him!"

Screams and curses were being shouted out as the surviving humans became more and more enraged when more and more of their friends died befor their eyes.

One particular side of the battlfield had it the worst as they were being attacked by at least 20 tier threes.

The soldiers were dropping the fastest here and it wouldn't be long before they got past here and reached the walls of the city.

"This is Colonel Maor reporting from the sixth defense troup! Major general Chris has been severely wounded and is in need of urgent medical care! The soldiers are also in need of urgent care here and we will all soon be dead! I estimate it won't be another fifteen minutes before we are wiped out and the walls are breached! We need backup now!!", a man piloting a half destroyed mech said while blasting a limb off of one tier three and cutting the head off another.

He was an example of what had been happening around the battlfield for a while. Poeple were either evolving their abilities of even finding cures for their flaws in the middle of the battle.

He managed to do both as that was why he was able to fight off so many tier threes, basically holding up this entire part of the defense line on his own.

But it was clear that he was approaching his limits as after he cut off the head of that one, another one that looked like a bipedal cockroach with bones for an exoskeleton managed to cut off that limb before it also lost it's head.

He was already prepared to give his life on this part of the battlfield so that he would be able to buy at least a little more time when, suddenly, all of his raging emotions seemed to leave him and then a red pulse ran over his side of the battlefield.

All the monsters froze their attacks before their madness and frenzied eyes became even more deranged as they all turned to look in a specific direction at once.

There, a woman in clothes that seemed too little for a battlefield stood with tatoos all over her body and a spear in hand.

One look at said tattos seemed to make even the smarter than average tier threes loose all sense of reason as they all abandoned what they were doing and charged at her.

The woman in question also shouted in a rage-filled voice before turning round and running,"Yes, that's right you ugly bastards, follow me!".

Her voice seemed to engrage them further as they chased after her, not even hesitateing or slowing down after stepping all over each other, all of them hoping to be the first one to reach her and bite off a piece of her flesh.

They all chased after her as if she was the one who killed what was most precious to them, not even minding anything else in their surroundings.

Maor, who was very much ready to die on this battlefield, just looked towards the direction they left with a lost expression on his face.

He looked around and found out that this phenomenon happened to every person on this section on the battlefield as long as they were still alive.

Then, the lost emotions came back just as fast as they went but all that was in the minds of all the soldiers that witnessed that spectacle was one thing, 'What the heck did I just witness?'.

Then, with a flash of white light and a few flashes of lightning, all the injured soldiers were gathered in one location with a few large crates of bottles in front of them while the ones that were still standing suddenly found a bottle in their hands which they identified as a healing potion. 

While they were all still baffled by what just happened, the earpiece of colonel Maor rang out in his ear. "What is the situation colonel! We need a status update about the suituation now!".

Still shocked about the situation, the colonel answered with the same bewildered expression on his face, "Uhh, the vestiges in this area have been taken care of. We will be ready to assist other areas after a few minutes when we have healed a bit."

What followed that confusing reply was a series of events whose effects were felt across the battlfield.


Maria, who was the woman that lured the vestiges away, couldn't help but curse the fact that her abilities made this part of the plan suit her very well.

'Damn it. What annoys me more than the fact that I'm being used as bait is the fact that I couldn't even come up with a good enough reason to refuse his plans.', she said while running over and dodging obstacles in order to get to the ambush point while gathering even more monsters on the way.

This train of vestiges didn't go unnoticed as more and more were being gathered by the moment, offering a moving target for the bombs and turrets to launch on without fear of friendly fire.

If somehow a monster was about to catch up to her she would either unnaturally speed up or the monster would unnaturally slow down, the monster would suddenly be split into two or more peices, or even flaming arrows would bombard them, blasting them to smitherines.

She didn't really pay attention to all that as she was more focused of running forward as fast as she could while using her ability to gather up energy for the next phase of the plan.

Her ability, Negative Emotional energy manipulation was a very diverse and useful one. 

Not to be confused with the ability to just affect emotions on the negative spectrum, she had the absurd ability to even amplify the effects negative emotions had on a person. 

For example, when a person fights with a lot of anger, they seem even stronger than they usually would be in a situation where they were calm, drawing up more power from seemingly nowhere. 

Such things were caused by an influx of emotional energy transforming the energy in the body into a more potent and powerful version, albeit also causing a deterioration in mental state.

Her ability would allow her to not only amplify the positive effects but also take out the negative effects on the mental state almost entirely.

She could also siphon all forms of negative emotions from a target, leaving them with only the positive side of the spectrum and transforming the negative emotional energy into whatever type she wanted.

Her ability made her the literal worst nightmare for any person to face as they would have even their will to fight affected by her while she uses it to empower herself.

And now she had been given free rein to a battlefield, a place where negaitve emotions reined with the amount of death and suffering here. 

In this environment, her energy reserves could be said to be infinite.

She still had to avoid overdrawing the emotional energy into her body as the emotions could very much affect her as much as it affected others, not to mention her flaw which made it all to easy to mistake a friend from foe and attack them.

She finally arrived at the boundary of the artificial forest, where the ambush point was set to be with a little more than 1000 tier 2's and 19 tier 3's following her with madness on their faces.

[I've reached the ambush point. All vestiges will be within distance in three, two, one, now!], Immediately after she finished counting down, the artificial forest behind the vestiges suddenly began to close up, trapping the beasts inside.

Scores of ranged attacks began bombarding the vestiges from all drections as even the forest became their enemy.

But unlike it's earlier form as a trap, this forest was actively trying to destroy them by targeting open places in their bodies and tangling them with vines, branches and roots to restrict their movements. 

Slowly but surely, the monsters were being separated from each other while they made sure they couldn't affect each other by the trees and vines growing to block their paths.

This left only one tier three in the area, which looked like a leopard with sixteen tails that all ended in stingers with half it's face melted and the other half bare bones, with a red light shining where it's eye was supposed to be.

Maria turned around with a disgruntled expression and said, "Finally. I'm sooo going to enjoy taking out my frustratons on you!", all while the tatoos on her body glowed a very ominous red, even extending to her eyes.

Seconds later, she dashed at the tier three with her spear in hand to initiate the fight with a vicious smile on her face.